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Faith Nation: December 20, 2019


- [John] Tonight.

- I'm not even elected one term yet.

- [John] The Democraticdebate stage dwindles.

- Billionaires in wine caves

should not pick the next president.

- I am literally theonly person on this stage

who's not a millionaire or a billionaire.

- [John] As seven Democratsgo after their own.

- [Jenna] And.

- When we see what their process is,

we will know who and howmany we want to send over.

- [Jenna] The impeachmentprocess hits a roadblock

in a Republican-led Senate.

- Prosecutors are getting cold feet.

(audience laughs)

- [John] Plus, good newsfor the burgeoning economy.

- [Jenna] And.

- They had really unique stories.

- [Jenna] The history behindthe White House ornaments,

just in time for Christmas.

- All this and moretonight on Faith Nation.

(rhythmic music)

The division over PresidentTrump's impeachment

now dividing evangelical Christians.

Welcome to Faith Nation everyone.

I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Thanks for joining us.

Well tonight, the president blasting back

at an evangelical magazine

calling for his removal from office.

Christianity Today, inan editorial, saying

the hearing made it absolutely clear,

Trump should be impeached.

- And now the magazine is getting pushback

from the president and Franklin Graham,

whose father founded the magazine.

CBN White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy joins us

from the North Lawn with more.


- John, Jenna, FranklinGraham said his father

would've been disappointedby today's editorial,

where Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli wrote

that Trump should be removed

and that it's not a matterof partisan loyalties,

but the loyalty to the creatorof the Ten Commandments,

adding that impeachment hearings

illuminated the president'smoral deficiencies

for all to see.

This damages the institutionof the presidency,

damages the reputation of our country,

and damages both the spiritand the future of our people.

None of the president's positives

can balance the moral andpolitical danger we face

under a leader of suchgrossly immoral character.

Well Graham was quick to tweet out

Yes, my father, Billy Graham,founded Christianity today,

but no, he would not agreewith their opinion piece.

In fact, he would be very disappointed.

I have not previously sharedwho my father voted for

in the past election, butbecause of this article,

I feel it necessary to share it now.

My father knew Donald Trump,he believed in Donald Trump,

and he voted for Donald Trump.

The commander in chiefweighed in, writing:

A far left magazine, or very progressive

as some would call it,which has been doing poorly

and hasn't been involvedwith the Billy Graham family

for many years, Christianity Today,

knows nothing about readinga perfect transcript.

President of Faith andFreedom, Ralph Reed, called it

an insult to the intelligence

and good judgment of the faith community,

adding that few evangelicals read CT

and even fewer care what it says.

Now Trump's 2020 campaignslammed the op-ed

as being run by Never Trumpers,

and we are also hearing today and reports

that the buzz from thispiece caused lots of traffic

to the evangelical magazine's website

that it actually crashed at some point,

but it is back up at this hour.

John, Jenna.

- Thank you, Ben.

And joining us now is Franklin Graham,

president of Samaritan's Purse

and the Billy GrahamEvangelistic Association.

Franklin, just want toask you right off the top,

what was your initial reaction?

Were you surprised when youheard about the editorial?

- [Franklin] Well, not really surprised

because Christianity Today,

the magazine has been movingto the left for some time,

and they've been pretty much,you know, the Never Trumpers

and have been opposed to him from day one,

so I wasn't really that surprised.

- Reverend Graham, thepresident, he's responded.

He says that Christianity Today

is, quote, a far left magazine.

Would you characterize it the same way?

- [Franklin] It certainlyhas moved to the left.

That's the way I would put it.

From where my father started the magazine,

it has moved considerablyto the left over the years.

My father actually quit readingthe magazine some time ago.

- A lot of strong reactioncoming because of this article.

What do you see as the long-term fallout?

Do you think Christianity Todaywill pay a price for this?

- [Franklin] You know, I can't say.

But no question, ChristianityToday has changed,

and it's unfortunate.

But at the same time,

they are the ones whoinvoked my father's name.

And I just thought it wasimportant to speak out for him

and let the readers know where my father,

my father would've beenso disappointed in this.

- Reverend Graham, wereyou at all saddened

to have to disclose your father's vote?

It's something you had never done before.

- [Franklin] Never done that, and I was.

So I've just, I felt that itwas important that we do it

and let people know that myfather supports the president

and supported him in this last election,

and if my father were alive today,

he would've defended it himself.

- Well the CT website includesa quote from your father.

It says: Christianity Todayshould take the responsibility

of leading in love, what somuch of our evangelical work

has failed to do infighting and name calling.

Do you think the editorial, inany way, meets that calling,

maybe taking an unpopular stand,

or do you think the magazinehas lost its moorings?

- [Franklin] No, I don't think

that's what my father intended whatsoever.

The president has beenaccused by the Democrats.

Not one Republican sided with them,

and not all the Democrats sided with this,

so it's obvious it's so partisan.

And the fact that theyhave called for his removal

based on what Nancy Pelosiand Schumer and the others,

what they're calling for, itwas just absolutely wrong.

They certainly don't represent

most of the Bible-believingChristians in America today.

- How can Christians beeffective ambassadors for Jesus

if they're so split publicly?

- [Franklin] Well, my father,

the last time he wasat Christianity Today,

they wheeled him in awheelchair and he spoke to them,

and basically was warning them

that they should all be focused

and stay with, focus on the Bible,

and I think that'swhere Christianity Today

is getting off point.

You know, the president isnot the pastor of the country.

They talk about takingthe moral high ground,

and that is just absolutelya bunch of garbage.

What moral high ground do we talk about?

President Obama and hissupport for same sex marriage?

Hillary Clinton supporting herhusband as he abused women?

I mean, where's themoral high ground here?

And for them, for Christianity Today,

to try to claim that theyhave the moral high ground

is just wrong.

- Reverend Franklin Graham,it's good to talk to you today

and thank you for hoppingon a phone call with us.

Merry Christmas.- Well thank you.

Merry Christmas to you.

- Well last night was another debate night

for the 2020 Democrats,

and it was a pretty substantive debate

with more fire than we'veseen in past debates.

Here's Jennifer Wishon.

- The latest face-off came one day

after the historic vote in the House

to impeach President Trump,

a subject addressed right out of the gate.

- What conservatives, I think, understand

is that we cannot have apresident with that temperament

who is dishonoring thepresidency of the United States.

- [Jennifer] With the timing

of the PBS NewsHour/Politico debate

just weeks before the Iowa caucuses,

candidates appeared todistinguish themselves

and diminish their opponents.

- The mayor just recently had a fundraiser

that was held in a winecave full of crystals

and served $900-a-bottle wine.

Think about who comes to that?

Billionaires in wine caves

should not pick the next president.

- According to Forbes Magazine,

I am literally the onlyperson on this stage

who's not a millionaire or a billionaire.

(audience applauds)So if,

this is important.

This is the problem withissuing purity tests

you cannot yourself pass.

- [Jennifer] Sanders, a Jew,who lived in Israel as a child,

called Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu a racist

and criticized US policytowards the Jewish state.

- But what US foreign policy must be about

is not just being pro-Israel.

We must be pro-Palestinian as well.

- [Jennifer] Speakingin Singapore this week,

President Obama said, "Theworld would be a better place

"if more women were in charge,"

and suggested, "Manyof the world's problems

"stem from old people, usually old men,

"not getting out of the way."

- I'm going to guess that President Obama

did not clear that remarkthrough your campaign.

- I'm gonna guess he wasn'ttalking about me either,

- Okay.(audience applauds)

- number one.

Look, I'm running.

I'm running because I've beenaround, on my experience.

And with experiencehopefully comes judgment

and a little bit of wisdom.

- [Jennifer] And amid new reporting

critical of Obama's handlingof the Afghanistan war,

Biden firmly divergedfrom his former boss.

- I'm the guy, from the beginning,

who argued that it was a big, big mistake

to surge forces to Afghanistan, period.

- [Jennifer] Bidenremains the frontrunner.

If elected, he would be 82at the end of his first term

and was asked if he's committedto seeking a second term.

- No, I'm not willing tocommit one way or another.

Here's the deal.

I'm not even elected one term yet,

and let's see where we are.

Let's see what happens.

(audience applauds)

- [Jennifer] And in thisseason of Christmas,

candidates were asked toeither seek forgiveness

or offer a gift.

(Andrew scoffs)

(audience laughs and applauds)

- We have to bring peoplewith us and not shut them out.

That is the gift we can giveAmerica in this election.

- Democrats will debate four more times

between now and the end of February,

face-offs all locatedin early voting states.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- All right, thank you, Jennifer.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosihas invited President Trump

to deliver the State of the Union

to Congress and the Americanpeople on February 4th.

The invitation comes as House Democrats

are employing a newstrategy for impeachment,

temporarily holding the twoarticles back in the House,

with a goal of getting assurances

at the trial in theRepublican-controlled Senate.

Our CBN Capitol HillCorrespondent Abigail Robertson

brings us the latest.

- The Senate is preparingfor an impeachment trial

in the new year, but an unexpected twist

could put those plans on hold.

After getting the votes,

House Speaker Nancy Pelosiis waiting to confirm

if and when she willturn the articles over.

- Clearly, do you understand,

when we see what their process is,

we will know who and howmany we want to send over.

- [Abigail] Pelosi claimsshe wants to ensure

there will be a fairprocess in the Senate.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

suspects another motivefor the hesitation.

- Looks like the prosecutorsare getting cold feet

in front of the entire country

and second-guessing whetherthey even want to go to trial.

- [Abigail] President Trumpaccused Pelosi on Twitter

of being afraid topresent it to the Senate.

Senate Democrats want fourwitnesses to come forward:

Mick Mulvaney, Robert Blair, John Bolton,

and Michael Duffey, witnessesthe White House blocked

from testifying in the House.

- We ask, is the president's case so weak

that none of the president's men

can defend him under oath?

- [Abigail] But McConnellprefers no witnesses

and hopes to move quickly,acquitting President Trump.

- This particular House of Representatives

has let its partisan rageat this particular president

create a toxic, newprecedent that will echo

well into the future.

- [Abigail] McConnellwarned Democrats Thursday,

"This strategy won't work."

(gavel pounds)

With both the House andSenate adjourned for the year,

there will be no movement on the articles

until at least January.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Well stay tuned.

Up next, our political panel.

Julia Manchester with The Hill

and CBN's David Brody are on deck.

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- And time now for our political panel.

Joining us again, JuliaManchester with The Hill

and CBN's David Brody,Chief Political Analyst.

David, let's start with you

and that Christianity Today editorial

calling for President Trump's removal.

We've seen Franklin Graham respond,

other evangelicals respond.

How much does this expose a possible split

or divide among evangelicals?

- There's not any more splitthan there already has been.

In other words, it's about80% of white evangelicals,

that's what the polls say,support the president,

about 15-20% don't.

Guess what?

Christianity Today, thiseditorial that we saw,

is part of that 15 to 20 percent.

So this idea that the mediais making this big deal

that, oh no, a new fracture.

It's not a new fracture.

This guy who wrote the editorial,

a lot of folks have calledhim a Never Trumper.

I'm not gonna call him a Never Trumper,

but he has said somepretty disparaging things

about Donald Trump.

He's part of that 15 to 20 percent.

And look, they've goneleft for a while now.

We've seen, they'vewritten positive things

about Margaret Sanger, thefounder of Planned Parenthood.

This is from Christianity Today.

They've talked about also,

in terms of baking weddingcakes, religious liberty,

they've been pretty left onthat, so this is no surprise

this is coming from Christianity Today.

- David, what are you hearing

from other evangelical leaders?

- That they're frustrated

that this is getting so much oxygen

in the media establishment.

That's part of it, andthe other part of it is,

what they're telling me isthat they've gone to the left

for years, and that'sexactly what Franklin Graham

told you earlier as well.

- Julia, what are theimplications here for 2020?

Does this open the doorfor any of the Democrats

to kind of come in andseize an opportunity

with evangelicals?- I don't think

it really does because Ithink, as David was saying,

Christianity Today has beeninching more to the left

over the past couple of years,and I think if 2020 Democrats

were to get evangelical voters,

it would be younger evangelical voters

or minority evangelical voters

such as Latinos and African Americans.

You know, one issuewhere I've seen Democrats

have some sway with younger evangelicals

is the issue of climate change.

I have heard some talk about that.

But in general, I don't thinkthey're going to be able

to persuade the majorityof this voting block,

which has been so behind President Trump

over the past couple of years

to completely turn and vote for a Democrat

who could be pro-choice.- A quick follow-up.

If there is a candidateon the Democratic side,

who's the candidate that you see

who can kind of have wide appeal

when it comes to evangelicals?

- You know, it's hard for me to say that.

When I think of religious voters,

I do think of someonelike Mayor Pete Buttigieg

because he is religious,

does definitely incorporate his faith.

However, I'm to sure if hisstances on a number of issues,

whether it's same sexmarriage or abortion,

is going to appeal to alarge swath of evangelicals,

but I think potentially a Joe Biden

or maybe an Amy Klobuchar,someone who is more moderate.

And especially Joe Biden,

someone who has suggested in the past

that he does understand, at least,

the pro-life way of thinking.

He could potentially have some sway there.

- So who did you thinkwon the debate last night?

- Amy Klobuchar, definitely.

I think it was a breakout moment for her

and I was pinging a number of operatives

and strategists lastnight and earlier today,

and they said this was abreakout moment for her.

It happens just beforeshe has this three-day,

27-county bus tour in Iowa.

Her campaign has beengoing all out on Iowa

so they can get that momentum.

Caveat here, I thinkthe highest she's gotten

in the polls, in Iowaat least, has been 6%,

so she has a tough road ahead of her.

However, I thought it was interesting

how she kind of got into that wedge

between Warren and Pete Buttigieg

and positioned herselfagainst Pete Buttigieg

as the other moderateMidwestern candidate.

- Quick, final questionfor the both of you.

Who is best positioned totake on Donald Trump in 2020

after watching last night's debate?

- So there's a candidate,and his or her name is None,

and I think, right now, that's the answer.

Look, maybe Biden.

But Biden with a wah-wah-wahand a default sound effect

because, Warren and Sanders,too far to the left.

Buttigieg, we've talked about this before,

the experience not quite there,

though he's the bestcandidate they've got by far.

So I guess Biden by default.

- [John] Just a name.

- I would say Biden is the candidate

that President Trump is mostconcerned about at this point.

- All right, we're gonnahave to leave it there.

Julia, David, thank you for joining us.

- Thank you.- Thanks guys.

- [John] Coming up, what's behind

the record breaking US economy, next.

(rhythmic music)

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- Welcome back.

Well tonight, the US economyis racking up major wins.

A few months ago, a yield curvehad a lot of people worried

about the future of the economy.

- But the latest curve numbers

actually signal a morerobust economy ahead,

now easing those fears ofrecession as we close out 2019,

with the gross domestic product

increasing at a rate of2.1% in the third quarter.

Meanwhile, positive steps

in a possible trade deal with China.

And a major North Americantrade deal, the USMCA,

moves to the Senate for approval.

- Well Stephen, it'sgreat to see you again.

- Good to see you guys,

and by the way, this is great.

You have your red dress onand I have my green tie.

We're perfect for Christmas.

- We're just so festive.- Christmas spirit,

and I'm left out here in the orange.

Well Steve, as we close out this year,

how would you characterizethe state of the economy

and where things stand?

- Hard to think of a time in my lifetime

when the economy and thestock market had been better.

I mean, think about,

we have the lowestunemployment rate in 50 years,

the lowest inflation rate in 50 years,

the lowest interest rates in 50 years.

We've got rising wages.

We have the stock marketkeeps hitting all-time highs.

It's just a beautiful thing.

Things are going wonderful.

This is a great time to be an American

and it's a great time to be in America

and just really see this prosperity

that's really hitting everyincome group, every race,

women and men, I mean,it's a beautiful thing.

- How do the ongoing talkswith China over a trade deal,

how do they potentially affect this

boom?- Oh, it's been really,

I mean, look, Trump hada great week last week

because he got both theUS-Canada-Mexico trade agreement

on Tuesday, and then onThursday, he announced

he's got this blockbustertrade deal with China.

I mean, that's a prettygood week for a president.

I think it's gonna cause,

you know, our manufacturing has been weak

and a little soft the last nine months.

We're already starting to see some signs

of a recovery in manufacturing,

which was the only weakarea of the economy,

so this is, it really bodes well for 2020.

- Stephen--- I think we could see

3% growth in '20.- Stephen,

but we're just talking aboutphase one of the talks?

- Right.- Is there potential

that it could hit some snags?

Because these tradetalks have been going on

for quite some time.- Yeah, and they're gonna

keep going on for some time.

I mean, this could lastyears, if not decades.

I mean, this is what I've called,

on this show many times,the epic battle of our time

between the two largest economies

in the world, US and China.

I think Trump's got a great start here.

- The House passed the USMCA.

- It's nice, isn't it, tofinally see a bipartisan bill?

When was the last time we actually had

any kind of bipartisan victory?

So, you know, Nancy Pelosideserves some credit here,

Trump does.

I think you're gonna see,

this fulfills Ronald Reagan's vision

of North America beingone tariff-free zone

where we could trade with each other

so we can take on Europe and Asia.

So that's really great news.

- And just in time for Christmas.

- Yeah.- Yeah, no, I mean, gosh,

- We're ready.- China, Canada, Mexico.

Trump is just checking the boxes.

All the promises that he made,

he just goes down thelist like Santa Claus,

boom, boom, boom (laughs),so it's a great thing.

- Stephen Moore withThe Heritage Foundation,

good to have you.

- Thank you, guys.- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas to you, too.

- [John] And speakingof Christmas, coming up,

how those special Christmasornaments you see on your screen

are helping to preserve American history.

(rhythmic music)

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- [Announcer] From Washington DC,

uncompromising stories, interviews,

and analysis from veteran journalists.

David Brody.- Escalating fight.

- Jenna Browder.- Chose his words carefully.

- Ben Kennedy.- Plan to join him.

- And Amber Strong.- For impeachment

grows a little bit louder.

- [Announcer] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.

- We get out and tell the story

of the progress that we'remaking in this country.

- [Announcer] Watch FaithNation, weeknights at six

on the CBN News Channel.

- We will move the American Embassy

to the eternal capital ofthe Jewish people, Jerusalem.

- [Announcer] As the nations rage,

you can stand with Israel.

- History is being writtenand I want to be a part of it.

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- [Woman] This is our nature as a country.

- [Announcer] Discover the untold story

of how Israel volunteersare changing the world.

- [Man] We consider it our duty

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- [Announcer] For a gift of $10 or more,

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- To treat a human, no matter what he is,

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Get "To Life," now available on DVD.

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- [Woman] And I wish that other people

throughout the world couldsee this side of Israel.

- Finally tonight, keeping the White House

up to museum standardsrequires keen attention

and plenty of funding.

- And that need alsodemands private funding,

and this year, Americans arehelping in a creative way.

Jennifer Wishon explains.

- The White House is hometo priceless works of art,

irreplaceable pieces of American history,

and this Christmas,Americans across the country

are helping to preserve itjust by decorating their trees.

- So you can hang on your tree at home

an ornament that actuallyhas crushed stone

from the same stone thatthe White House is built of.

- [Jennifer] Wow, that is really special.

Since 1981, the White HouseHistorical Association

has produced a yearly Christmas ornament.

Each one tells a differentstory about our presidents

and their time in the White House.

- We've had 45 Americanpresidents and their families.

Only 44, of course, havelived in the White House.

George Washingtonselected the piece of land

and the young Irish architect to build it,

but he never lived in the White House.

But all of them haverich, wonderful stories

that have contributedsomething to our country

and making it the greatcountry that it is.

- [Jennifer] People often seek ornaments

for modern day presidents,but they'll have to wait.

- People come in and they'llwant to buy the Bush ornament

or the Obama ornamentor the Trump ornament,

and we don't have those ornaments.

We say, "Come back in 10 or 15 years."

- The collection beganwith George Washington

and is up to Dwight Eisenhower,

the first commander inchief to use a helicopter

for presidential travel.

Proceeds from the ornaments

go towards preserving the White House,

one of America's most prized jewels.

I'm Jennifer Wishon at the White House

wishing you a very merry Christmas.

- Thanks, Jennifer.

Those are great Christmas ideas,

- Yeah.- Christmas gift ideas.

- Beautiful, the White Houseat Christmas is so nice.

- Merry Christmas.


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