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Faith Nation: January 10, 2020


(upbeat music)

- [John] Tonight, newlyreleased video of the moment

a missile takes down aUkraine passenger jet

has Iran in denial.

And a fresh round of sanctionsagainst the Islamic Republic.

- We stopped them quickly,and we stopped them cold.

(audience cheering)- As the President lays out

specific threats to U.S. embassies,

prompting last week's targeted killing

of a top Iranian general.

- [Jenna] And the Senate,seeking to change the game

ahead of an impeachment trial

as soon as next week.

Plus,- This is a case

where the court can revisitthe Roe v. Wade regime.

- [Jenna] The Supreme Courtcase that could land a blow

against the legal foundation for abortion.

All this and moretonight, on Faith Nation.

(upbeat music)

- Slapping new sanctions onIran, welcome to Faith Nation.

I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Today, President Trumpauthorizes new sanctions

against Iran in responseto missile attacks

on bases housing U.S. forces in Iran.

- They come at the same timeIran is disputing a video

believed to show one of its own missiles

take down that Ukrainian passenger jet

that killed all on board.

CBN White House correspondent Ben Kennedy

joins us from the North Lawn.

Ben, tell us more about the sanctions.

- Well, John and Jenna, we'retalking about 17 sanctions

that'll target Iran's largeststeel and iron manufacturers.

It could even cut off billions of dollars

in support to the regime.

- Today's sanctions arepart of our commitment

to stop the Iranian regime'sglobal terrorist activities.

- [Ben] On the heels ofIran's retaliatory strike,

the White House followedthrough on promised sanctions.

- The goal of our campaign

is to deny the regime the resource

to conduct its destructiveforeign policing.

We want Iran to simplybehave like a normal nation.

We believe the sanctionsthat we impose today

further that strategic objective.

- [Ben] Iran continuesto deny that this video

shows the moment a surface-to-airmissile hits a 737.

The video from Tehran,shot in the neighborhood

where the Ukrainianjetliner was last seen.

And this video, showingthe plane exploding

some three miles away, killingall 176 passengers on board.

The Iran crisis took front and center

at President Trump'srally Thursday in Ohio.

He used the forum toshare intel he maintains

justify the killing ofIran's top commander.

- Soleimani was activelyplanning new attacks,

and he was looking veryseriously at our embassies,

and not just the embassy inBaghdad, but we stopped him.

- [Ben] But House speaker Nancy Pelosi

still isn't convinced.

- With the President's actions last week,

he endangered our servicemenand women, our diplomats.

- The bill is passed.

- [Ben] The sanctionscome as the House voted

to limit Trump's war-making powers.

It requires the President toget Congressional approval

before engaging in furthermilitary action against Iran.

- It's this body that needsto make that decision,

and the United States Senate.

- Now, three Republicans in theHouse also crossed the aisle

to support the measure.

The White House herebehind me called the vote

ridiculous and completely misguided.

Also today, secretary of state Mike Pompeo

tired to clear up the discrepancies

between what his boss has reported

about the planned attacks by Soleimani.

Pompeo said they had specific information,

and the threats did includeseveral U.S. embassies.

Yes, the attack was eminent,

but they did not knowthe exact day or time

of the planned attack.

John and Jenna.

- Ben Kennedy at the WhiteHouse for us, thank you.

And joining us now, fromour Virginia Beach studios,

Mike Ansari, president of Heart4Iran,

a partnership of more than100 Christian ministries

taking the gospel to Iran.

Mike, first off, itlooks like this new video

caught the moment a surface-to-air missile

hit the Ukrainian airliner.

Iran, though, is denying

what seems to be pretty solid evidence.

How do Iranians see all of this?

- John and Jenna, it'sgood to be with you guys.

It seems there're two differentfactions among the Iranians.

There is the propaganda machine of Iran,

and the sympathizers of Iranian regime

that are flatly denyingthe fact that it was Iran

who was responsible behindbringing that aircraft down.

And then there is alarger group of Iranians

that is we're in touch with

that are just seeingthe evidence is there,

Iran was probably very, very on high alert

after launching a strikein Iraq over their airspace

so most likely it was Iranianmilitary that shot it down,

but I can tell you thatthere is a bit of a division

between the front of Iranians

that are listening to that story.

- Mike, this deadly mistakecould've been avoided, it seems,

if no planes wereallowed to be in the air.

Do you have any clue as to whyIran allowed a passenger jet

to take off during a military operation

when it was so tense?

- That's a very good question,

and it's very puzzlingto almost all of us,

because at the time

that Iran is launching a military attack,

you would think that therewould be communication

between the different departments

to stop any kind of airliner,

especially passenger airlinerbelonging to different nations

to operate the Iranian airspace,

but that's exactly what we see.

This could be a hints thatthere is lack of unity,

there is chaos going on in Iran

among the ranks of the different leaders,

and inter-departmental agencies

between Iran and inside Iran.

But definitely, youcannot deny the fact that

this is such a chaotic situation in Iran.

- Yeah, and what about the drone strike

that took out General Soleimani,

what is the reaction you'reseeing from Iranians?

- A lot of Iranians are saying,that are living in Iran,

they're saying, look,Soleimani was a leader,

he was somebody who wasprotecting Iranians,

he was the reason that Iran was secure.

These are people who are sympathizers

to the Iranian regime and the governments.

And so in the last, you know,people walking on the streets,

there were roughly aboutfive million people

that walked out in the streets, and even,

there was a funeral sessionfor General Soleimani.

But again, we are hearingfrom a lot Iranians,

remember this, we are receivingabout 700 contacts a day

from inside Iran,

and a majority of those Iraniansthat are open enough to us,

they're saying, you know,they're happy to see him go

because he obviously had theblood of a lot of Iranians

on his hands, not tomention the blood of others,

in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon.

So again, most Iraniansare divided in between,

but it seems that theones who are sympathizers

are the ones who are rallyingon the side of Iranian regime.

- Mike, any concern there,

you just mentionedSoleimani's funeral procession

and the millions who attended.

Just before his death, back in November,

we saw a great protestthroughout the country,

but this event seem to,perhaps, galvanize Iranians,

any concern about that?

- Thank you for mentioning that.

For the average viewer on TVthat may not know the history,

what happened was a few months ago,

there was a huge uprising inside Iran.

1,500 Iranians, Iraniancitizens, were massacred

and killed by the Iranian authorities

on the streets of Tehranand Iran and other states.

There was no talk of their death.

The families were not allowed

to mourn the loss of their loved ones,

but yet, when one general was killed,

everybody started going on thestreets for demonstrations,

so the Iranian populaceis very much dissatisfied

with the Iranian regime, saying,

"How come you are ignoringthe 1,500 that died,

"but yet you're mourning this individual,

"a person who probablyhad direct involvements

"in killing those 1,500."

- Mike, if you know,President Trump. of course.

announcing new sanctionsagainst Iran today.

How much do all of these sanctions

affect the people of Iran?

- Well, it does affect the people of Iran,

because the people of Iran are the ones

who are actually are paying the price

for the atrocities thattheir regime is undertaking.

It's unfortunately truethat the very first victims

of any kind of a situationare the people of Iran.

Remember, the people of Iranare loving, caring individuals,

people who do not want to have a war,

they love America, they love everybody,

and they are victims of a society

and a regime that is fosteringexportation of Shia Islam

across border, a policy of intolerance,

a policy that encouragespeople to go ahead

and commit atrocitiesin the name of Allah,

and people of Iran are very much tired,

so when we have sanctionslike this happen,

unfortunately, it is the people of Iran

who are paying the price.

Need to also mention that the minorities,

such as the the Baha'is, the Sunnis,

and the Christian minorities in Iran

are also very much targets of these,

- Alright.- of Iranian regime.

- Mike Ansari, president of Heart4Iran,

thank you so much for being with us.

- Thank you.

- Thanks, Mike.

What with tensions between the U.S.

and Iran at an all-time high,

the U.S. is sounding the alarm

after a Russian warship'sunsafe maneuvers.

This incredible video,released from the U.S. Navy,

shows a Russian destroyertailgating a U.S. cruiser

in the Pacific.

The Navy is calling thedangerous come-from-behind move

in the Western Pacificunsafe and unprofessional.

The Navy's USS Chancellorsville

was on a helicopter recovery mission

when the Russian destroyer,Admiral Vinogradov,

accelerated and closed into within 50 to 100 feet.

The U.S. cruiser was forcedto go full speed ahead

to get out of the waywhen the incident occurred

on Tuesday in the Philippine Sea.

- Meanwhile, it is full-steamahead for the economy.

Now with the longest stretchof jobs added in 80 years,

employers hired an additional145,000 jobs in December,

running a record ten-year streak.

The latest jobs report comes

with unemployment still at a 50-year low,

at only 3.5% accordingto the Labor Department.

The jobs increase falls short

of the 165,000 forecastby some economists,

but the Wall Street Journalsays that figure points to

steady economic growth heading into 2020.

Workers made some wage gains too,

with average hourly earnings

increasing 2.9% since last year.

The strong jobs number come

during a time of heightened tensions,

amid an ongoing conflict

between the United Statesand China over trade,

and fears over thepossibility of war with Iran.

- Well, to Capitol Hill and impeachments.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House

will finally send impeachment articles

over to the Senate.- This could happen

as soon as next week.

CBN Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson

has the latest on thestart of the Senate trial

over whether to remove the President

from office.(logo whoosh)

- Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell

is preparing his RepublicanCaucus for trial,

making members aware ofupcoming six-day work weeks,

and that they need to plan tobe in Washington next weekend.

- The House argued thatthis was an emergency,

they needed to act quickly.

- [Abigail] McConnell claims the Senate

will not make a decisionwhether to call witnesses

until after phase one of the trial,

when they hear arguments fromthe prosecution and defense.

- Obviously that is themost contentious part

of one of these proceedings,

and that'll be addressed at that time,

and not before the trial begins.

- [Abigail] McConnell andother top Senate Republicans

hope to end the trialquickly, without witnesses.

I think our job is to pass judgment

on articles they have sent over to us,

that's the role that we haveconstitutionally in Senate.

- [Abigail] But GOPsenators like Mitt Romney

may prevent that.

- At this stage, I'd liketo hear from John Bolton

and other witnesseswith direct information.

- [Abigail] McConnell willneed 51 votes to call witnesses

or move directly to a vote.

And Senate democratsclearly want witnesses.

- The four witnesses we askedto testify should testify.

- I have never seen atrial without a witness.

- The mandatory Senatetrial spells trouble

for those Senate Democratsstill in the presidential race

that need to campaign inthose early Caucus states.

Back to you, John and Jenna.

(logo whoosh)- Alright, thank you Abby,

and stick around.

Up next, our Faith Nation political panel

with The Hill's Julia Manchester.

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(dramatic music)

- Welcome back.

Joining us now for some expert analysis

on our Faith Nation politicalpanel is Julia Manchester,

political reporter for "The Hill".

Julia, thanks for being

with us.- Yes, thank you

for having me.- On your birthday, no less.

(all laugh)- Oh, thank you.

- Yes, happy birthday!

- Thank you.

- Well, impeachment, let's start there.

The latest, House SpeakerNancy Pelosi announced

that they will not be voting

on House managers until next week.

We got some inkling thatthere might be some movement

in this over the last couple days.

What do you think ultimatelybrought her around?

- Well, I think ultimatelywhat brought her around,

and she's, has a number offactors, really, to look at.

Number one, this is rightahead of the Iowa Caucus,

they have the democraticdebate on Tuesday,

so I think this shows the vote,

not immediately voting on House managers

that could've been taken into account.

But I think she was pressured to do this

sooner rather than later.

However, I think she ultimately,in terms of witnesses,

kind of has got in abit of what she wants,

in that regards, soshe's accomplished that.

- How much do you thinkvoters will remember

all of this impeachment back and forth

come, you know, November 2020?

- You know, it depends,and I think it depends

how much present Trumpkeeps it in their memories,

and how much RepublicanSenate and House candidates

keep it in voters' memories

as they keep going back to impeachment

and say Democrats wereobsessed with this issue

while we were talking abouthealthcare, the economy,

and other kitchen table issues,

then I could see it being a factor.

However, it was interesting,

I went to a briefing with theDCCC Chairwoman Cheri Bustos.

They are in charge of reelecting

and electing Democrats to the House,

and she said voters aren'treally talking about impeachment

in her district, and she is someone

who comes from a districtthat Trump won in 2016.

So I think it'll be interestingto see how it plays.

At the same time, the electionis 11 months from now,

and we know that with these,the news cycle these days,

so much could happen. (laughs)

- Yeah.- I saw a report

before we came in here saying that

Senate Republicans are tryingto acquit the President

in time for the State of the Union.

What would that do forhim to enter that chamber

where he was voted to be impeached?

What would that look like?

What will the optics if he is

indeed acquitted in the Senate trial?

- Well, certainly quite a bit of tension,

and probably a victory lap for him.

However, Democrats wouldsay that they did not,

you know, they didn't do this

with hopes of PresidentTrump being acquitted,

they did it to curb hisbehavior ahead of an election

to give him a slap onthe wrist, if you will.

So quite a bit of tension,

but I think President Trump will use it

as a bit of a victory lap goinginto Nancy Pelosi's house,

when, you know, in his mind,

she didn't necessarily get a victory.

However, I think, goingback to the election,

then maybe we'll see whoreally won this battle.

- How is it Iran playingon the campaign trail,

you know, South Bend,

former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigiege

seem to be suggestingthat the United States

was responsible for thedowning of that Ukrainian jet?

- It's playing a huge role,

and you're seeing candidateslike Pete Buttigieg

bringing it to the center,

and you've also seen Joe Biden

very much touting his foreignpolicy experience, you know,

decades on the Senateforum relations committee

as well as serving inthe Obama administration

when he was tasked with anumber of foreign policy issues.

Bernie Sanders has also played a big role

trying to tout hisanti-interventional standpoint,

and really going after Biden

for voting for the Iraq war in 2002,

and actually, when you look at it,

2008 and 2016, you saw those elections,

Senators, namely HillaryClinton who voted for,

to go into the Iraq war,were attacked for it.

So you're seeing that happen to Biden.

However, that vote for that particular war

could be just a distant memory now.

- Julia, today another candidatedropped out of the race,

Marianne Williamson announcingthe end of her campaign.

Does this mean anything atall for the Democratic race?

- Not necessarily.

I mean, MarianneWilliamson had a couple of

very viral moments on the campaign trial,

particularly on the debate stage,

when she made the debate stage.

Notably, twice over the summer,

she had a comment where she said

a dark and psychic force wascoming out of the White House.

She was the most Googledcandidate that night.

So no, for her, it doesn't change much.

However, you know, at that time,

people were kind ofputting her and Andrew Yang

into the same category.

Andrew Yang, as someone who has surpassed

a lot of expectations,

is being taken very seriously right now.

- We have another debate coming up,

but who, what will you mostbe keeping your eye on,

and what candidates?

- Well, we usually just keepan eye on news of the day

at this point and right nowIran is playing such a big role,

which is so interesting,

because foreign policy doesn'tnormally take a front seat

in presidential elections.

So I think, one thingthat I'm looking for,

and if you look at the polling,

Bernie Sanders is reallycatching up to Joe Biden,

so I'm going to look forwhether Sanders and Biden

are really gonna take the gloves off

and go after each other.

Sanders has been attackingBiden quite a bit

over the past couple of weeks.

Just recently, on CNN, attackinghim for the Iraq war vote.

So I'll be looking for any attacks there.

- Alright, JuliaManchester with "The Hill",

thank you for joining us,

happy birthday!- Thank you!

Thank you for having me.- Happy birthday!

(logo whoosh)

Well, when we come back,the Supreme Court case

that could land a majorblow to Roe v. Wade.

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(dramatic music)

- March 4th is the day the Supreme Court

will take up the Louisiana Abortion Law.

Pro-life leaders believe it could be used

to reexamine the legal foundationsof abortion in America.

- Just two weeks from now,

the annual March For Life January 24th,

CBN's Paul Strand reportson the renewed push

to overturn Roe v. Wade.

- This is the first big abortion case

that new Justices NeilGorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh

get to weigh in on.

And many are assumingthey're gonna give the court

a conservative and maybeeven pro-life majority.

And some 207 lawmakershere on Capitol Hill

are asking the Court to use this case

to reconsider the veryrulings, like Roe v. Wade,

that gave the nationlegalized abortion nationwide.

- This is a case wherethe court can revisit

the Roe v. Wade regime, andshould revisit that regime.

- Catherine Glenn Fosterhelped write the brief

those lawmakers signed.

- This is something that,that for nearly 50 years,

has led to the deathsof countless innocent,

vulnerable human beings,

has injured and evenkilled, sadly, tragically,

so many of their mothers.

And it's time for thecourt to revisit this.

- The High Court willhear a case from Louisiana

that would require abortion doctors

to obtain hospital admitting privileges.

Opponents of the law sayit's incredibly restrictive,

and it's gonna make ithard for Louisiana women

to get abortions there.

But those who support the lawsay all it's basically doing

is insisting that abortion doctors

have admitting privilegesto a local hospital.

In case one of their patientsgets into an emergency,

or has medical complications.

- There is this exemptionfor abortion. (laughs)

For anyone who's performing an abortion,

all of a sudden, thesame rules don't apply.

And really, it is a situation

where you have an abortion business

fighting for the right toabandon their patients.

- [Paul] Dr. Lillback,Westminster Theological Seminary

went to court againstObamacare regulations,

forcing it to pay forabortion-causing contraceptives.

- And they said, "Well, it's easy.

"You just have to pay $2million a year in fines.

- So off to court went theSeminary and allied groups,

like Little Sisters of the Poor.

- And it ended up going allthe way to the Supreme Court,

and something happenedthat's never happened

in the history of the Courtas far as I understand.

They said, "We can't solve this problem."

And they gave it back to the contestants.

- [Paul] The legal fight finally ended

after the newly electedTrump administration

reversed course, giving thepro-lifers a legal victory,

even paying the legal bills.

- And I've had to laugh.

A non-profit organization,separation of church and state,

we got paid by the governmentfor our conscience's sake.

It's a wonderful story ofGod's providential care.

- [Paul] Lillback believespro-life legal victories

can help land blows against Roe v. Wade.

Of course we long for the courts to say

Roe v. Wade was a bad decision.

You can't find abortionrights in the Constitution.

- But he says it's more important

that everyone keep fighting on all fronts,

and change the American culture.

- We're moving in the right direction.

And so I think our battleis won one day at a time,

one decision at a time,one life rescued at a time.

- Until we can come to thepoint where we really can say

that America is a pro-life nation.

And again, we are seeing culture shifting,

we're seeing a move asthe younger generation,

especially demandsauthenticity and transparency,

and says, "Hang on, you know,

"if we're gonna protect our neighbors,

"if we're gonna protectour fellow citizens,

"why doesn't that extendto our fellow citizens,

"our neighbors in the womb,the most vulnerable among us?"

- [Paul] Paul Strand, CBN News,

reporting from the Supreme Court.

(logo whoosh)

- [Jenna] A royal kerfuffle.

Harry, Meghan, and the latest

on what's being dubbed, Megxit.

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)- From Washington D.C..

Uncompromising stories.

Interviews and analysisfrom veteran journalists.

David Brody.- Escalating fight.

- Jenna Browder.- Browses words carefully and.

- Ben Kennedy.- Plan to join him.

- And Amber Strong.- For impeachment

grows a little bit louder.

- [Announcer] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.

- We get out and tellthe story of the progress

that we're making in this country.

- [Announcer] Watch Faith Nation.

Weeknights at six on the CBN News Channel.

(dramatic music)

- We will move the American embassy

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- [Announcer] As the nations rage,

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- History is being written,

and I wanna be a part of it.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000, and get "To Life".

- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.

- [Announcer] Discover the untold story

of how Israeli volunteersare changing the world.

- [Man] We consider itour duty to reach out

and help others around the world.

- [Announcer] For a gift of $10 or more,

you can own the acclaimedCBN documentary "To Life".

- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

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- [Woman] And I wish that otherpeople throughout the world

can see this side of Israel.

- Finally tonight, a royal rift is brewing

in the United Kingdom

after an announcement thatcame as a big surprise,

reportedly even to the Queen herself!

- Prince Harry and MeghanMarkle said in a statement

they are planning to stepback from royal duties.

A decision across the pondthat they're calling Megxit.

Reaction has been swift and wide-ranging,

and now Madame Tussaud'sin London has joined in,

removing the wax figures ofthe Duke and Duchess of Sussex

from the Royal Family Exhibit.

The couple says it hopes to forge

a more progressive pathfor British royals,

one that would ultimatelyincrease their personal

and financial independence.

What are your thoughts?- And, you know,

the Queen, apparently, tooktheir photo off of her desk

when she gave her Christmas address,

so.- That's very true.

- Yeah, a royal rift is brewing indeed!

(John laughs)

- Well that is going to do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great weekend.

(upbeat music)


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