- [Wendy] This week, onChristian World News,
his goal to make Jesus Christ famous.
For decades, Reinhard Bonnke
traveled the African continentto fulfill that mission
and tens of millionsresponded to the call.
Plus, in the nation onceknown as the Killing Fields,
the Church is thriving.
Franklin Graham tells us about
his gospel festival in Cambodia.
And raised in Iran, hestrove to please Allah,
but a barbaric event onhis friend's wedding day
caused him to question Islam.
Then, one day, he heard anillegal message of love.
(dramatic music)
Welcome to Christian World News, everyone.
I'm Wendy Griffith.
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was known
as the Billy Graham of Africa.
At the age of 79, he'snow joined the Savior
that he spent a lifetimetelling people about.
For six decades, the German-born preacher
crisscrossed the African continent,
preaching the love of Jesus Christ.
George Thomas has this lookat his life and legacy.
- All hail the power of Jesus' name!
- [George] Affectionatelyknown as God's general,
Reinhard Bonnke spent aremarkable 60 of his 79 years
spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.
He would often say that his life's mission
was to plunder hell to populate heaven.
- Jesus didn't call us to deliver sermons.
He called us to deliver people.
And I believe this is whathappens in our crusades.
I am not decorating prison cells;
I'm setting the captives free.
- [George] That was ReinhardBonnke on The 700 Club
33 years ago today.
He had just returned from holding
one of his massive crusadesin Malawi, East Africa.
The renowned German-born evangelist
gave his life to Christ at age nine.
During my interview with him in 2010,
Bonnke said he heardthe call from the Lord
to the African missionfield early on in life.
Why Africa?
- Because it's my calling.
It's very specific and personal.
God spoke to me as a kid
that I would preach the gospel in Africa.
- [George] Bonnke was 24 years old
when he moved his wifeAnni and their baby son
to the tiny African nation of Lesotho.
The couple spent seven yearsworking there as missionaries.
He said it wasn't easy,
but it was during those difficult years
that he started praying to see more souls
saved across the African continent.
Dr. Corne Bekker, Deanof the School of Divinity
at Regent University, anda native of South Africa,
attended several ofBonnke's crusade meetings.
- And he said, very earlyon, he heard this voice
that said, "Africa shall be saved."
And to the end of his life,he never stopped believing
that this was indeed the voice of God.
- [George] God gave Bonnkea vision of a continent
washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
He started holding gospelmeetings in a yellow tent
that could hold just 800 people,
but soon outgrew it andneeded a bigger one.
- There would be awonderful time of worship,
he would preach the gospel,the very simple gospel
of Jesus Christ, and thenhe would give an invitation
for people to come forward,and people in the thousands,
sometimes hundreds of thousands of people,
would come forward and dedicatetheir lives unto the Lord.
- [George] In 1974, Bonnkefounded Christ for All Nations
with the goal of reachingAfrica with the gospel.
He ditched the tent and startedcrisscrossing the continent,
holding open-air crusades.
At one such rally in Lagos,Nigeria, held in 2000,
more than six million peoplecame out to hear him preach.
During his last appearanceon The 700 Club in 2018,
Bonnke recalled to Pathow the Lord had touched
so many people's livesover the five-day event.
- But the last day, it was in one service,
over one million people God saved
and completed their decision call.
So that gave me faith forthe rest of the world.
- [Pat] Sure.- If Jesus can save a million
in a meeting, it will take less (stammers)
than one year to get America saved.
- (laughs) Amen!
- [George] Bonnke has always insisted
that such remarkablenumbers were only possible
through the power andanointing of the Holy Spirit.
- We need the Great Commission
and we have the Holy Spirit.
If we have only the Great Commission
and/or only the Holy Spirit,we have power without purpose
or purpose without power.
It is a package deal.
- [George] Dr. Bekker says his crusades
were often accompaniedby miraculous healings.
- [Corne] Many of thesemiracles would be spontaneous.
People that were notable to walk could walk,
people that were blind couldsee, and the deaf could hear.
- [George] All told,Christ for All Nations
says, from the start ofBonnke's ministry back in 1967,
to this day, more than 79 million people
have made decisions tofollow Christ in Africa
and other parts of the world.
Tributes have been pouringin since his passing,
including from Nigeria's Muslim President
Muhammadu Buhari, whocalled Bonnke's death
"a great loss to Nigeria,Africa, and entire world."
Evangelist ReinhardBonnke was 79 years old.
He passed away Saturday in Orlando,
surrounded by his family.
He leaves behind his wifeAnni, three children,
and eight grandchildren.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thanks, George.
Well, Dr. Corne Bekker joins us now
to give us more insightinto Reinhard Bonnke.
And Dr. Bekker, talk about the fire
that drove Reinhard Bonnke
and how important is thatfire in preaching the gospel.
- It was certainly thathe had great conviction
about the power of the Holy Spirit.
I'm always reminded of that beautiful text
during this Advent season
where the angel spoke to Mary and says
the power of the MostHigh will overshadow you
and from your life will come forth Christ.
Any interaction of Reinhard Bonnke
showed forth that commitment
and that fire of the Holy Spirit.
- Well, he saw miracle aftermiracle at his crusades.
What does it take to see that
kind of anointing in your ministry?
- Right, so the old revivalpreachers always said
the following, they would saythat purity precedes power.
And this is one of thethings that Reinhard Bonnke
would often say, he would say:
make sure that you live a holy life,
a life fully committed, fully surrendered,
to God and to the Holy Spirit,
and from this would comeforth miracles and power.
- What kind of personal price do you think
Reinhard Bonnke had to pay tosee this incredible impact?
One million people savedat his last crusade
and millions more, of course.
What kind of price doesone pay for that anointing?
- So one of the thingsit's important to remember,
he said he started off really small.
When he lived in the tinylittle country of Lesotho,
there was often thisprice that he would pay
of not really having a lot of money,
not really driving fancy cars,
and this commitment to always do
what God is asking him todo, great price to be paid.
- Amazing; what lesson can young preachers
take away from his life?
- I think the most importantthing that we need to remember,
and Reinhard used tosay this all the time.
He would say, when youhave the Holy Spirit,
you don't need the tea and the cake.
(chuckles) And what he meant by this
is that you don't needthe fluff and the bubble.
Indeed, you can simplytrust that the Word of God
is sufficient, the gospel of Jesus Christ
is enough to change this world.
- Yeah, the truly greatpreachers like Billy Graham,
they kept it very simple.
It's the cross, it's the cross.
Do you think anybody canpick up where he left off?
- Well, this was his largest desire.
I was reminded, soReinhard Bonnke was here
when we dedicated the School of Divinity,
the new building and the chapel.
- [Wendy] So you met him.- I met him a number of times,
yes, inside Africa andalso here in the States.
And one of the things thathe said, he prophesied
and he said, he praysthe School of Divinity
would become a womb of the Holy Spirit
from where hundreds ofthousands of missionaries
and evangelists would go forth.
This was his dream, this was what
he wanted his legacy to be.
- Dr. Bekker, what does that mean to you
as a South African that Reinhard Bonnke
came here to where youare, the Dean of Divinity,
and prayed that prayer overwhere you are teaching?
- It's difficult not to getweepy at this moment in time.
I feel the weight of that responsibility
to make sure that we honor his legacy
in the same way that hehonored his Lord and Savior.
- A ton has been passed indeed.
- Amen.- Amen.
Thank you so much for being with us.
- It's a joy.
- [Wendy] Coming up: FranklinGraham's message for Cambodia.
How a country once devastated by genocide
is ripe for the gospel.
- Hello, this is Pat Robertson.
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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is Studio 5.
Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things
happening in the world of music, sports,
television, and movies.
- I heard Ryan Coogler wasgonna be directing the film.
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists
at the forefront of entertainmentand explore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said, well,
does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?
He says no, you already have a pulpit.
- [Narrator] Watch Studio5 Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside--
- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.
- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the Biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- It's what starts in Israel,
then ends up going to other places.
- [Narrator] Watch Jersualem Dateline
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- Welcome back.
1700 people came forwardto put their faith
in Jesus Christ in Cambodia this month.
Evangelist Franklin Grahampreached a two-night festival
in the capital, Phnom Penh.
He's hoping it sparksan evangelistic fervor
in a country that oncepersecuted Christians
and other people of faith.
- All right, now, we're just concluding
here in Phnom Penh in Cambodia.
People have given theirhearts to Jesus Christ.
The Church here has suffered so much
as a result of the Khmer Rouge.
Remember The Killing Fields?
Almost a third of the population here
was murdered by the Khmer Rouge
and, today, the Church hasrisen up out of the ashes
and we see what's happened here.
God is working in this country.
- Graham's translator wasone of just 200 Christians
who survived the atrocities
committed by the CommunistKhmer Rouge back in the 1970's.
Well, Supercyclone Kammuriswept through the Philippines,
leaving a path of destruction.
Operation Blessing traveled long distances
by land and sea, evensailing through rough waters,
to bring survivors muchneeded food and hope.
Lucille Talusan has thestory from the Philippines.
- [Lucille] Super Typhoon Kammuri slammed
into the biggest island ofLuzon in the Philippines,
bringing torrentialrains and fierce winds,
uprooting trees, knockingdown electric posts,
and destroying many houses.
Ruel Paunil was inside their house
when the cyclone winds rippedthe roof off their house
and swept the rest of itinto the flooded rice field.
- [Translator] I was also swept away
with our house in the gushing floodwaters.
It is painful to see that everything
that my wife and I worked forall disappeared in an instant.
- [Lucille] Ruel's wife Melanie says
she is concerned that they donot have enough food to eat
because their crops were also damaged.
- [Translator] My husbanddoes not have work now
because all his crops weredamaged by the floodwaters.
There are days when we onlyeat rice and soy sauce.
I just laugh it out because I don't want
my children to feel sad too.
- [Translator] We haveaccepted what happened.
I decided to get the materials
that are still usefuland patch them together
to give shelter for my family.
- [Lucille] Typhoon Kammuri also lashed
the nearby island of Capul.
Here, 25% of the houseswere seriously damaged.
Yolanda Magdaraog cannothold back her tears
as she narrates how thetyphoon flattened their house.
- [Translator] I was so frightened,
I didn't know what to dowhen the typhoon struck.
I was shocked to see ourhouse totally destroyed
and all the merchandisein my convenience store
scattered all over the place.
- Operation Blessing isloading sacks of rice
on this boat to bringto the island of Capul
where they will be distributingrelief goods to around
700 families who have beenaffected by the typhoon.
Operation Blessingbrought much needed food
and encouragement to the Paunil family,
Yolanda, and thousandsof other typhoon victims.
- [Translator] I was really surprised
at what Operation Blessing gave us
because now we have food to eat
and my children can drink milk.
Thank you very much, you have reminded us
that, in the midst ofthe hardships we face,
we can still be happyand celebrate Christmas.
- [Lucille] Lucille Talusan, CBN News,
Sorsogon, Philippines.
- [Wendy] Thank you, Lucille.
Up next: a forbidden messagebeamed into a closed country
touches a man searching for answers
and becomes the final step inhis long spiritual journey.
- [Narrator] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself
and I think people had expectations.
- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase all the time:
keep chopping, keep practicing hard.
- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.
- I think, as a father,it's my job to lead,
just to be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Narrator] Watch Going the Distance
with Shawn Brown Saturday night at 7:30
on the CBN News Channel.
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(child laughing)
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- Ramin was raised a devout Muslim
in the Islamic republic of Iran,
but he constantly worriedhow to keep his God happy.
When harsh treatment from authorities
sparked questions about his faith,
it prepared his heart for anunexpected gospel message.
- [Reporter] Ramin Parsa grew up
in a devout Shiite Muslim family in Iran.
His parents instilled inhim and his nine siblings
the teaching of Islam in sharia law.
- Well, the teaching of Islam,
they were very important for me
because they told us,by keeping those laws,
you'll earn points to go to heaven.
So we had to keep those lawslike fasting, the Ramadan,
praying five times a day, and giving
1/5 of your income or whatever you have.
And I remember, as a child,we'll go in the streets
and then we'll beatourselves and with chains
and trying to please Allah.
- [Reporter] He hoped his faithfulness
could earn him a place inheaven, but he wasn't sure of it.
- Every time we prayedfor something, in fact,
when we prayed for something to happen,
the opposite happened,the worse thing happened.
And my question was: why?
Because I was diligent in myquest and in my obedience,
but then it seemed likeAllah is not answering
and hearing our prayers.
God, to me, seemed like a distant tyrant.
I couldn't say that as a Muslim,
but it seemed like He was readyto punish us all the time,
but He was distant in helping us.
- [Reporter] At 16, Raminwas riding with friends
to a wedding when shariapolice pulled them over.
- In Iran, according to sharia law,
alcohol is illegal and so wewere going to this wedding,
the people who gave me aride, they had some alcohol.
They took us to this confinement
and they took all ourclothes off bare-naked,
and then they poured cold water on us
and then they began tobeat us with a slash
without even asking, without even proving,
that I had drunk; I hadn't.
And so that was the first timethat I started questioning
because I was being beatenin the name of Allah
and in the name of Islam.
- [Reporter] Two years had passed
when his father diedsuddenly of a heart attack.
Privately, Ramin began to question Islam
and the meaning of his own life.
- So, pain after pain,the pain of being arrested
and beaten unjustly forsomething I hadn't done,
and when my father passed away,
it was a really, reallybig pain in my heart.
- [Reporter] At 18 years old,
Ramin was depressed and seeking isolation.
He moved out of his family'shome into his own place.
- I felt that life is meaningless
and I didn't want to continue it.
And I said, why do we leave 80, 90 years,
and work so hard and go to school,
we get married, we findjob, we work hard again,
and then have children, and then you die?
And, again, you have toendure so much persecution,
oppression, and injustice.
So there was no reason to do that
and I said, if death isthe end, why not now?
But still I was afraid to do that
because there'll be nowhereI'm gonna go after I die,
so I really want to live
and, at the same time,I really want to die.
- [Reporter] A year later,
Ramin was watching satellite television
when he heard a messagefrom a Christian program.
- In Iran, to have asatellite dish is illegal,
but everybody has one.
In the midst of mydepression and hopelessness,
I came across this channel
and this guy was talking about Jesus,
that He's the Son of God, thatHe died for me on the cross,
He rose from the dead, and He loves me.
I didn't believe it at the moment.
I rejected the whole thing, but still,
I felt something happened to my heart.
I felt that something wastelling me that this is truth.
- [Reporter] Over the next week,
Ramin sank deeper into depression.
Once again, he was watching TV
when he heard the samenow-familiar message.
- And I felt that maybe Godis trying to reach out to me,
I felt like somebody'strying to talk to me.
I had nothing to lose
and that's the time thatI opened my heart to Jesus
and I was gonna try Him andask Him to come into my heart.
Because the person thatwas talking about Jesus
said, if you do that, yourlife is gonna be changed,
and He gives you hope and Hegives you life, eternal life.
And something that I was, as a Muslim,
I used to work for so hard to earn,
to earn salvation, to earnbasically righteousness,
to be right with God throughthe things I was doing.
But I heard that this is free.
By faith in Jesus, Ican be right with God.
When I said, "Jesus, today, I hear
"that You are true, the Son of God,
"You died for me on thecross, You rose from the dead.
"I don't know if it's trueor not, but if it's true,
"I ask You to come into my heart,
"be my Lord, be my Savior,forgive me of my sins,
"give me new life."
And when I said that, a heatwent through my hand, a warmth.
It went throughout all my body,
I was shaking and trembling,
and I began to speak with tongues
and language that I'd never heard of.
I was feeling joy and satisfied and hope.
And first time I prayed to Jesus
and I called on Hisname and He answered me,
that's when I realizedHe's a true living God.
- [Reporter] In Iran, the Bible is illegal
and Christian websites arecensored by the government.
After three months of searching for a way
to read God's Word, Ramin found a way
to break through the Internet blockage,
finally gaining access to the Holy Bible.
- So the gospel, when I read it,
it was the message ofresurrection and healing
and victory over death.
- [Reporter] He sharedthe Salvation Prayer
with his mother, who isalso now a Christian.
In 2007, he was accepted as a UN refugee
to the United States.
Ramin is the pastor ofthe Good Shepherd Church
in Los Angeles, California.
He teaches the Bible topeople all over the world
through his onlinechurch at raminparsa.org.
He shares more about his journeyfrom Islam to Christianity
in his book, From Ashes to Glory.
- I feel fulfilled to spread the gospel
and not that I'm doingthat to earn salvation
or go to heaven, because I love the Lord,
because He has called me,
because I know this is asolution for man's pain.
If you genuinely and honestlyask Jesus to show you,
He will show you the truth.
- Ramin said he had nothing to lose.
He was desperate, he gave Jesus a try.
Maybe you're in that situation today
where you're at rock bottom.
Put your trust in Jesus,He will not disappoint.
We'll be right back.
- [Narrator] From Washington, D.C.,
uncompromising stories,interviews, and analysis
from veteran journalists.
David Brody.- Escalating fight.
- [Narrator] Jenna Browder.- Those his words carefully.
- [Narrator] Ben Kennedy.- Plan to join him.
- [Narrator] And Amber Strong.
- For impeachment growsa little bit louder.
- [Narrator] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.
- We get out and tell the story
of the progress that we'remaking in this country.
- [Narrator] Watch FaithNation weeknights at six
on the CBN News Channel.
(intense percussion music)
- [Narrator] On the Homefront.
- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's On the Homefront
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families
from repairing homes to wiping out
medical bills for wounded veterans.
- [Narrator] On the Homefront,Tuesday morning at 10:30.
- [Pat] The Lord gives wisdom.
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- Well, after months ofpolitical infighting,
Israel is still leftwith no stable government
and no clear leader.
Now Israelis are preppingto head back to the polls
in an historic third election.
Emily Jones has more from Jerusalem.
- Welcome to Jerusalem forthis Inside Israel report
where we tell you what's happening
in Israel and the Middle East.
Well, Israel is officiallygoing to the polls
for the third time in less than a year
to decide who will lead the country.
This unprecedented third election
will be held on March 2nd, 2020
and comes after Likud's Benjamin Netanyahu
and Blue and White PartyChairman Benny Gantz
both tried and failed to form a government
after an inconclusive September election.
The two rivals blame each otherfor this political crisis.
- I think it's an absolute disgrace.
I think it's a total waste of money.
I think it should be resolved.
I don't know how to resolveit, but it must be resolved.
- The election isexpected to cost Israelis
hundreds of millions of dollars.
A Lebanese Christian businessman
who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars
buying Nazi artifacts was recently honored
at the President's House in Jerusalem.
Abdallah Chatila bought the items
not because he admired Hitler,
but to keep them out ofthe hands of those who do.
He spent his own moneyat an auction in Germany
and then donated the Nazi artifacts
to a Jewish organization.
Chatila told the president of Israel
he had to take a standagainst anti-Semitism.
- Justice is important and doing
the right thing is very important.
I understand how importantthis is for the Jewish people.
Clearly, I would like that this message
goes beyond, past the Jewish world.
- The items, which include Hitler's
very own top hat, are now being held
at the Yad Vashem HolocaustMemorial in Jerusalem.
Guatemala's new president-elect says
his country will always bea strong friend to Israel.
Alejandro Giammattei made the comments
while visiting the Jewish state
during his first international trip.
The leader said Guatemala willbe a faithful ally to Israel
and stand against those who attack her.
Guatemala was the secondcountry after the United States
to move its embassy toJerusalem last year.
It was also one of the first nations
to vote in favor of the reestablishment
of the Jewish state at theUnited Nations in 1947.
- [Translator] For us inGuatemala, Israel means a lot,
and we're gonna defend Israel
just as even Israel has defended us.
We're gonna be allies all of our lives
because we're united by the same faith
that leads us to believe in the same God.
- That's it for Inside Israel.
For more stories just like this,
you can watch our JerusalemDateline program every week.
- Thanks, Emily, and thankyou for joining us this week.
Until next week, from all of us here
at Christian World News,goodbye and God bless you.
(suspenseful music)