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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - December 19, 2019


- Well I appreciate so manypeople who have questions

and it's always my joyto try to answer them.

It's supposed to be (chuckling)your honest questions

and you get supposedly honest answers.

We'll do the best we can.

So, here's Terry.

- Okay, this is Danny who says,"I'm a member of a church,

"but I find myself not agreeing

"with the denomination's doctrine.

"I've been watching the 700 Club

"and now consider this to be my church.

"I pray all the time, I am a Christian.

"But is it okay not togo to church on Sundays?

"I believe watching the 700Club daily is my church."

- Uh, I don't wanna talk away my audience,

that would be (chuckling)a terrible thing,

but the truth is the Bible saysdon't forsake the assembling

of yourself together.

And if you're in a congregationyou don't agree with

the stuff they're teaching,well then go find somebody else.

But if nothing else, havea meeting in your home

or meet with some other people

where you have a prayer meeting.

It's sorta nice to be togetherwith fellow believers.

And the Bible, answering aseparate thing, it's united.

They were all together in one accord

and the Holy Spirit came.

So I recommend that, all right?

- Okay, this is Jen who says,"Pay, I'm in desperate need

"of a miracle healing in my body.

"Is it wrong to ask God forhealing around Christmas

"when we're supposed to be thanking Him

"for sending His Son?"

- The Son came to take awayour sins and our diseases,

so the answer is no, it'snot a sin at Christmas

or any other time to ask God for healing.

The Lord says hitherto you'veasked nothing in My name.

Ask and you shall receivethat your joy may be full.

God wants you to be happy.

He wants you to have joy andHe will answer your prayer

if you ask Him.

So don't hesitate toask for the power of God

and He'll give you the answer, all right?

- Okay, this is Mary, Pat whosays, "Can you explain Genesis

"chapter 6 verse 2?

"The sons of God saw the daughters of men,

"that they were beautiful;and they took wives

"for themselves of all whom they chose.

"Are the sons of God men, or angels?

"And in verse four wherethe sons of God came

"in to the daughters of men,

"and they bore children unto them,

"were the children giants?

"Also," so this is the third question,

"are there any female angels?

"The only angels I'veread about were male."

- My wife insists onputting dresses on angels

and I say look, they're allmen and men don't wear dresses.

- [Both] (chuckling together)

- Robes?- Yeah.

We know Gabriel, you know and so forth,

Michael, they're all maleas far as I can tell.

But that's not the main question.

The question is what are known as Nephilim

and who are they?

I mean were they angels or sonsof God who should be angels?

So, I don't think they were demons.

They must be angels that were looking

at the beautiful women andthey procreated with them

and then they had giants as children.

And that's, you know,when David slew Goliath,

Goliath was part of thatgroup of great, big, people.

But I've, these people make a big thing

about all these Nephilimand that's how come

we had the flood to getrid of these awful people.

I don't have enough knowledgeof the Bible to tell you

because it's not clear, all right?

- This is a viewer whosays, "If a young man

is trapped in pornographywill God forgive him?

"The Bible says that thosewho commit fornication

"will not inherit theKingdom, yet it also says

"that my body is thetemple of the Holy Spirit.

"Didn't Jesus pay for all my sins?

"Are my past, present,and even future sins

"already paid for once andfor all by one sacrifice?"

- Well, yes they're paid for.

That doesn't mean you keep on sinning.

Paul said you know thosewho say let's sin boldly

that grace may abound,

their condemnation is just.

Uh, look, pornographyis a terrible addiction

but it is on us, it is one of those things

that has pervaded in our society

and we've had all these lawspermitting all this stuff

to be put out in our society.

I don't know what to tell you except

that is an addiction justlike drugs, like alcohol,

like anything else.

You need to get free from it.

And remember those things are fake.

The women are fake.

The stuff that they do is fake.

It is all a script that isdone out of the cheapest

possible environment.

So it may look alluring, but it's not.

And all I can say is, you know,

ask for deliverance, get people to pray.

And what does the Bible say, you know,

it's, that the, if youhave to have these problems

get married.

That's what it says, all right.

- Okay, well that's all the time we have

for questions today,but we're very grateful

to hear from you.

We love that.

- Well you all asked me some tough things

and you really do.

And I appreciate these questions.

And I hope I did answer them properly

but it isn't always easy.

- It isn't always easy.

Well, sometimes we don'thave enough information.

- Well, that's the problem.

- Yeah.


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