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- Welcome back, it's time for
your questions and honest answers.
Arline writes in, "I heard a teaching
"that God does not hear sinners except
"when they pray the sinner's prayer.
"The text that is used is John 9:31,
"the New King James version,
"'Now we know that Goddoes not hear sinners,
"but if anyone is a worshiper of God
"and does His will, He hears him.'
"Is this true or has this textbeen taken out of context?"
- Oh, it has been taken out of context.
The people who said that,there was a blind man
who said, look, I've been healed,
and they said, who did it?
And well said Jesus did it.
And they said, you don'tunderstand, he's a sinner
and God doesn't hearthe prayers of sinners.
There's nothing in theBible that said that.
- Yeah.
- It's like, you know--
- He died for us while wewere still in our sins,
that's what the Bible says.
- Of course, well I mean,that statement in the Bible
was said by somebodywho was mocking Jesus.
So, you know, it'slike, like you know the,
It ain't necessarily so, you know,
that's a parody of the Devil, all right?
- Wow, that's a good word.
All right, Michelle says,
"Can Christians celebrate Hanukkah?"
- Well I don't see why not.
You can celebrate anything you want to.
- Spin the dreidel.
- I mean, Hanukkah is, you know,
it's a celebration ourJewish people enjoy,
and I believe in sharingthese holidays together.
You're not giving up your faithif you celebrate Hanukkah.
- I think, probably, some Jewish people
will have Christmas treesand celebrate Hanukkah.
Well Tracy says, "I am trulysaddened at the answer you gave
"to a woman named Oliveon your show recently.
"You completely contradictedthe Bible as it states
"if a man even looks at a woman with lust,
"he is committing adultery.
"This man is in the wrongconcerning their marriage
"because he should never feel the need
"for affirmation from other women,
"but be grateful for the wife he has.
"Your, this is the way menare, attitude is wrong.
"His actions are destroying their marriage
"and yet you stated thewoman should go along
"with this and be the center of his life.
"You even accused her ofbeing suspicious and jealous
"because it would lead to destruction--
- All right.
- "in her life."
- First of all, you havemisquoted Scripture.
That's, you know, the Jesusthat is not why you are wrong
because you don't understand the Scripture
and the power of God.
Jesus said, "If a man looksat a woman with lust,"
and that means thathe's looking at it as if
he's gonna have, she's a sex object,
and he's gonna have sex with her.
And he says that means you've already
committed adultery in your mind.
There's nothing in theworld wrong with looking
at a beautiful woman and say,you are a beautiful woman.
We've had a Miss America onthis program as a co-host,
we've had a MissCalifornia on this program,
and we've got the lovely Wendy.
God gives beauty andthere's nothing wrong...
and the fact that a man looks at a woman
and says, she's beautiful,
that doesn't mean he's lusting after her.
And so I think you'vemisunderstood what was said.
If you think that peopledon't like to be admired,
if you don't think womenlike to be admired,
then why do they go to the beauty parlor,
why do they spend time under a hairdryer,
why do they buy billions of dollars worth
of cosmetics to look beautiful?
- And we do. (laughs)
- And you do.
- And we do Pat.
- Well you like to look attractive
to your same sex and opposite sex.
- Absolutely.
- I mean that's the way we are.
We like to be, you know,admired by other people.
There's nothing wrongwith that, all right.
- All right, let's move on.
Chris says, "What's thetrue meaning behind kissing
"someone under the mistletoe?"
- Oh my, our guys looked that up.
Apparently, the Druids,everything goes back
to them Druids, those filthy Druids.
They looked at mistletoe andmistletoe grew in the winter,
it grew all the time.
So they said, there'ssomething about mistletoe
that shows it's fertile.
Then it became to bea symbol of fertility.
And then some of the servants used to say,
well maybe we can steal a kiss,
and so the women wouldstand under the mistletoe
and men would kiss them.
And that's where it came from.
- It's a great tradition, I like it.
Of course there's only one man
I will be kissing under the mistletoe.
- That's for your husband.
- My husband, all right.
Gwendolyn says, "Why isthe Sabbath on Sunday?
"Since God rested on the seventh day,
"shouldn't it be Saturday?"
- Well it should be but, the same time,
the Bible says, on thefirst day of the week,
the Christians gathered together
and they did these various things.
And the first day of theweek became their holy day.
The Muslims have Friday,the Jews have Saturday,
the Christians have Sunday.
Saturday of course wasright, that was the Sabbath.
- I think the importantthing is to take a Sabbath.
- I think the importantthing, it's all about,
you know, Jesus said that the Sabbath
was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
I think it's very important.
All right.
- Linda says, "Hi Pat.
"When my sister's husbanddied two years ago,
"she asked me for help.
"I did help her by taking herplaces, buying her groceries,
"and delivering them to her20 miles away, et cetera.
"Everything was going okayuntil I stopped doing it.
"She turned on me and toldme, she never liked me anyway.
"I've apologized two timesfor nothing but petty stuff,
"hoping she would dropit, but she never did.
"She's not speaking to me.
"I've done everything I know to reconcile
"but I believe she needs to apologize.
"It's okay if she doesn't, Ijust want to be free from this.
"Your opinion please."
- I think you've doneexactly what the Bible says.
When you stand praying, you remember,
if somebody has awed against you,
go to that one and make it right.
You have been to your sister,
your sister is obviouslya very petty person,
she has emotional issues,
she has a feeling of insecurity,
and she's taking it out on you.
So you can love her in your heart
but you don't have to be exposed to this
and be constantly aware of this confusion.