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Mideast on Edge after US Assassinates Iranian General, What’s Next? 01/03/20

Mideast on edge after US kills top Iranian general; Israel braces for what's next; plus Jerusalem to help Arabs integrate into workforce by teaching Hebrew instead of hatred; and Empowered-21 celebrating the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Jerusalem. Read Transcript

(horn blowing)

- This week on Jerusalem Dateline

the Middle East is onedge after the US kills

a top Iranian general.

Israel prepares for what's next.

Plus, Jerusalem seeksto help Arabs integrate

into the economy by teaching them Hebrew

instead of hatred.

And Empowered21, praying

for worldwide revival from Jerusalem.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

I'm Julie Stahl fillingin for Chris Mitchell.

Iran has vowed harsh retaliationfor a US drone strike

that killed Tehran's top terrorchief in the Middle East.

CBN News Senior ReporterDale Hurd has that story.

- The operation ordered by President Trump

is already being called a seismic event

in the Middle East for thekilling of Qassem Soleimani,

a person many consider oneof the most dangerous men

in the world.

The Baghdad Airport strike,was targeted at Soleimani,

the head of Iran's elite Quds Force,

killing a total of eight people.

Soleimani was identified by his had

and the ring he wore,shown in these photos.

The Pentagon said in this statement,

"General Soleimani was actively developing

"plans to attack Americandiplomats and service members

"in Iraq and throughout the region.

"General Soleimani an hisQuds force were responsible

"for the deaths of hundreds of of American

"and coalition servicemembers and the wounding

"of thousands more."

Soleimani was the architectof Iran's operations

throughout the regionand had been sanctioned

by the US and the UN forsupporting terrorism.

One former CIA officer told the New Yorker

Soleimani was the most powerful operative

in the Middle East.

In Lebanon, Soleimani builtHezbollah into a powerful

state within a statethat threatens Israel.

He was so famous in Iranhis image greeted passengers

at Tehran airport.

After the successful attack,President Trump tweeted

the American flag.

The State Departmenturged American citizens

to leave Iraq immediately.

The news caused spontaneouscelebrations in Iraq,

some Iraqis dancing in the streets.

This Iraqi said the USattack will eliminate

the corrupt parties whichare destroying Iraq.

At Friday prayers inIran, worshipers chanted

death to America.

Iran's supreme leaderAyatollah Khamenei warned

a harsh retaliation is waiting for the US,

as did this spokesman forIran's Revolutionary Guard

who cried during theinterview with State TV.

Around 5,000 Americantroops are based in Iraq

where they mainly train Iraqi forces

to help to combat the Islamic State.

Soleimani's death is being called

a significant blow to Iran.

The US knew that Soleimaniwas behind this weeks attack

on the US Embassy andDefense Secretary Mark Esper

had issued this warning on Thursday.

- Enough is enough.

We have all the capabilities inherent

in the United StatesMilitary to either respond

to further attacks or totake preemptive action

if additional attacks are being prepared.

- US officials have madeit clear they're prepared

to meet any response from Iran.

To quote Defense SecretaryEsper, the game has changed.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- In Israel, PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

reacted to Soleimani'skilling by saying the US

has a right to defend itselfjust like Israel does.

He credited PresidentTrump with acting swiftly,

forcefully, and decisively.

The Israel Defense Forcesalso closed a Mount Hermon

ski resort on the GolanHeights as a precaution

against Iranian revengeattacks from Syria.

And the security cabinet metto discuss the situation.

Just a day before Soleimani was killed,

Iranian backed militiamenwithdrew from the US Embassy

in Baghdad after two days of violence.

Take a look at how things unfolded.

- [Chris] Protests erupted at the Embassy

after the US carried outmilitary strikes Sunday

on five targets of amilitia in Iraq and Syria,

backed by Iran.

The US blamed the militiafor launching a rocket attack

that killed an Americancontractor on a military compound

in Iraq two days earlier.

It was just the latestin a series of strikes

by this militia.

- So this group has carriedout, according to the US

around 10, 11 rocket attacksin the last six months.

- [Chris] But this time,the US struck back.

And author and Middle Eastexpert Seth Frantzman said,

"The American responsewas a game changer."

- It definitely is the firsttime, as far as I recall,

that the Americans actuallyresponded against these militias

despite the fact thathundreds of American soldiers

have been killed and woundedby these groups over the years.

In the past, the United Stateswas worried about tangling

with Iran and I thinkfinally they are willing

to respond to this kind of harassment.

- [Chris] Israel condemned the violence

at the US Embassy, oneof America's largest

and most heavily guardedmissions in the world.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

commended the US on itsactions against Iran

and its proxies in the region.

- It does put them onthe same side of Israel

and I think from Israel's perspective

they're very happy tosee the United States

kind of wake up to the threat.

- [Chris] Israel itselfknows it could be headed

for battles with Iran.

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff

Lieutenant General AvivKochavi said last week

Israel is preparing for what he called

a limited confrontation with Iran.

- Israel wants to removea round from Syria

and to not have themtrafficking weapons in Iraq.

The United States, ofcourse, just doesn't want

its soldiers being attacked.

So Israel and America,of course they're allies

and have the same view, butthey have slightly different

long term agendas.

- [Chris] The violencein Iraq comes as Iran

and its allies have facedunprecedented mass protests

in recent months as PresidentTrump's heavy sanctions

have damaged Iran's economy.

- Iran has been tryingto push the Americans.

Ever since the US left the Iran deal,

but also since the 1980swith the hostage crisis.

Iran wants America out of the Middle East.

It calls the UnitedStates the great Satan.

It says that it's resisting,it would like the destroyers

around the United States,eventually in the long term.

- [Chris] The US maintainsaround 5,000 troops in Iraq

at the invitation of the Iraqi government

in order to fight ISIS.

Frantzman says a seriesof attacks against the US

is meant to test America's limits.

- And we've seen this in the Gulf also.

They attack six oiltankers, they kidnapped

the British oil tanker,they shot down a US drone,

that means they've attackedon land, air, and sea.

This is a coordinated attack and I think

that Iran was waiting to say, okay,

when will the Trump administration reply

and when they reply, thatwill give us an excuse

to go even further.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.

- It's viewed as one of history's

great covert military actions.

The Israeli Air Forceconducted a secret mission

that wiped out Syria'snuclear weapons program.

Mark Martin spoke withan Israeli defense expert

and a retired US Navy ViceAdmiral about shadow strike

and what it Means forIran's nuclear threat.

- They have picturesof the nuclear reactor,

the core of the reactor, thefuel logs of the reactor.

- [Mark] Israel DefenseExpert and Jerusalem Post

editor in chief, YaakovKatz, describes intelligence,

which ultimately led to Shadow Strike

the covert op to destroySyria's nuclear weapons program.

Retired Navy Vice Admiral Herman Shelanski

interviewed Katz aboutrecently declassified files

of the mission that led toa best selling book by Katz.

- Israel destroyed this reaction in 2007,

seven years later, in the summer of 2014,

you know what happenedin that region of Syria

where that reactor once stood?

ISIS took it over.

So has Israel not discovered this reactor,

had Israel not taken action,

let's image for a momentwhat that would have meant.

You would have had thisAl-Baghdadi guy, right

with not just thousands of fighters,

vicious, brutal fighters, butwith radioactive material,

dirty bombs, andpotentially a nuclear weapon

in his suitcase.

- In light of the current state of affairs

of the Middle East, what isthe actual Shadow Strike mean

when it comes to Iran?

What are the implicationsof that secret Israeli

Air Force mission in Syria when it comes

to Iran's nuclear program?

- So, we're looking at a muchmore complicated operation.

That's on the one hand.

On the other hand, Israel could go there.

Israel has the capabilityto fly its jets to Iran

and to take out someof the key facilities.

They've scattered themthroughout the country,

some of them buried deepunderground inside mountains

or reinforced steel and concrete bunkers.

But let's say they couldcause enough damage,

they could set them back.

- [Mark] Katz believesmilitary action is not enough.

- You need to hit themwith tough sanctions,

you need to get theworld aligned to ensure

that after that mission theIranians aren't gonna rebuild

what you have just destroyed.

- [Mark] Vice AdmiralShelanski says Israel has been

loud and clear aboutits red line with Iran's

nuclear enrichment program.

- That if Iran had a,you know the development

of a nuclear weapon, thatthey would take action.

I mean, they did it inIraq, they did it in Syria.

I think something similar would play out,

they would certainlytalk to the United States

very carefully, and otherallies that they have.

- [Mark] Shelanski pointsout Israel has more

international friends now than in 2007

which could effect the Jewishstates strategy with Iran.

- Politically it could be alittle bit more advantageous

for them to use the diplomaticpath, it's possible.

Certainly at one pointthe allies, our allies,

United States allies,work very much together

to put constraints on Iran to ensure

that they didn't have themeans to get the bomb.

A lot of that's deteriorating now.

- [Mark] Shelanski saysit boils down to two paths

for Israel: diplomatic or war time.

- But I think Israel'sshowing pretty clear on that

they're not afraid to takethe war time path if needed.

- [Mark] Mark Martin,CBN News, Virginia Beach.

(upbeat music)

- [Julie] It's changingPalestinian hatred of Israel

for economic prosperity in Jerusalem.

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- Jerusalem is aimingto become a model city

for coexistence in the Middle East

by helping the Arab residents integrate

into the work force.

They want to do it by replacing hatred

in the Palestinian authorityschool books with Hebrew.

The international communityregularly criticizes Israel

for the living conditions of Palestinians.

Jerusalem Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum argues

those critics are the problem, however,

for funding education that incites hatred

by using Palestinian authority textbooks.

- And why is that bad,unfortunately, we have incitement

in the curriculum, we haveglorification of martyrdom,

complete denial of theexistence of Israel.

- [Julie] Arabs make up 37%of Jerusalem's population

and almost all of their childrenstudy the PA curriculum.

Hassan-Nahoum says beyond thehatred, there's a practical

side to the problem.

- For me, as somebody here who's worried

about all the children in my city,

they don't teach any Hebrewand terrible English,

which means that whenthey're 18 years old,

these kids graduate,they cannot be integrated

into any economic opportunity,any quality employment,

any higher education here.

And so what the curriculumdoes is a curriculum

of institutionalizing poverty.

- [Julie] The PalestinianAuthority wants its future

capital in the eastern partof a divided Jerusalem.

Israel opposes that idea.

Most Arabs living therehave resident status

with many of the sameprivileges of Israelis.

- When we polled them,50% of Arab families

want to be part of the Israel curriculum.

The Israeli curriculumis an Arab curriculum.

It's not a Zionist curriculum.

All we're doing istaking out the incitement

and bringing in Hebrewas a second language.

- [Julie] Many of the Arabschools are under the UN body

that's taking care of Palestinian refugees

for more than 70 years.

- We have school bookshere which honor murders

throughout the books and talk about dying

for the right of return.

This is wrong, this is not appropriate

for the United Nations agency.

- [Julie] ResearcherDavid Badeen has studied

Palestinian textbooks andUN facilities for years.

- Every Jewish city isreplaced with an Arab name,

so the children grow up with the idea

that there is no Israel.

A Zionist entity that has to be ignored

and or wiped out.

- [Julie] That's whyBadeen and Hassan-Nahoum

want to see donor nations restrict funding

until there's a change.

- It's 54% of the fundsthat they will give Honora

goes to education.

We're saying something very simple.

Put that on the side isescrow, make them change

their curriculum, take out the incitement,

give them opportunity in that curriculum,

bring them technologicalsubjects instead of hatred

and paramilitary activity.

- [Julie] If the internationalcommunity gets on board,

Hassan-Nahoum says theimpact would be far reaching.

- There's no reason why the Arab community

should not be part of theprosperity of the startup

nation of Israel and thisis what we're doing here

and Jerusalem is the arena inwhere this is gonna play out,

but it's going to be goodfor the entire country

and hopefully peace andcoexistence in the entire region.

- [Julie] Up next, thousandsof Christian leaders

to gather in Jerusalem tocelebrate the outpouring

of the Holy Sprit of Pentecost.

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- Later this year, thousandsof Christian leaders

will gather in Jerusalem to celebrate

the outpouring of theHoly Spirit at Pentecost

at an event calledEmpowered21, Jerusalem2020.

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

spoke with Billy Wilson, the president

of Oral Roberts University and co-chair

of Empowered21 about this historic event.

- Well Billy, great to be with you

here on Jerusalem Dateline.

- Yeah, it's great of course, always good

to connect with Jerusalem.

- You have a big event comingup, tell us about that.

- This is the Empowered21 Global Congress,

we call it Jerusalem2020.

We'll begin on PentecostSunday evening, May 31

at the southern steps thereat Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

We'll have a largeleadership prayer gathering

for a new revival around the world

and new evangelism efforts.

And then the next nightwe'll move into Pais Arena,

June 1 through 3, we'llbe there sort a plethora

of who's who in thespirit Empowered movement

coming to speak and peoplefrom all over the world

gathering together,worshiping Jesus, loving him,

and also talking a lot, Chris,at this particular gathering

about the unfinished tasks,what is God calling us to do

in the 21st century,especially in the decade 2020

to 2030 to reach theworld for Jesus Christ.

So it's gonna be a serious meeting,

but also a joyful meeting as people gather

from all over the world.

- Tell us, Billy, who arethe people that'll be coming,

the speakers and leaders that are coming

and who do you want to jointhem here in Jerusalem?

- Yeah, we have a globalcouncil of about 60 people

from all over the world that'll be coming.

We'll have our globalcouncil meeting before

the gathering starts andthen we have speakers

all the way from RussellEvans from Planet Shakers

down in Australia toPastor Niko from Indonesia,

to Jentezen Franklin,myself, Daniel Kolenda,

a host of evangelistsfrom around the world

form people like Todd Whiteand all kind of other leaders

to Heidi Baker and the prophetic stream,

just all kinds of people coming together.

Again, sort of a who'swho of the movement.

And then part of thegathering will also focus

on what we're finding out

about spirit empowered Christianity today.

So we'll have some scholarlytypes like Todd Johnson

from the Senate for Global Christianity

at Gordon-Conwell be doing a report

on his most recent study onspirit empowered Christianity

and what he's finding.

Ed Stetzer who writesfor Christianity Today

will be coming andgiving us a bit of a view

of how evangelicals look at Pentecostals

charismatics today andliterally people from all over

the world celebrating,talking about, focusing on

the working of the holyspirit in the 21st century,

where are we and what is Godcalling for in the days ahead.

The Bible says when they wereall together in one place,

in one accord, then theholy spirit was poured out.

So as you come, comewith a mindset of unity,

of openness to God, that you're joining

with brothers and sistersfrom around the world

to see a new outpouring of the holy spirit

in the 21st century.

- So Billy, if someone's interested,

whether it's, say it'sSouth Korea, Africa,

or the United States, howcould they be part of this?

- Yeah, there's two places you can go. whichis our normal website

and you can connectthrough the Jerusalem2020

or there's a specialwebsite,

That's Jerusalem2020, all together, .com,

you can register there, youcan sign up for tours there,

you can get your hotel room there,

and all of that can happenright on the website,

so please go there, connect with us.

Every time I go to IsraelI have a unique encounter

with God, it's always surprising,

it's never what I expect,in places that I don't

usually think I would havean encounter with God,

but God meets me in theholy land every time I come

and my life has been changed and enriched.

And so I know just getting to Israel

is going to be powerful.

But even more so, in thisvery strategic moment

at 2020 as we gather withthe spirit empowered movement

around the world, Empowered21has become the largest

relational network in the history

of spirit empowered Christianity.

And so people coming will feel that unity

from all of these differentgroups coming together

focused on the holy spirit,the next generation,

world evangelization, and Christian unity.

- Well Billy, that soundslike a great event,

exciting, and for anybodycoming around the world,

and look forward to seeing you soon

here in Jerusalem.

- [Julie] Still ahead,a vision for Jerusalem

that embraces IsraeliJews and Arabs alike.

- [Narrator] Christians around the world

are standing with the Israelis, but why?

In CBN's free magazine, Friends of Israel,

you'll discover whyChristians are supporting

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as a light to the nations,and ways you can pray

for the people of Israel.

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of Friends of Israel.

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- Jerusalem's DeputyMayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum

has plans for her city.

She told us what she'd like to see happen

in Jerusalem in the coming year.

- We're very happy to haveclosed a wonderful year

of amazing activity and hard work

in the Jerusalem municipality.

We are embracing every singlepopulation of this city,

we're trying to open doors,create opportunity for all,

for all the members of andall the residents of the city.

We've made many, many inroads, we're building,

we're developing high tech,we're building infrastructure,

and we hopefully have atrain straight to Tel Aviv.

And so the future herein Jerusalem is bright

and I see Jerusalem asthe core, the laboratory

of the solution for peace and coexistence

in the entire regionbecause of our uniquely

diverse population, it starts here.

If we create the modelfor a shared society here,

we will bring it aboutin the entire region.

Happy new year.

- We'd like to share withyou an exciting opportunity

the see Israel from a unique perspective.

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

is hosting a tour to theholy land later this year.

It's an experience you won't wanna miss.

Here's a preview of what it's all about.

- Hello, I'm Chris Mitchelland I want to invite you

to the Israel Through theEyes of the Reporter tour

from June 12th to the 20th in 2020.

I've been reporting fromIsrael for more than 20 years

and I want to share some ofthose insights and experiences

I've had during that time.

We'll have daily briefingson the current situation

and discuss the geopoliticaldevelopments in the area.

Many of them with prophetic implications.

And we'll also walk inthe footsteps of Jesus

and visit places like the Mono Beatitudes,

Capernaum, take a boatride on the Sea of Galilee

and we'll come here to Jerusalem and visit

the Western Wall, the Temple Mount,

the Garden of Gethsemane.

The saying goes, when you come to Israel

you'll never be the same.

And my wife says thatbefore you come to Israel,

reading the Bible is likereading it in black and white,

but after you come here, it'slike reading it in color.

So join me here June12th to June 20th, 2020

for the trip of a lifetime.

For more information, goto

or call the number on your screen.

I look forward to seeingyou here in Jerusalem.

- That's all for this editionof Jerusalem Dateline,

thanks for joining us.

Remember, you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and YouTube.

Remember to pray for the Middle East

and especially for the peace of Jerusalem.

I'm Julie Stahl, we'll see you next time

on Jerusalem Dateline.

(upbeat music)


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