Democrats Talk Foreign Policy, Health Care, Taxes and Trump During Fifth Presidential Debate
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- We begin with the Democraticpresidential candidates
facing off in Atlantain their fifth debate.
They clashed over healthcare,taxes, and foreign policy.
But before the candidatescould get to the issues,
they weighed in on the testimony
in the Democrats' impeachmenthearing Wednesday.
CBN White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
brings us the story.
- The candidates may differ on the issues,
but all agree on the impeachment inquiry.
They say impeachmentis bigger than politics
and each wants to be the oneto take President Trump down.
- We cannot simply beconsumed by Donald Trump.
Because if we are, you know what,
we're gonna lose the election.
- [Ben] Among a crowded stage
of 10 Democratic presidential candidates,
it was President Trump that united them.
- Donald Trump doesn'twant me to be the nominee,
that's pretty clear.
- [Ben] The candidate focusedon a post-Trump America,
as 2020 hopefuls sparred
over who deserves tochallenge him next year.
- It is a criminal enterprise,
engaged in by the presidentfrom what we heard today,
the vice president,the secretary of state,
and the chief of staff.
- We have to establish the principle
no one is above the law.
- [Ben] Some even want to change the law
when it comes to healthcare.
- The reason I insist onMedicare for all who want it
as the strategy to deliver on that goal
we share of universal healthcare
is that that is somethingthat as a governing strategy,
we can unify the American people around.
- The first week of my administration,
we will introduce Medicare for all.
- [Ben] Senator Sanders andWarren won Medicare for all
which has been criticized by Republicans,
and even some Democrats, astoo expensive and unrealistic.
But Biden says that plan won'tpass the House and Senate,
and he would rather build on Obamacare.
- The fact is that right now,
the vast majority of Democrats
do not support Medicare for all.
It couldn't pass the UnitedStates Senate right now.
- [Ben] Biden raised eyebrows
and drew some laughter from the audience
with his answer to a questionabout domestic violence.
- No man has a right toraise a hand to a woman
in anger other than in self-defense
and that rarely ever occurs.
And so we have to justchange the culture, period.
And keep punching at it and punching at it
and punching at it.
No, I really mean it.
It's a gigantic issue.
- Now, this could bethe last national debate
for some candidates asrules are tightening,
and only six of the 10 have qualified
for the stage in late December.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Washington.