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Brought Back From a Heart Attack

While playing softball, Ken suffered a massive heart attack. Doctors believed there was little reason to hold onto hope. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] It wasthe bottom of the eighth

in the Over 50 Softball League

Semi-Final Championship Game.

Ken Davis had a line drive to left field

that he thought he could stretch

into an infield home run.

- He was running from third to home

and there was a play at home and he ended

up getting thrown outand he was walking over

to the dugout and he gotto this spot right here

and he fell.

- [Announcer] Ken, who had always been

the picture of health, now lay motionless

as people sprang into action.

- And they rolled him over.

He had scratches here andscratches on his face,

so we thought he busted his nose actually

'cause there was bloodall around his mouth.

- [Announcer] When theyrealized he was unresponsive,

two of the players, a retired firefighter

and retired EMT started CPR.

- I turned to a buddy of mine, Rick Carter

and I said we just needto pray, we need to pray.

- [Announcer] Two calls went out,

one to 911, the otherto Ken's wife, Vicki,

who was in Tennessee visiting family.

(phone ringing)

Not recognizing the number, she let it

go to voicemail, but moments later,

something told her she should check it.

- The voicemail said,"Hi, this is Gene Smith.

"I am with the softball league,

"and it appears that yourhusband is having some issues.

"It appears to be his heart.

"I'm so very sorry.

"911 has been called and theambulance is on their way."

- [Announcer] Although 900 miles away,

Vicki and her family did what they could.

- We just prayed, askedthe Lord to keep him safe.

I have a choice right now.

I have a choice to believe it,

or I have a choice to worry.

And I'm gonna make a choice right now

to believe that he is okay.

We've asked God the Father.

And so when I verbally madethat conscious decision

to say I'm am gonna believe God,

I immediately felt peaceful.

- [Announcer] Meanwhile, first responders

of the Brevard CountyFire Rescue were in route.

Based on the initial report,

they felt there was little reason

for anyone to hold onto hope.

- He had died at that point

and there was resuscitationattempts being performed.

Typically when we go to a CPR in progress

for cardiac arrest, again, the outcome's

typically not good.

- [Announcer] Back at the field,over 10 minutes had passed.

Despite the heroic efforts,

Ken still wasn't responding.

- And I was just praying whatever

the Holy Spirit put on my heart to pray

and just was lifting up everybody

that was working on himand just was praying

that the EMTs and the fire department,

whoever, would get here quick.

- [Announcer] Then, someonearrived with an AED machine

they found on the otherside of the complex.

They quickly hooked Ken up

and shocked his heart.

They got a pulse.

Moments later, thefirefighter EMTs arrived

as Ken was just coming to.

- He was responding whenwe got there on scene

and he had stable vitalsigns at that time.

- We started Ivs, westarted cardiac monitoring.

We didn't want him to goback into the arrhythmia

that had caused him tobecome unresponsive.

- It is unusual to have a patient that had

a cardiac event and to have them,

you know, completely conscious.

- [Announcer] They quickly stabilized Ken

and sent him in an ambulanceto the nearest hospital.

After a barrage of tests, doctors still

weren't sure what was wrong

and scheduled an exploratorysurgery for the next day.

Finally Ken was able to call Vicki.

- It was a great relief to hear his voice,

to know at least that he was conscious.

Of course, I was cryingand he was emotional.

- I told her I was fine and

I told her I loved her and she loved me.

- [Announcer] Vicki caught an early flight

the next day, arriving inthe hospital just minutes

before Ken went in for surgery.

- Immediately walked in the room

and gave him a big hug.

Saw him there, of coursehe had tubes all over

and his face was a wreck.

That is when it really hit me.

Like, wow, this wastruly, truly a miracle.

- [Announcer] In surgery,Ken's cardiologist

discovered the problem,

a 90% blockage in his left main artery,

also know as the Widow Maker.

Two stents restored blood flow.

- It's a very, very rare thingwhen somebody survives it.

And he at that moment saidyou are lucky to be alive.

You are a miracle.

- This was a God thing.

He had everybody orchestrated here

to be able to do the workto save this man's life.

- I really believe thatthis was a miracle.

I mean there was no way that

without the actions ofthe people on the field,

the experience they had and the miracle

of just having all those guysthere that night praying.

There were just so manymiracles all around.

I'm just thankful that thosemiracles were in place.

- As I looked back on the incident,

I completely see God inevery step of the way.

- [Announcer] Ken was puton medications and released

a few days later.

He still enjoys an active life

and is quick to shareGod's miraculous power

whenever he can.

- God is always in control.

He's gonna work through people

and he's gonna put thepeople in the right place.

There's a purpose for us being here,

there's a purpose for me being here now.

You just can't take life for granted.

There's always somethingthat's gonna happen

and God's in control.

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