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Charisma CEO Stephen Strang: Christians Need to Wake Up, Pray, and Pull Down Demonic Strongholds Over the Nation

Charisma CEO Stephen Strang: Christians Need to Wake Up, Pray, and Pull Down Demonic Strongholds Over the Nation Read Transcript

(dramatic cinematic music)

- A few months ago,Chaplain Patrick Conroy

prayed to cast demons out ofthe House of Representatives.

His prayer went viral.

That kind of spiritual warfare

is exactly what our world needs.

Take a look.

- [Mark] Since the day DonaldTrump was sworn into office,

the partisan divide inAmerica has grown deeper

and more contentious by the day.

The bickering and rancor on Capitol Hill

got so bad a few months ago,

that this prayer by HouseChaplain Patrick Conroy,

about casting out demonicspirits, went viral.

- I now cast out all spiritsof darkness from this chamber,

spirits not from You.

- [Mark] While the conceptof spiritual warfare

is foreign to many Americans,

Steven Strang, author andCEO of Charisma Media,

says it's critical for Christians

to look at what's going on in the country

with spiritual eyes.

He calls on Christians to respond

to the spiritual warfaretaking place in the nation,

to rise up and pray,

and to fully understand what's at stake.

- Well, Steve Strang,the CEO of Charisma Media

and the author of the upcoming book

"God, Trump, and the 2020Election" joins us now,

and Steve it's great to have you with us.

- Thank you for the privilege.

- Let's talk about it: spiritual warfare.

In my lifetime, I'venever heard of a chaplain

standing up and castingdemons out of a chamber

of the House of Representatives,

but what started all of this?

- Well, the Bible did, 'cause, of course,

the Bible tells us that we wrestle

not against flesh and blood,

but against principalities and powers,

and normally we ignore that

until something really bad happens.

You know, a terrible war,a terrible mass murder,

and then people say, "Well,this is evil personified."

But it's really principalities and powers,

and I think that it explainswhat's going on in our country

where there's just tremendoushatred and animosity,

and I'm glad that he did what he did,

and he's not the only one.

Paula White-Cain was at a political rally

and got up and prayedagainst demonic networks,

and the media said she was calling

the news networks demonic,and she really wasn't.

She was using terminology,and I've written about this,

I did a podcast called,

the subject was spiritualwarfare in the impeachment,

and it was the biggestpodcast I've ever had;

it really hit a chord.

And, really, all I saidwas what I'm saying to you.

The Bible says we wrestlenot against flesh and blood,

but against principalities and powers.

It is not Republicans versus Democrats.

I believe that it'sreally good versus evil,

and the Bible says that Satanis the father of all lies,

and we know there's allkinds of lying going on,

and the hatred.

I think it's the only, peoplesay why is this happening?

I think that you have to look at it

through spiritual eyes and understand

that there's demonic forces behind it,

and we, as Christians,

who try to live by thepower of the Holy Spirit,

have authority just as this chaplain did.

You don't have to be a clergyman.

We can pray and I try to encourage,

in the different media that I have,

for people to pray and to intercede

and to pull down, youknow, what we believe

are demonic strongholds over this nation.

I think that, in a lotta ways,

Christians have the power toshift things in this country.

- Well, we absolutely have that power,

we have that authority.

I'm not sure we'rerecognizing the tactic here,

and I think the tactic is quite plain.

He's seeking to divide us.- Absolutely.

- When you have unity, whenthey are of one accord,

when brethren dwell together in unity,

there's wonderful thingsthat happen from that.

But we seem to be a nation divided,

and you can't even engagein spiritual warfare.

Here's, you know, youmention what Paula did.

She called it for what it was,

that these are demonic networks,

and suddenly every newsorganization in America is saying,

"Well, you're talking aboutus," and they just got offended.

They didn't look at well,what's the spiritual,

what's the scripturalbackground for what she's doing?

- Well, of course,there's spiritual warfare

against all of us, allthe time, everywhere.

And Satan does try to divide.

I mean, that's whythere's so much divorce.

That's why there's so many even problems

in churches and so forth,

and it's manifesting itself in our nation

in ways that we haven'tseen in a long, long time.

I personally believethat a lot of this stuff

has been under thesurface for a long time,

and I believe that DonaldTrump, for good or for bad,

has brought a lot ofthis stuff to the surface

that was already there,

because this stuff did notstart in this administration.

It's been going on foryears, and our whole culture

is going away from Judeo-Christianvalues, as you well know.

It's going away from the Bible.

It used to be that people we would call

born-again Christians were the majority;

we're not the majority anymore,

but we're a very strong plurality,

and it's time for Christians to stand up,

take our spiritual authority,

and really intercede for this nation.

- Well, what do you think it's gonna take

to wake Christians up, 'causethat's my primary concern.

It seems that even Christians today

are divided about the president,

and I'm more concernedabout what's happening

in the Middle East today.

I'm more concerned aboutwhat's happening in China.

China's taken some veryanti-Christian stands,

and it doesn't seem to be causing

any kind of wrinkle at all.

It's even rarely reported.

What will it take to reallywake up Christians to say

if we don't start interceding,

if we don't start pleading for unity,

that we're actually goingto be our own worst enemies?

- Well, things have to get pretty bad

before people wake up,and things are pretty bad,

and a lotta people have woken up,

or are in the process of waking up,

but not everyone; you're absolutely right.

And I hope we don't wait

until we get a socialistgovernment or whatever,

or until we get into a war with China

to wake up and understand.

I hope that what's happeningnow is a wake up call.

You said it very well.

Christians have to take our authority,

and, also, there're a lotta Christians

that aren't really that seriousabout their Christianity.

You know, they need toget serious about God,

they need to get into the Word and pray,

and we always know thatpersecution purifies the church,

and in our country,we've had such liberty,

such great freedoms for so long

that we take a lot of it for granted,

and there's an awful lotof lukewarm Christians.

But those who do perceive spiritually,

who have been awaken spiritually,need to take the lead,

and I admire what you'redoing, and what CBN is doing,

day in and day out, it'snot just happened recently.

I mean, you've been,

where else on TV do peoplegive words of wisdom

- Words of Knowledge.- That's right,

but you do here and you'remaking a tremendous impact.

- Well, I'm concerned.

I'm appreciate what you're doing.

I'm concerned that the left is going far.

I never thought I'd seea socialist candidate

have a legitimate shot ata presidential nomination.

At the same time, I never thought I'd see

the reawakening of white nationalism.

It just seems that the poles

are getting farther and farther apart

and we're losing sight that, you know,

just our pledge that, you know,

we need to be united together.

One nation, under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

- And we Christians need to not only

oppose what's happening on the left,

which is horrible, I agree,

but we need to comeagainst white nationalism,

the anti-Semitism that's come up.

You know, all of thisis spiritual warfare,

and hopefully people's eyesare starting to be opened.

- Okay, well, the book is called

"God, Trump, and the 2020 Election."

There's a whole chapteron spiritual warfare

and how you can get started in it.

It's available wherever books are sold,

and sales start on January 14th.

Steve, thank you.- Thank you.

- God bless.

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