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Palestinians Claim Status of Jerusalem is Key to Their Rejection of Trump Peace Plan

Palestinians Claim Status of Jerusalem is Key to Their Rejection of Trump Peace Plan Read Transcript

- [Julie] Palestinian Authority,

President Mahmoud Abbas,

rejected Jerusalem as theundivided capital of Israel.

- [Interpreter] Shortlyafter it was unveiled,

saying a Palestinianstate without Jerusalem,

I immediately rejected the solution.

I will not have it recorded in my history,

in the history of the country,

that I sold Jerusalem.

- [Julie] US Ambassadorto Israel, David Friedman,

explains the Jerusalem part of the deal.

- Jerusalem is an undividedcity within a security barrier.

And under the Trump plan,

that undivided city withinthe security barrier

would be 100% under Israeli sovereignty

with the Temple Mountretaining the status quo.

- [Julie] The Temple Mount isunder Israeli security control

and Jordanian religious authority.

- Beyond the security barrier,

you still have municipal Jerusalem

and in that area thereis territory earmarked

for a Palestinian capital.

- [Julie] Abu Dis is part of that area.

But Abu Dis Mayor, Ahmad Abu Hilal,

told CBN News that's a non-starter.

- We refuse that thing.

For me as the mayor of Abu Dis,

I refuse to be the capital of Palestine.

I'm a part of Jerusalem.

- [Julie] In 1996, thePalestinian Authority broke ground

to build a parliament building in Abu Dis.

It was going to be theirJerusalem seat of government.

But the building was never completed.

- [Abu] They built the parliament

because used Abu Dis as part of Jerusalem.

They have no walls here,now they put in the walls.

- [Julie] Israel built thesecurity barrier in Jerusalem

more than 15 years ago,

at the height of thesecond Palestinian intifada

to prevent terroristsfrom entering the city.

From a rooftop in Abu Dis,

overlooking the securitybarrier and Jerusalem beyond,

it's easy to see how thetwo sides were once one.

- We use to walk here,we go into Jerusalem.

Before the wall, every night,

we'd be in Jerusalemand watching the cinema.

- This is Al-Aizaria.

A mostly Muslim town underthe Palestinian Authority,

just over a mile from Jerusalem.

It's also known as Bethany in the Bible,

the place where Jesus raisedLazarus from the dead.

Al-Aizaria Mayor IssamFaroun said the Trump plan

misses the point about Jerusalem.

- The importance of thisarea, Al-Aizaria, Abu Dis,

and other villages herehave it's importance

because we are surrounding Jerusalem.

Without our Jerusalem,we are nothing here.

- [Interpreter] I'm telling you

I hope so the peace is coming back.

That's what we need,everybody needs the peace.

The peace is good for everybody.

- [Julie] But with thePalestinian rejection of the plan,

it's not likely a peace dealwill be signed any time soon.

Julie Stahl, CBN News,Abu Dis and Al-Aizaria.


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