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'My Father Would Have Been Disappointed’: Franklin Graham Fires Back at Christianity Today's ‘Elitist Liberal’ Call for President Trump's Removal

'My Father Would Have Been Disappointed’: Franklin Graham Fires Back at Christianity Today's ‘Elitist Liberal’ Call for President Trump's Removal Read Transcript

- And joining us now is Franklin Graham,

president of Samaritan's Purse

and the Billy GrahamEvangelistic Association.

Franklin, just want toask you right off the top,

what was your initial reaction?

Were you surprised when youheard about the editorial?

- [Franklin] Well not really surprised

because Christianity Today, the magazine,

has been moving to the left

for some time and theirpretty much, you know,

the never Trumpers andhave been opposed to him

from day one.

So I wasn't really that surprised.

- Reverend Graham, thePresident, he's responded,

he says that Christianity Today is,

"a far left magazine."

Would you characterize it the same way?

- [Franklin] It certainlyhas moved to the left of us,

well where my father started the magazine.

It has moved considerablyto the left over the years.

So my father actuallyquit reading the magazine

sometime ago.

- A lot of strong reaction coming

because of this article.

What do you see as the long term fallout?

Do you think Christianity Todaywill pay a price for this?

- [Franklin] You know I can't say,

but no question ChristianityToday has changed

and it's unfortunate.

But at the same time, there the ones

who invoked my father's name

and I just thought it wasimportant to speak out for him

and let the readers know where,

my father would have beenso disappointed in this.

And the fact thatChristianity Today took sides

in something that was sopartisan and obvious partisan.

And the President says he's not guilty

of what he's been charged with.

And I would have to agree withhim 'til proven differently.

- Reverend Graham were you at all saddened

to have to disclose your father's vote?

It's something you had never done before.

- [Franklin] Never done that, and I was.

So I just felt that was important

that we do it and let people know

that my father supports the President

and supported him in this last election.

And if my father were alive today,

he would defend it himself.

- Well the CT website includesa quote from your father.

It says, "Christianity Todayshould take the responsibility

of leading in love what somuch of our evangelical work

has failed to do infighting and name calling."

Do you think the editorial inany way meets that calling,

maybe taking an unpopular stand

or do you think the magazinehas lost its moorings?

- No I don't think that's

what my father intended whatsoever.

The President has beenaccused by the democrats.

Not one republican sided with them.

And not all the democrats sided with this.

And so it's obvious, it's so partisan

and the President has not had a trial.

And the fact that they hadcalled for his removal,

based on what Nancy Pelosi and Senator,

well you know, Schumer and the others,

what they're calling for.

It was just absolutely wrong

and they certainly don't represent

most of the Bible believingChristians in America today.

They represent a growing,unfortunate growing number

of evangelicals whoare moving to the left.

- Reverend Graham even still,

do you think this articlehas any kernel of truth

or any merit at all?

- [Franklin] No, I really don't.


- Well, it's interesting,

you were just talking aboutthe unfortunate aspect of this.

The editorial does exposedivisions among Christians.

So what about the political fall out,

the political polarizationand that fall out,

which seems to be splitting believers?

How can Christians beeffective ambassadors

for Jesus if they're so split publicly.

- [Franklin] Well myfather, the last time he was

at Christianity Today, wewheeled him in a wheelchair

and he spoke to them andbasically was warning them

that they should all be focused

and stay with a focus on the Bible.

And I think that'swhere Christianity Today

is getting off point.

You know the President is notthe pastor of the country.

They talk about takingthe moral high ground

and that is just absolutelya bunch of garbage.

What moral high ground do we talk about?

President Obama and hissupport for same sex marriage?

Hillary Clinton supporting her husband

as he abused women?

I mean where is the moral high ground here

and for them, for Christianity Today

to try to claim that theyhave the moral high ground

is just wrong.

And they should have stayedout of this completely,

in my opinion.

- Reverend Franklin Graham,it's good to talk to you today

and thank you for hoppingon the phone call with us.

Merry Christmas.

- [Franklin] Well thankyou, merry Christmas.

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