After several combat tours with the military, Nick suffered from PTSD. His marriage fell apart and he became suicidal.
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- I have been in conflict,I have been to Bosnia, Iraq,
Afghanistan, I had seenthe worst of the worst
and I had seen so muchdeath and so much nastiness
in third world countries.
I didn't see God as apositive light in my life.
I just never thought any type of God
would allow somethingso horrific to happen.
- [Narrator] Nick Lee served
in several military combat tours
with the U.S. Marines andArmy between 1997 and 2006.
During that time, he witnessed
horrific violence and carnage.
After his discharge, undiagnosed PTSD
made it difficult for Nickto return to civilian life.
- I still catch myselfscanning, I'm always on alert.
It was numerous friends andfamily members telling me,
look dude, you're not right,something's wrong here.
No one acts like that,no one does responds
to a situation like that,no one would say that
in this situation and I would dismiss it.
- [Narrator] In 2009, Nick married Fresca,
the woman who'd had hisson 12 years earlier.
She had since become a Christian
and when they married shedidn't know about his PTSD
or his anger toward God.
- I wanted to find a man who also sought
to live a Godly life,I wanted a Godly man.
- I put on a good showand put on a good smile
and told her what she wantedto hear for quite some time.
I wasn't a Christian, still wejust butted heads with that.
This is how I believe,this is how you believe,
well let's just move forwardand that wasn't gonna happen.
It caused a lot of distension,
a lot of frustrations with us.
- [Narrator] Their marriagequickly descended in to chaos,
and Nick's PTSD took itstoll on their new family.
- There were times whenhe would just scream,
scream at our son, scream at me,
and I didn't understand why
his reactions were just sostrong, and so explosive.
- I pushed her away more than anything.
I did whatever I could to push her away.
- Eight years of what Iconsider a lot of times
of hellish situationswhere no one around me
could understand, onlyGod could understand
what was going on in me.
- [Narrator] Aftereight years of marriage,
Fresca and Nick eventually divorced.
Even though they were separated,
Fresca continued to pray for Nick.
- I would write out these prayers
and ask God to open his eyes, to save him,
and Nick had been threatening his life,
and even though I no longerwanted to be married to Nick,
I would pray for his salvation.
- [Narrator] After the divorce,Nick drank excessively,
and was suicidal.
- Everything in my wholelife was going down,
and I was just, it was bad.
I had been so mad ateverything for so long,
I had contemplated rope in the garage,
I had contemplated extensioncords to hang myself.
I just couldn't get myself to do.
I knew I had my pistol, I sat there
and I just kind of willedthe courage to do it.
I had a full chamber, fullsix round 357 chamber loaded,
and I pulled the trigger,and it didn't go off.
Nick collapsed to the floor, overwhelmed
and unsure why the gun didn't go off,
then he heard God speak to him.
- And I heard Him speak to me
as if we're having thisconversation right now,
and He said, "You must stop this,
"you need to stop the way you're living,
"you're going to die if youcontinue to live this way,
"follow me."
I just right there juststarted telling Him
everything I had done, why I hated it,
and I sat there and I justrepented everything I had done
that I could think of at that moment.
I was harboring all this hate for so long,
and frustration, and I was just angry,
and it was just like justphew, just went away,
and I gave it all to Him,
I said, "You've got it."
- [Narrator] Nick surrenderedhis life to Jesus.
The next week, Frescaagreed to meet with him
to hear what happened.
- Immediately, I could see thatthis was not the same Nick.
He was radiating a sense of peace,
and he looked like 10 years younger.
The tone in his voicewas soft, was gentle.
God had taken all ofhis pain, and his anger,
and replaced it with joy, and peace.
- I see how things so muchdifferently than I had before,
and I know that if I can'tcontrol it, I'm not gonna try.
It's up to Him, He's got all the control,
and He knows what's going on, you know,
I don't, I just have to hopethat He shows me the right way.
- [Narrator] Nick and Frescawere remarried shortly after.
Fresca says Nick is a different person
since the night God spared his life.
- He would ask me toread the Bible with him,
and that was just unheard of before,
and it's a wonderfulexperience in church now,
that's when I feel the closest to Nick.
- He's been there when Ididn't really know He was
for a long time, andthen to look back now,
I say thank you,
'cause I'm sure you were the reason why
that bullet didn't take me,
and I'm sure there's areason why I'm still here,
and I give my life to Him,because He saved this one.
- I'm grateful to the Lord every day.
I think about this every single day,
and it's been two years now.
Nick wasn't even asking for God's help.
Nick was gonna take his life,and he should have been dead,
but God's grace came in andjust changed everything.