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- Ready for email?
- Okay let's go.
- All right.
Yaw says, that's an interesting name
"Hi Pat, I'm having aproblem with my parents
my dad always complainsto my mom about paying
my car insurance bill.
I'm working but my jobdoesn't pay enough money.
I'm paying my phone bill
but dad doesn't think that's enough.
He brings up my past just to be a jerk.
I feel stuck.
Any advice?"
- The advice is to get upand pay your own bills.
That's what you oughta do.
I mean your father hasworked hard all his life
if you've got a job you're working.
Get your budget to thepoint where you can pay
your own car bills andand your own electric bill
and all the rest of it.
Then you won't have to put up with it.
What he's trying to do
he's probably being a little sarcastic
but he's trying to you know
like an eagle stirring up the nest
he kicked the babies outso they'd start to fly
that's what he wants you to do.
- Absolutely.
If that was me I would wantto prove that I can do this.
- Absolutely yeah.
And even if you have to sacrificea little bit along the way
all right next question.
- Joann says, "Is Jesus' name Emmanuel?"
- Well Emmanuel means "God with us."
And that was one of the names,his name shall be called
there are several names andEmmanuel is one of them.
His name is Jehovah Savior,
"I am savior"
that's what his name means in Hebrew.
And Emmanuel means "God is with us."
That was one of the names given in Isaiah.
- All right Elaine says
"What do we do whenour next-door neighbors
have nothing but anger and hate toward us?
My husband thought he would do a good deed
by helping out with snowremoval for our neighbor.
Our neighbor came out of hishouse yelling and screaming
to get off his property.
And he called my husband names.
How can we do a deed
when our neighbor will not accept it
and becomes downright evil?
He has anger, so much toward us."
- The Bible says "have nothingto do with an angry man."
I mean leave him alone.
They don't want your help
so if you wanna stay onyour side of the property
and pray, do it.
But it's a shame thatsome people are that way.
You know you ask yourself
"how come he is mad?"
and if you want to do thepsychological evaluation
something hurt him, he's angry at his wife
he's angry at his boss,he's angry at himself.
Who knows what it is?
And he's taking it out on you.
But the Bible say again
"have nothing to do with an angry man."
Just stay away from him, okay?
- I love how that's such practical advice.
Right from the Bible.
Just leave him alone.
All right, Gary says "dear Pat,
I am a concerned fatherof a 20-year-old son.
When he was young, hewent with me to church
and read the Bible with me.
Now he is smoking pot,having sex with men,
and says this is whatJesus told him to do.
I told my son this isSatan who is fooling him.
He just laughs at me and saysthat Jesus is proud of him.
What can I do?
I want to save my son."
- I think you better getsome people praying for him.
He's captured.
He's captured by the enemy.
You know the Bible says "youbring up a child in a way
that he shall go when he's old enough
he won't depart from it."
Somewhere along the waythere was some problem
in his upbringing.
But he'll come back to it.
So pray for him.
But you might get somepeople in your church
or your prayer group orwhoever you associate with
to begin to really intercedewith that young man.
And bind the Satanic power
because something has captured him.
- Amen, good advice.
All right Candice writes in,
"Hello Pat, I love your showand I love you and your show.
I am 25, I'm married with two babies.
I know the Bible says to obey our parents
but how do you handle amanipulative mother as an adult?
When I was five-years-old, sheleft me with my grandparents
and moved in with her boyfriend.
Even though we live statesaway from one another
my mother still likes to put me down.
She often says thingsthat make me feel like
I was a mistake.
I love my mother, but theback and forth mood swings
with her are very upsetting.
Can I cut ties with my motheror will God be unhappy?
- No I don't think God will be unhappy.
You know the Bible says
the word about honor is "giveweight to your parents."
And she's your mother
but she's obviously abandonedthat role a long time ago.
And she really has no claim at this point
because she gave you overto her mother to raise.
And so she'll say a lot of stuff.
Let me just say in that regard,just keep your mouth shut.
And just put up with it andpray that somehow she'll change.
But don't let it upset you.
Do not engage in verbal jousting with her
and say "look motheryou're wrong" and so forth.
Just keep quiet and just say"look I give this to the lord."
My wife's mother said "offer it up."
You know?
But I think that's what you do.
I mean but give weight to her,
the fact that she bore youbiologically that's important.
But the rest of it
she surrendered her claim a long time ago.
All right?
- Yeah I like to say "lovethem from a distance."
and you know honestly,
if you're on the phone
because they live states away
and your mother starts putting you down
- Hang on.
Yeah, thank you.
Wendy all right we'll try that
- All right Craig says
"what prayer should youpray to know your response?
And what is the prayer youneed to pray to see Jesus
if you struggle with believing?"
- Now they're asking for
what prayer should youpray to know your purpose.
Look, what did you like to dowhen you were five-years-old?
I'm serious, I mean I'mnot being facetious.
God made you in a particular way
and he made you to like certain things.
And so what your purpose is
is to fulfill what'sinside of you already.
God has already put it in there.
So you don't have to be askingfor some special revelation.
What do you like to do?
I'm serious.
What makes you happy?
Do you like to you know,
some little kid like toplay with modeling clay
and he becomes an artist
some like to paint
some like to engage in sports
or rough-and-tumble.
Do what you felt like made you happy
when you were five-years-old
and you'll be amazed what you find out.
All right?
- I love that, follow your passions.
All right.
This is from Wendy, it's not me though.
So okay, I got confused.
"Do you have anyrecommendations for parents
who cannot afford a lot thisThanksgiving and Christmas?"
- Well I mean, rejoice at what you've got.
You know, when we first got down here
my wife and I we didn'thave any furniture.
So I had some friends and we said
"come have Thanksgiving with us."
But we didn't have any furniture so I said
"here's some mats andwe'll sit on the floor."
I don't have any tables and chairs.
- I bet it was fun!
- Well sure it is.
I mean people kind oflike that sort of thing.
I mean enjoy what you'vegot, whatever it is.
And praise God for it and watch
God will multiply it all right?