Last Year VA Dems Stunned Nation with Abortion Till Birth, Now Their Agenda Is Flooding Through
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- Democrats have controlof the legislature,
and governors mansion, forthe first time in decades,
and they're wasting no time
turning the commonwealth's laws blue.
- I've been in academiafor 30 years or so,
and it's been trickle, trickle, trickle,
but boy lately, it's justbeen coming at us full speed.
- [Heather] One of the first moves,
ratifying the equal rights amendment.
The deadline passed decades ago, but now,
the Virginia attorneygeneral and two other states,
are suing to have itadded to the Constitution.
That was followed by gun restrictions
many thought impossible in Virginia.
And new protections for LGBTQ people.
It's astounding, consideringwhere the state was
just one year ago.
Virginia and the nation was shocked
after this exchange thatrevealed a democratic push
to allow abortion upuntil the moment of birth.
- [Todd] Where it's obvious that a woman
is about to give birth,
she has physical signs thatshe's about to give birth.
Would that still be a point
at which she could request an abortion,
if she was so certified?
She's dilating.
- My bill would allow that, yes.
- [Heather] The measure failed,
but this is a new year.
Now democrats areeagerly rolling back laws
intended to reduce abortions,
like the 24 hour waiting period,
a required ultrasound before an abortion,
so a woman can see her child,
and information about alternatives,
including how to getassistance for prenatal care.
- We are discussing repealing provisions
that have been added onover the past 20 years,
that shame women, thatimpair their ability
to make their own decisions.
- [Heather] Republicansargue taking away these tools
put women back in the dark.
- Instead of informingand educating women,
we're telling them for 24 hours,
you don't need to know theinformation in that ultrasound.
Make a decision withouthaving all of the facts.
I thought we were about empowering women?
- [Heather] Soon, nurse practitioners
and physicians assistants
will be allowed to perform abortions.
While many Virginians are surprised
at the speedy changes,
it's exactly what democratsseeking control promised.
- If we have the majority,
the work of a lifetime isthe work of two afternoons.
- Governor Ralph Northam, a democrat,
who is a pediatric neurologist by trade,
is expected to sign the newabortion policy into law,
along with other new liberal policies
passed by the legislature.
Heather Sells, "CBN News".