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Would You Drink a Glass of Dirty Water?

Eight-year-old Angel and her family moved into a new village in Myanmar, but the water was terrible. Their only sources were a smelly pond and a trash-filled stream. Soon, Angel got sick. It had to be the water, but what could they do? You had ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] When Epah and her family

moved to this village in Myanmar,

one of the first things they did

was to look for clean drinking water.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Here, water came from a stream.

And people use it as a toilet.

- [Narrator] So they lookedfor another water source

and found this muddy pond.

Eight-year-old, Angel, toldus about the water there.

- I saw that the water was yellow

and smelled like mud.

I didn't want to drink it either.

- The pond water has clay in it.

When I cook white rice, it turns yellow.

- [Narrator] Epah tried tostrain and boil the pond water

before the kids drank it.

But even that has not protected them.

Sometimes they got very sick.

- I heard some people from the village

died last year after drinking the water.

Then Angel got a highfever and was vomiting.

I was so scared she would die

that I rushed her to aclinic eight miles away.

Thank God, she recovered.

- [Narrator] When Operation Blessing

learned about the pollutedpond and the stream,

we dug a well for the entire community.

(water rushing)

- The water is so clean

and it tastes so good.

- [Narrator] Now, Epah doesn't worry about

her daughters getting sick.

And everyone is glad tohave cool, clean water.

- The water is so pure and clear

and it has no smell.

Thank you for our new well.


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