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Unhooked 2020 Initiative Encourages Young Christians to 'Unhook' from Pornography

Unhooked 2020 Initiative Encourages Young Christians to 'Unhook' from Pornography Read Transcript

- Well Valentine's Day is approaching,

and one movement hopes toencourage young Christians

to break free from datingtrends in today's culture.

Regent University recently hosted

the Unhooked Purity ina Pornified World event.

Special guests andpanelits talked about ways

to remain pure in the face of pornography

that is more available than ever.

And here to tell us more about that event,

which will be televisedcoming up this week,

is Ashley Key.

- Yeah, hi.

- Thanks for telling us about this.

- Of course, yeah.

- What was yourinspiration for this event?

- Well last year was the first ever

Unhooked series CBN did.

So last year we talked about singleness

and dating and abstainingfrom the hook-up culture,

and really un-hookingourselves from the world

and hooking ourselves to God's word

and living pure,

you know what he really calls

all of his kids to do.

And so once we tackled that last year

we were like okay well

what are we gonna talk about this year?

And you can't talk aboutsexuality and living pure

without talking about theissue of pornography today

because 70% of people inthe church watch porn.

That is a problem.

- Well it's so interestingbecause it's so accessible.

I mean even when you don't want something

it's popping up on your phone.

- Exactly.

- So what was the tone?

What were some of theideas that were presented?

Some takeaways that people were given.

- Yeah, so we had amazing guests

who were part of the panel.

The panel's gonna add next Friday,

on Valentine's Day.

We heave Brittni De La More,

who was actually in the porn industry

as a film star for seven years.

So we talked to her,

we talked to her husband.

We talked to Chaz Smith,

who's a really popular YouTuber.

He's about a 20 something year old guy

who is open and hoenstabout his porn struggle,

and still fighting that temptation.

Because the whole thing with un-hooked is

purity is so much morethan just sexual purity.

That's one aspect,

but what we've talked about,

the conversation is purity is

purity of heart, purityof mind, purity of spirit.

And that then leads tophysical sexual purity.

- [Heather] What did you pick up,

or what surprised you from some

of the things that thepanelists were talking about?

- [Ashley] Man, you know, Iwas honestly very surprised

by Chaz Smith.

He was really open and honest.

Most everyone who we talked to

were like yeah, you know we hadtwo ladies that we spoke to,

they were addicted to pornography,

that's another, that's something,

honestly that surprised me

was a lot of people think that pornography

is just a struggle that guys go through,

but it's also for females too.

We struggle with pornography'cause it's so accessible.

But I was really surprised

at just their transparency.

Chaz opened up and just said, you know,

I still struggle with it.

I'm not on the other side,

but I'm here to help you guys know

that you're not alone

because transparency andaccountability is key

in overcoming a pornography addiction.

- So it sounds likemore the focus in terms

of prevention is on the front end

and where your thoughts are as opposed to

maybe the back end, trying to figure out

how to manipulate your phone.

- Honestly it's both.

It's both.

I mean we talked about both.

We spoke with Jessica Harris

who was a porn addict.

She grew up in the church,

addicted to pornography,

and she really gave somereally good advice to parents.

You know I asked her what advice

do you have for parents

who are finding out that their kids

are watching porn?

Or what advice do you giveto parents to prevent that?

And she gave some reallygood tips on that as well.

So we do kind of do both things.

- And any plans for next year?

Will this continue on--

- I think so.

- or that remains to be seen?

- I think it's gonna continue on.

I'm not sure what thetopic will be next year,

but we have to continueto talk about these things

'cause it's needed.

We have to break free of the taboo topic

and just talk about it and be honest.

- And we live in a culturewhere we're being bombarded,

even at the Super Bowl halftime show,

which everyone was talking about.

- Exactly.


- And details on where peoplecan watch this and when.

- All they have to do isjust go to

starting the 10th, Monday February 10th,

that's where all the content will be.

In addition to that, if peoplewanna take their freedom

a little bit further,

we hae a course called Set Free.

All you have to do is sign up for that.

That is a really great resource

to just encourage you.

It's a video online course withthe discipleship community.

All that involved.

Just go to

- Okay.

Well this is a great ministry.

Thanks for sharing with us.

- Thanks so much.


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