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Redeeming Decades of Addiction

When Brian first began experimenting with pot and alcohol as a child, he had no idea it would lead to addiction and felonies. Read Transcript

- I was introduced to cocaine,

and I found that I could bring that drug

to a town that didn't have any cocaine

and pretty much met the need

of the people I wassmoking marijuana with.

- [Announcer] Brian Blevinswas raised in the church,

and his parents were Christians,

but he says it never felt personal.

- We would, we would hear,you know, about Jesus

and I knew the stories in the Bible,

I just thought it was just religion,

and I didn't have anyrelationship at all with God.

- [Announcer] His fatherwas a good provider,

but worked long hours, andplayed music on the weekends,

which caused Brian to feel rejected.

- There was a lot of weekendsthat he would be away.

I probably felt like he couldhave been around more often.

- [Announcer] Brian wasa straight-laced student

who got good grades,

until he began spendingtime at a relative's house.

- That's where I was really introduced

to alcohol and marijuana.

- [Announcer] Brianhoped to go to college,

but was hungover when hetook the entrance exam.

With few other career optionsin his rural Indiana home,

he turned to selling drugs.

- I really didn't seethe need for college,

because there was so much money in selling

the drug that I was using.

There was a lotta pride and a lotta greed.

You know, there was a status, too,

of having control of things,yet I was outta control.

- [Announcer] As a result of his dealing,

Brian had four felonies by thetime he was in his mid-20s.

- I was arrested for methamphetamine,

and when I was introducedto heroin, I fell in love

with something that couldfill every void inside of me.

I would never tell myselfthat I had a problem.

You know, I would blame other people.

- [Announcer] All the while,Brian's parents prayed for him.

- We prayed for him every day.

We thought some early morning hour,

we'd get a call saying that hewas in a wreck or overdosed.

- [Announcer] In 2015, Brian was attending

Thanksgiving dinner with his family

when he got a big surprise.

- I was arrested, and I was put in jail,

and I was so full of shame,guilt, and condemnation

that I couldn't pick up thetelephone and call my parents

because I was, you know,so ashamed of who I become.

- [Announcer] Brian'sfather asked a family friend

to visit him in prison.

- And he looked at me,and he said, "Brian,"

he said, "If you die today,"he said, "where would you go?"

I was separated from God.

You know, I didn't have a relationship,

and he really talked to meabout a life with Jesus,

and being able to repent,you know, for my sins,

and that He would take away my past,

and that's when, you know,I gave my heart to Jesus.

- [Announcer] Brian wentback to his jail cell.

- And I said, God, if you'rereal, it's gonna take a miracle

to help rid me of what's inside,

and I said, I'll goanywhere, I'll do anything,

and I'll say anything,

and I'll give you all thepraise, honor, and glory.

- [Announcer] Shortly after that,

Brian went before a judge for sentencing.

- He said, "Brian," hesaid, "I'm gonna let you

"write your prescriptionto your recovery,"

and he gave me an opportunity

to serve my six years on house arrest.

- [Announcer] Brian alsogot involved with AA

and Celebrate Recovery.

- I saw experience, strength, and hope

from some other people,and they were talking

about getting clean and staying clean.

This selfish, pridefulperson became humble

and I no longer was a victim.

I really want to, I really want to fix

all the relationships in my life.

- [Announcer] Today, Brian andhis parents are close again,

and he also runs Hope House,

a program for recovering addictsin Hartford City, Indiana.

- I get to minister Christ,

and witness my storythrough my experience,

so I just try to meet the needsof the recovery community,

and in doing that, it really helps me

to maintain my sobriety.

- There was a time whenI used to tell Brian,

I said, "Brian, why can'tyou be more like your dad

"and do the right thing?"

And now, I wish I could be more like him.

- God's grace in my life

has just been so good and so amazing,

I just try to do my bestto seek His face every day,

and to share His grace withthose I come in contact with.


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