The U.S. Senate readies for President Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial. President Trump gets praise for his efforts to protect student’s rights to pray. As pressure builds on the Iranian regime, we hear from the Middle East on what the ...
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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
Welcome to this edition of CBN Newswatch,
I'm Mark Martin.
President Donald Trump's impeachment trial
is set to begin Tuesday of next week.
U.S. Supreme Court ChiefJustice John Roberts
will oversee the trial.
The Senators were sworn in on Thursday.
- Bible and raise your right hand.
- Will all Senators nowstand, or remain standing,
and raise their right hand.
Do you solemnly swear thatin all things appertaining
to the trial of the impeachmentof Donald John Trump,
President of the UnitedStates, now pending,
you will do impartial justice
according to the Constitutionand laws so help you God?
- [Together] We do.
- I can only tell you--- President Trump
once again called it apartisan effort and a hoax.
He's expected to be acquittedbecause it would take
a super majority of 67 Senatorsto vote for impeachment.
President Trump useshis Presidential pulpit
to stand up for religious rights
and takes first stepsto reinforce protections
for prayer in schools Thursday.
It's an effort to giveguidance to school officials
and students about whatis and isn't allowed
when it comes to religiousexpression in public schools.
- This afternoon we're proudly announcing
historic steps to protectthe First Amendment
right to pray in public schools.
- To remind the Chief Education Officers
in all 50 states that studentshave the right to pray
at their own direction, togather at their own direction,
to bring the Bible toschool if they choose to,
to bring the Quran or the Torah in.
- [Mark] The White Housealso planning to streamline
the federal complaint process for students
to alert authorities of discrimination.
In 1962 the Supreme Court banned
public school-sponsored prayer
while allowing students to privately meet
and pray on school grounds.
That decision has sometimesbeen misinterpreted
as banning all religiousexpression in public schools
resulting in court battles andmore Supreme Court rulings.
Evangelicals see those casesas part of a larger battle
over the place of Biblicalvalues in America.
In the oval office CBN's, David Brodwin,
raised that issue with the President.
- [David] Where are yourviews on this cultural war
that we--- Well, it is
a cultural war and you have two sides.
You have a side that believesso strongly in prayer
and they're being restricted
and it's getting worse and worse
and I think we've made a big impact
and we're loosening up a lot
and I wanna loosen it up totally.
But you do have, you havethings happening today
that 10 or 15 years ago would've been
unthinkable what's happening.
- President Trump has a strongsupport among Evangelicals.
The latest polls show 77%of white Evangelical voters
approve of his job performance.
Evangelical leader, Dr. James Dobson
praised the President's action.
The founder of, Focus On The Family,
said in this statement,
"I've lived long enoughto remember well a time
when public prayer wasexpected and appreciated,
even in schools.
I've also lived long enoughto see the consequences
of our societal disregardof The Ten Commandments
and the eternal truth they represent.
We should celebrate theadministration's vital efforts
to protect our religious freedom.
But such work is in vain ifwe don't seize the opportunity
to live out our faithand thereby transform
the heart of this nation."
Overseas for the first time in years
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei ledFriday's prayers in Tehran.
It's a sign of how muchpressure the regime is feeling.
Now with crippling sanctions,
and Iranians protesting in the streets,
some people wonder ifthis could be the moment
the Iranian regime will fall.
Here's one perspective from, Reza Pahlavi,
the son of the former Shah of Iran,
who spoke this week inWashington's Hudson Institute.
- I think people smell the opportunity
for the first time in 40 years this time,
very different than 2009
even very different from 1997.
The people have had it.
Today's generation of young Iranian
cannot take it anymore.
They wanna have an opportunityfor a better future.
They want to be on the pathof modernity and freedom.
The only thing that stands between them
and the free world is this regime.
- Our, Chris Mitchell,joins us from Jerusalem
with more.
Chris, is Reza Pahlavi one alternative
to the Iranian regime?
- Yeah, Mark, he is one alternative.
He's not the only alternative
though he is an alternativethat many people in Washington
would be looking for.
He's the son of the Shah of Iran
that was disposed 40 years ago.
But there are many opposition groups
representing many of theethnic groups all over Iran.
You know we're talking aboutpossible regime change.
There's two big questionsto remember, Mark.
What is gonna happen tothe security apparatus?
These are some of the Bajees,
you see these securityofficials out on the street
beating people and shooting protestors.
You know the hope is that they could turn
away from the regime andturn with the people.
In fact you seeconfrontations of the people
telling the Bajees, come withus, go against the regime,
we'll see if that happens.
And then, maybe thisis too far in advance,
but if the regime did fall
what kind of transition would it be?
Would it be a violent one?
Could it be a peaceful one?
We'll see, but right now,as Reza Pahlavi said,
you know, this could bethe time after 40 years
of the Islamic Regime.
- Chris, could this be atime for President Trump's,
tear down the wall, moment?
And explain what is meantby, tear down this wall.
- Yeah, some people may not remember,
but in 1987 Ronald Reagan had a speech
at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin,
he called on then Sovietleader, Mikhail Gorbachev,
tear down this wall,tear down the Berlin wall
that had been up there for years.
Some people are looking atPresident Trump's Tweets
to the Iranian Regimeas an incremental way
of saying sort of, tear down this wall
and have the regime fall.
But right now the official U.S. policy
is not to have regime change.
We'll see if that happens and we'll see
if there's any connection between many
of these opposition groupsand the U.S. administration.
- How important is prayerduring this time for Iran?
- Mark, it's vital andit's pivotal really.
There's one example I can site.
Dick Eastman, he's the headof, Christ For The Nations,
back in 1987 he felt the Lord told him
to go to the Berlin Walland put his hands on it
and say five words, inJesus' name come down.
Now there were many other people praying
inside the Soviet Unionand around the world,
but prayer is pivotal backthere in the Soviet Union days
and today now in the Islamic Republic.
- Amen, well what do you have coming up
on this week's, Jerusalem Dateline?
- Well, we have a roundtable with our colleagues,
George Thomas and GaryLane talking about Iran.
They have, bring years ofexperienced reporting on Iran.
We have "Magdala" which is the story about
the first century synagoguediscovered up in the Galilee
and "Passages" which is astory about Christian students
coming to Israel for the very first time
and really having alife-changing experience,
that's just some of what we have on
today's, Jerusalem Dateline.
- All right, thank you Chris,appreciate your time sir.
And you can watch,Jerusalem Dateline tonight
on the CBN News Channel at 9:30 Eastern
and we'll be right back.
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- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
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- The church in Iran is growing
with more and moreIranians coming to Christ.
Our, Gary Lane, spoke with Dr. Mike Ansari
with, Heart4Iran, about it.
- Mike, some say the Church in Iran
is the fastest growingchurch in the world,
would you say that's areasonable assessment?
Why is it growing so rapidly?
- Absolutely.
We (mumbles) are receivinghundreds of calls
every single day from the Muslims
living inside Iran telling us,
can you tell us more about Jesus,
they wanna find out moreabout the Prince of Peace.
I believe the majority ofthe Iranians are fed up with,
the anger, the frustration that they see
their god being portrayed as
and they're naturally gravitatingto the message of love
which is at the core of Christianity.
- Mike, I know that some ofthe young people especially
are very frustrated with the regime,
but that doesn't necessarily mean
they're embracing Christianity.
So how is it that they'recoming to the Lord?
- It's very interestingbecause you're right,
roughly about 50% of Iran's population
is under 30's, if not more.
And many of these peopleare connected to the West.
They're following our social media,
the pop culture in the West,
the Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga,
and they're askingthemselves the question,
why is there such a, such a division
between their culture and their society,
and the one in the West?
And they wanna belong to the West.
So many of 'em are asking the question,
do I really wanna be identified with
the ideology and the lifestyle
that the Iranian Muslimshave set up for me?
And they're saying, no,they're rejecting this flat out
and they're gravitating toanything that is outside.
The majority of them are researching
and finding out moreabout the meaning of life
and quite a few are falling
on a personal challenge and journey
finding out more about Jesus.
- There is a price to be paid for them
when they do embrace Christianity.
How's the government in Iran reacting
to the spread of Christianity?
- Well remember Iranis an Islamic Republic,
it is not happy when it losesits Muslims to Christianity.
Therefore it has createda taskforce since 2010,
in particular through their god,
on conducting raids on theunderground-house churches,
they are arresting people,
they're putting god's fear into them.
As a matter of fact just, just this week,
we got callers calling us and telling us
that after they contacted our call,
our call center, they were contacted
by Iranian Intelligence telling them
that they have no right contacting
the infidels outside of Iran, meaning us.
So it shows that the Iranian government
is very very frustrated.
There are rampant arrests and persecution.
We hear every day from advocacy groups
and Human Rights Organizations
about atrocities that Iranian minorities,
not only Christians, butalso Bahai's, Sudanese,
and other factions arefacing, systemic harassment,
that the Iranians are facingsimply because they do not have
a choice to chooseanything they wanna choose.
- And we know that Iranian women
face persecution just for notwearing, covering their heads,
wearing a scarf.
Regarding church growth thenwhat role are women playing?
Are they playing a significant role?
- Absolutely, the womenof Iran are courageous,
their bold, their strong.
They're very much at theforefront of the movements
of the group of Christianity in Iran,
they're not afraid.
Life in Islam portrays thewoman's position to be,
of being dominated by men of society.
The Iranian woman are courageous
and they're standing upand they're leading the man
into making a decision,decisions that is transforming
Iraq from inside out and a lot of Iranians
are giving their heart to Christ
and a lot of underground-churches
that are connecting with us are being led
by Iranian leaders that are woman.
- And finally, Mike, foryears we've heard about Jesus
appearing to Muslims indreams, have you heard that too
and what are some of the latest stories
you've heard about Iran, what's happening
in the church?- Well yes, absolutely.
We think we are verysophisticated with our TV
and with our missionaries going in there,
but the good news is thatJesus is way ahead of us.
He's already meetingthe people in that area
through dreams and visions.
People call us and say,
I just saw your program on Mohabat TV
and you know what I actuallyhad a dream about this,
or I had a vision about this,
or my mother told me thatshe had a dream about it,
can you tell me moreabout the man in white?
Who is this Jesus?
Who is this Prince of Peace?
Do you think it mean that Godis not a vengeful angry God
that's gonna smite me, that he loves me
with all my challenges and inadequacies?
And we say, yes, that is the grace of God.
So yes, dreams and visions are happening.
Also the majority of the people of Iran
are disillusioned with Islam.
They're realizing that that's not how
they want to be identifiedso they're seeking elsewhere
and other religions and also Christianity.
And the third group, Gary,
are the people who are going back
to the roots of Christianity
that was irradiatedsystematically by Islam in Iran.
Remember the firstmillennia of Christianity
did not happen in Vatican,did not happen in America,
or Germany, it happened in Middle East,
in the area that we callSyria, Iraq, and Iran
and many of these people arerealizing that the heritage
that was erased and systematicallyirradiated by Islam,
I was identified through Christianity.
I have the Kurdish peoplethat are saying that
in their religious, they'regrandparents are putting
a cross on their bread and their asking,
grandma, why do you puta cross on the bread?
They say, because ourancestors used to be Christians
and they put the cross there to bless it.
So we're seeing a surge of Iranian youth
going back to thisreemergence of Christianity
and Christian identify thatwas lost in that region.
- Not just a God of the West,a God of the whole world.
Dr. Mike Ansari with Heart4Iran,
thank you for being with us.
- Thank you.
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- Streaming services aregrowing in popularity
but the Parent TelevisionCouncil's, Tim Winter,
says, parent's really need to be on-guard
about the content for kids.
He spoke with our CharleneAaron about his concerns.
- Last year we saw anear total transformation
of the TV industry as we know it.
Talk about some of thechanges that have happened.
- Yeah, over the last couple of years
as the streaming platforms
become more attractive to children
it's been more difficultthan ever for parents
to try to monitor theentertainment content
that their kids are watching.
It's not just the television set
in the living room any moreit's their hand-held cellphones,
their iPads, their laptop computers.
It's reaching children,entertainment is reaching children
through literally inthe palm of their hand,
wherever they happen to be.
And unfortunately whatwe're seeing in an increase
in the toxic entertainment content.
Very graphic sexual content,very profane content,
full frontal nudity, graphicviolence, horrific violence.
Even themes that encouragesuicide, teen suicide,
as a resolution to life's problems.
It's never been more vexing as a parent
and we are soundingthe alarm to try to get
parents more aware ofwhat's going on out there
in today's entertainmentmedia environment.
- And Tim you say that much of, you know,
the entertainment that you just mentioned,
is actually focused, they'remarketing it to kids,
you say that they're doing it on purpose.
Explain what you mean by that.
- Yeah, for years, maybe even for decades,
if there was something that was explicit,
maybe graphic violence, or profanity,
that was targeted to adults,
if children came across it
to Hollywood that wasjust collateral damage,
it was the parents fault that if kids
were being exposed to stuff they shouldn't
then they would blame the parents.
Things have changed inthe last year or two.
Now you have themes thatare heavily attractive,
uniquely inherentlyattractive to children.
Shows about high school andjunior high school-aged children
where there is graphicsex, graphic violence,
profanity, nudity, some ofthe most shocking content
that a parent would do anything
to shield their kids from.
Now it's focused on children
and it's being marketedthrough social media.
They're using some very popularDisney channel characters to
actors, to perform.
It's a different landscape now.
It's not just that childrenare collateral damage
they are in the crosshairs.
- Tim, you mentioned Disneyand Disney has come up
with a new cartoon thatteaches kids how to be witches
using a demon.
Talk about the increasein the use of witchcraft
and the occult that we're seeingin entertainment right now.
- If you are a family of faith
there is not a whole lot out there
that's really positive on the,
on the mainstream majorHollywood platforms.
It's so unfortunate.
You have such a hugepopulation of Americans
who are hungry for something positive,
something that they cansit and watch together
with their children and there just isn't
a whole lot out there.
And that's one of thethings we're hoping in 2020
that Hollywood recognizesjust how big of a marketplace
there is out there forfamily entertainment,
for quality family entertainment
and let's produce more of it.
- How do you see them actually,you know, doing better by,
to serve families in 2020?
- There are a couple ofthings they need to do.
Number one, just as we said,
produce more high-qualityfamily entertainment.
Number two, make sure thatwhen they are producing
their entertainment contentthey rate it properly,
put an accurate label on there.
Most parents go to the grocery store
look at the back of a box andsee what the ingredients are.
Right now when you lookat the rating system
for movies and television and video games
and music and all theother different platforms,
they're inconsistent, they're inaccurate,
and they usually market explicit content
to a younger age group then they should.
And lastly, we wanna beable to provide parents
with technological tools.
There are tools availablethat would allow them
to watch a mainstream Hollywood movie
and filter out, skip past, any profanity,
violence, any sexually explicit content,
things that a parentcould set their controls
on their device to skippast the offending material.
And unfortunately Hollywoodis suing technology companies
into bankruptcy to prevent them
from giving this tool to parents.
We wanna an update to the Family Movie App
that will allow parents to stream content
and skip past the offensive pieces.
- Very very important information.
Tim Winter, thank you so much,
very much for being with us today.
- Be with you today, goodday from Los Angeles.
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- Heavenly Father we do thank you
for the work of your Spirit Lord God
with this movement of
getting the Bible.- Yes.
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- And our Sports Director, Shawn Brown,
is here now to talk sports.
It's been an exciting coupleweeks for football Shawn.
- Yes it has man.
- Yeah, first of all let's talk about
the college national championship.
We know that LSU dominated Clemson
after the first quarter.- They did.
- Still a lot of talk about the game
and what's happened since.
Bring us up to speed.
- Well, what's interestingabout college programs
is that when they wina national championship
the question is, allright, will they be back?
- In their case, in LSUs case,
they're losing two keycomponents of their team.
One, Joe Burrow is nowgonna move on to the NFL
probably to Cincinnati, Iknow you're an Ohio guy.
We'll have to see how that plays out.
But also their passing-game coordinator,
is, looks like my mic's not on here.
But my passing-gamecoordinator is also moving on.
He was picked up by the Carolina Panthers
as the offensive coordinator.
And so, yeah, there arechanges that are being made
and we'll have to see how that plays out.
They obviously have backup quarterbacks,
they're gonna have todevelop those quarterbacks.
They're gonna figureout, have to figure out
who's gonna fill Joe Brady's role
in that passing-game coordinator role,
but that's a big change.
Now LSU on the other handtheir not losing too much
and so they should be back.
We'll have to see how LSU can develop
now that those two keycomponents are moving on.
'Cause Joe Burrow andJoe Brady, the two Joe's,
(chuckling) were fantasticthis past season.
Very powerful offense.
- We've got the final
NFL games--- Yeah, yeah.
- Coming up here thisSunday give us the rundown.
- All right, Titans/Chiefs, Packers/49ers.
I'm excited, Mark, are you excited?
- [Mark] I'm excited.
- You should be.
A lot of history going on here man.
People are asking me, hey,
who do you think is gonna move on?
I honestly do not know.
This has been, hey,look at the Titans man,
look at what they'vebeen able to accomplish.
Who thought that they weregonna make it this far?
Now they're playing another tough team
but they've already defeatedtwo tough teams already
as an underdog.
I don't know if you can call a team
that has accomplished whatthey have accomplished
in this post season, underdogs,
but we'll have to see how it pans out.
But you got, you know, theTitans going against the Chiefs.
Can the Chiefs actually stop Derrick Henry
which is, the guy's six-three, 247 pounds,
fast, big, strong, andwhen you have a team that,
when you're facing a teamthat has a great running game
you gotta defend therun, but at the same time
you gotta watch out for passes
and they like to run play-action passes.
Fakin' to the running backand throwin' down field.
So it's gonna be hard to cover,
but at the same time, man, the Chiefs,
Patrick Mahomes, they're magic
and so we'll have tosee how that pans out.
Historically, I don't know if the Packers
will get past the 49ers
because they've been dominantthis year, the 49ers,
but historically I would loveto see the Packers/Chiefs
in the Super Bowl, it comesfull-circle, you know,
Super Bowl I, Packers got that 35 to 10,
so that's what I'm hoping for.
There's gonna be a lot ofexciting football this weekend
and I can't wait to see it.
And we'll be there whichwe'll talk about soon,
probably next week, but I'll be there
so I can't wait to see it.
- That's right, that's right.
Well, Kansas City Chief's quarterback,
Patrick Mahomes, he's praising God
following their big comeback and win.
Talk about that.
- Yeah, man, he says,faith fuels his success.
There's a guy who keepshis priorities in order.
I love it when they do that.
They recognize wheretheir strength comes from
'cause this game it can go any which way
and you have to havesome sort of foundation
to come back to when things go wrong.
He's been there, he's bounced back,
he's suffered through injuries
and now he's giving God allthe glory and I love to see it.
- And what's coming up this weekend
on, Going The Distance?
- We've got a guy that I sat with,
named Don Carey, who'smaking moves on the field,
he's retired now, he was with the Jaguars,
with the Detroit Lions forawhile, Norfolk State guy,
who's making moves off the field.
So I got a chance to catch up with him
and we're just talkingabout all he's got going on.
Man he's written a bookand he's also a builder
so I love to see theseguys after football,
you know, using what God's given them
to do other things off the field,
so I'm excited to see that,
Don Carey.- That's so true.
So true, and you canwatch, Going The Distance,
Saturday night at 6:30and Sunday night at 7:30
right here on the CBN News Channel.
Thank you, Shawn.
- Thanks, Mark, mangood to be with you man.
- Yeah, you too.
And that's gonna do it for this edition
of CBN Newswatch.
Hope you'll join us next time.
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.