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Netanyahu Wins Landslide Victory in Likud Primary, Touts Trump Ties and Historic US-Israel Moves

Netanyahu Wins Landslide Victory in Likud Primary, Touts Trump Ties and Historic US-Israel Moves Read Transcript

- [Chris] In his victory speech,

Netanyahu thanked all thosewho had braved stormy weather

to go out and vote for him.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I fought forthem and they fought for me.

They know that I givemy life for the country

and my victory is their victory.

This is a tremendous victory

because we also overcame the fake polls

and fake news that is alreadytrying to dwarf the victory.

- [Chris] Netanyahu won 72.5% of the vote

against his challenger, Gideon Sa'ar.

An Netanyahu won 99 outof 106 polling stations

across the country.

Netanyahu talked about histenacity on behalf of Israel

in international affairsover the last 11 years.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I stood strong and alone

in opposition to the whole world

against the Iranian nuclear deal

that endangered not only our security,

but also our existence.

- [Chris] And he thanked President Trump

for the historic decisionshe's made regarding Israel.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I'm askingyou to see what we obtained

in just the last three years:

2017, the Americanrecognition of Jerusalem

as the capital of Israel;

2018, the moving of theUS Embassy to Jerusalem

and their exit from the nuclear agreement;

2019, American recognitionof our sovereignty

in the Golan Heights.

- [Chris] Netanyahu did notmention his primary challenger.

After it was clear Sa'ar had lost,

he phoned Netanyahu and congratulated him.

He said he and his supporterswould back Netanyahu

in the upcoming general elections.

For Netanyahu, this wasonly the first hurdle.

He still faces serious legalcharges of fraud and bribery,

and twice in the pastyear, neither Netanyahu

nor his opposition succeededin forming a government.

Many think that will be the case again

after the next round of elections.

- So, no matter who wins these primaries,

it seems the resultswill be the exact same,

which is that nobody canstill form a coalition.

In other words, theresults exactly the same

as the previous twoinconclusive elections.

- [Chris] Still, it was abig victory for Netanyahu,

and Israelis across the political spectrum

are still hoping thatthe March 2nd elections

will finally lead to a new government.

Chris Mitchell, CBN.


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