On CBN Newswatch PM Nov. 18: Hundreds of cities in Iran take to the streets in protests over the weekend; Hong Kong protests become most violent since they started in June; Dan Andros brings the latest from Faithwire.com; and more.
Read Transcript
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- Hello everyone.
Thank you so much for joiningus for "CBN Newswatch."
I'm George Thomas.
We begin overseas where thegovernment of Iran is facing
widespread protests from its own people,
and it is cracking down in return.
So far the U.S. has clearlystood with the protesters,
but they have stopped shortof calling for regime change.
My colleague Heather Sells is covering
the latest developments there, Heather.
- George, over the weekend,Iranians took to the streets
in more than 100 cities.
You may remember over a year ago,
the U.S. renewed U.S.sanctions against Iran
after pulling out of the nuclear deal,
and the country has been struggling
economically since that time.
(people chanting)
Iranians have heldeconomic protests before
in 2017 and 2018, but this time,
they're in at least 116 cities.
In some cases, the protestshave turned violent
with demonstrators setting fires.
There have also been reports of gunfire.
At least three people have died.
What sparked the outrage this time?
The government's hikingof gas prices, up by 50%.
In response to the protests,
the government shut downInternet access over the weekend
to the country's 80 million people.
Iran's supreme leader is backingthe government's gas hike
and signaled a potentialcrackdown on the protesters,
calling them thugs.
Meanwhile, the U.S. isbacking the protesters.
- These developmentsthat you see right now
are their own peopletelling them we need change
and to sit down withthe American government
and let's negotiate this soit's to the benefit of all.
- [Heather] But AmbassadorRakolta made clear
the U.S. is not calling on the protesters
to overturn the government.
- We're not advocating regime-change.
We're gonna let the Iranianpeople decide for themselves
their future, but theirfuture is to be part
of the world community.
- George, that official deathtoll number of three people
comes from Iranian authorities.
The semi-official Fars NewsAgency says there have been
at least 87,000 protesters so far,
and that authorities havearrested some 1,000 people.
- Yeah, those numberscan always be dubious
when it's coming from the Iranian regime.
Heather, thank you so much
for the latest developments there.
Mike Ansari, he runs oneof the largest Christian
satellite channels that'sbeaming gospel programs
into Iran 24 hours a day.
Mike, great to have you back on the show.
Listen, it's been more than two days now.
The government has shutthe Internet service.
Are you worried thatthis could be a threat
to the safety and well-being of Iranians?
- Absolutely, much like theWest, the Iranian infrastructure
is based on telecommunications.
Internet is a major part of that,
so Iranians arecommunicating with each other
through governmentalagencies and also through
companies that otherwiseare using Internet,
so it is a major blow to the
communication mechanism in Iran.
- [George] In fact, thehigh-ranking U.S. ambassador said
that the U.S. has the abilityto turn the Internet back on.
I'm curious, what are youhearing from your sources
inside the country right now?
What's the mood?
- We had several people callus within the last few days.
They are telling us that effectively,
Iran has shut down allthe Internet and access
for people to communicate with each other
and with people outside.
They want to keep it hushed,
and they want it closed and contained.
We had a call from a ladynamed Parisa who lives in Iran,
and she mentioned, shesaid that they're feeling
the solution that hopeless,
and we also had a call from a gentleman
who's a Muslim backgroundconvert to Christianity,
and he's asking, he'ssaying what is our role?
Do we go and join the peopleoutside in demonstrations
as new Christians, or do westay inside and pray for Iran?
It seems that there isdiscontent, there is anger,
there is frustrationwith the Iranian leaders
and the economic elites.
- I'm curious, as you know Mike,
protests have broken out inmore than 100 cities and towns.
How do you compare thislatest demonstrations
to previous ones, for example?
- It's very, very similar.
Back in 2017, we realized that there was
a huge uprising across Iran.
Protests to Mr. Rouhani, the president,
and they were economically-based.
People were not happy withthe economic decisions
that the leadership ofIran was making for Iran.
They were chanting thesame slogans back then
that they're chanting this time,
and that is basically whocares about Lebanon, Syria,
Yemen when our own peoplein Iran are going hungry?
So the slogans are thesame as two years ago.
It is basically a domino effect.
It is a reiteration ofthe same line of anger
and frustration todayas we saw back in 2017.
- And Mike, to that very point,
they're supposed to bedemonstrating and protesting
against petrol, gasoline prices going up,
but in many instances as you mentioned,
they are actually chantingagainst the regime,
specifically the supreme leader, right,
and in fast burning picturesof him and so forth.
- Absolutely, thesupreme leader came on TV
just a couple days ago andcalled his own Iranian citizens
that are dissatisfied withthis situation hooligans.
That is a huge insult tothe Iranian population
that are trying to survive.
They're realizing thattheir wealth, their money
is going into exportation ofShiite Islam and its ideology
to the region while they go hungry.
Iran is a petroleum-producing country,
therefore it should notdeprive its own population
of the basic petroleum resources.
- Mike, real quickly,we got 30 seconds left.
There's a huge report detailing Iran's
extensive influence in Iraq.
Real quickly, tell us about it.
- Intercept published a unprecedented leak
from secret agents thatare working in Iran
indicating that Iran hashad a systematic approach
into Iraq, its neighbor,trying to infiltrate
and trying to monopolizesome of the institutions
across Iraq to be advantagedof Iranian ideology,
Shiite Islam, by kicking outthe Christians from the region,
replacing them by Shiitesand by also electing leaders
that would be sympathetic towards Iran
and its cause overseas.
It's a major undertakingthat needs much attention.
- Okay, terrific as always Mike.
Thank you so much forjoining us on the broadcast.
We move now to our nation's capital where
Democratic House SpeakerNancy Pelosi invited
President Trump to testify in front of the
Congressional impeachmentpanel as the Democrat's
public hearings move to their second week.
On CBS' "Face the Nation,"Pelosi pushed back
against the president'scomplaints that their process
has been stacked against him.
Take a listen.
- The president could comeright before the committee
and talk, speak all the truththat he wants is he wants to,
if he wants to take the oath of office,
or he could do it in writing.
He has every opportunityto present his case.
- And Republican CongressmanJohn Ratcliffe of Texas
told Fox News the upcoming report from
Inspector General MichaelHorowitz on how the
Russia collusion investigation got started
could actually be bad newsfor many in Washington.
- The Democrats are racing toget through this impeachment
as quickly as possible.
That's why we have eight witnesses
and five hearings this week,
and we're not doing anyof the work is because
they know that that inspectorgeneral report is likely
to be damning about the originsof the 2016 investigation
into the Trump campaign,
the role that theObama-Biden administration
officials played in that.
- By the way, thatreport is expected soon.
We will have more on this story and others
this evening on "Faith Nation."
As always, you can watch it right here
on the CBN News Channel.
Thousands of peoplegathered over the weekend
to remember two students shotand killed by a classmate
at a Southern California high school.
Friends and family gathered last night
at a candlelight vigil, thisas investigators are still
trying to figure out themotive behind what led
16-year-old NathanielTennosuke Berhow to go
on a shooting rampageat Saugus High School.
The teen pulled a .45-caliberhandgun from his backpack
and shot five students atrandom before shooting himself
in the head on Thursday.
It was his birthday.
The school's principaltold the crowd at the vigil
that the event was a moment to grieve.
- Through our courage togrieve and grow stronger
and through honoring Gracie and Dominick,
we will remember the SaugusHigh School community,
not for what happened to us,but for how we recovered,
how we grieved together,
and how we became strong, Saugus strong.
- Saugus High School will remainclosed until December 2nd.
David Daleiden and otherundercover investigators
with the Center for MedicalProgress were found guilty
in a civil suit by Planned Parenthood
for their undercover videos.
A San Francisco jury handeddown the verdict in the case,
finding them guilty fortheir part in getting
the undercover video whichshowed Planned Parenthood
employees discussingthe buying and selling
of aborted baby bodyparts to third parties
who invested, harvestedrather, them to resale
LifeSite News reportsthey were found guilty
of various crimes.
Attorneys with the ThomasMoore Society defended them
and say this case wassimply Planned Parenthood
trying to get them back
for exposing their quote dirty business.
They will plan to appeal the ruling.
You can find the fullstory at cbnnews.com.
Chick-fil-A has announcedit is making a major change
to its charitable giving.
The company now saysthat its new initiative
will no longer includedonations to organizations
like the Salvation Army,
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
and the Paul Anderson Youth Home.
Critics have called thoseorganizations anti-LGBTQ groups.
Chick-fil-A's presidenttold Biz Now that quote,
"There's no question we know that,
"as we go into new markets,
"we need to be clear about who we are.
"There are lots of articles andnewscasts about Chick-fil-A,
"and we thought we needed tobe clear about our message."
The company said it iscommitting $9 million
toward three specific initiatives:
education, hunger, and homelessness.
(logo whooshing)
Coming up, protesters andpolice clash in Hong Kong
in what is some of the worst fighting yet.
That story in a moment.(dramatic music)
(metal clanking)(birds tweeting)
(water gurgling)(man yawning)
(water splashing)
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- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with "Jerusalem Dateline."
- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief
Chris Mitchell and getthe Biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Narrator] Watch "Jerusalem Dateline,"
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
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- Welcome back to the CBN News Channel.
Hong Kong's pro-democracyprotests have turned
the most violent theyhave been in six months.
The protests startedpeacefully in early June
sparked by a proposed lawthat would have allowed
criminal suspects to beextradited to mainland China,
but video from today showssome of the worst fighting
since the protests began.
For days, protesters hadbarricaded themselves
on the campus at the city'spolytechnic university
and are now using catapultsagainst riot police
in armored vehicles trying to get out.
The clashes setting at leastone armored car on fire,
and one police official washit in the leg with an arrow.
Hong Kong police are callingon protesters to surrender
and face justice.
My colleague, CBN's GaryLane spoke with someone
who knows the pro-democracymovement very well.
Andrew Duncan helped hundredsof pro-democracy activists
protest the NBA's China policy
at the Nets-Raptors game last month
and is also the co-producerof the Netflix documentary
"Joshua Wong: Teenager vs. Superpower."
(logo whooshing)
- Andrew, thanks for joining us.
So it seems like sixmonths of protests now
are entering a dangerous stage,
and Beijing has movedtroops into Hong Kong.
China's Global Times newspapersays the Chinese government
should use snipers to shutdown violent protesters.
Your thoughts on this please.
- I think it's very alarming,
especially that we're in themidst of the administration's
trying to close a trade deal that,
after the WTO and Beijing's inability
to stick to the terms of that,
and now that the jointresolution between Hong Kong
and London is being fundamentally broken.
I find it very troublesome and awful,
and I think Americans needto know that these are not
anti-government protesters as I've seen on
some news websites asrecently as this morning.
These are pro-democracy protesters.
They're trying to fight back against
the Chinese Communist Party,
and churches and mosqueshave been victimized
by the fighting as theyhave on the mainland,
so it's a terribly sad day frankly.
- [Gary] A Hong Kong policespokesman said on Sunday
he called the rioterspeople who are intent
to murder police officers at all costs.
- [Andrew] I do think thatpeople should look at the history
by watching the filmthat I made with my team.
I think they can see thatthis started peacefully
a long time ago, andI think that there is,
people are feeling desperate in Hong Kong
and that they have nothing to lose,
and I am not an advocate of the violence,
and I know that Joshua Wong who I know
and Nathan Law who I know and others
are not advocates of violence,
but things have been brought to a,
desperate times sometimesrequire desperate measures
in democratic battles throughout history,
including our own inBoston and other places.
It's terrible to see,and it's most disturbing
because Beijing is not holdingup to the joint resolution.
How can we do a trade deal with people
that won't live up tothe joint resolution,
the Chinese Communist Party,
and also in the meantime have Uyghurs,
almost 3 million peopleaccording to the Pentagon,
in concentration camps in mainland China.
- Well you mentioned the violence.
Most Americans probably support the goals
of the pro-democracy activists,
but not the violent actions of some.
We're seeing Molotov cocktails being made
and used against police vehicles,
and one protester shotan arrow into the leg
of a police officer, butdo you think these tactics
will cause the pro-democracy activists
to lose Western support?
- I think there's a risk of that,
and I spoke to a familymember who lives in Asia
earlier today who relayed just that.
I do think that theviolence is problematic,
but I think it should be alsonoted that the police officer,
there's been a lot of policebrutality and police violence.
Emergency medical workerswere actually handcuffed
after quietly protesting,
and they're not beingallowed to demonstrate,
which is their right underthe joint resolution,
and there was obviously a police officer
at point-blank range shot a unarmed man
in the stomach last week,
so it's violence is never good,
and it's indefensible on both sides.
- What do you think will happen next?
We could be heading to abloody Tiananmen Square
type crackdown here as things escalate.
- Correct, it's veryalarming and concerning,
and that's why I think the United States
should put the trade talks on hold.
There shouldn't be a tradedeal under the circumstances
that are going on right now.
I've said before the NBAshould not be in business
with people that werein concentration camps.
The United States governmentshould not be negotiating
trade deals with people who arerunning concentration camps,
but with that said, I thinkthat there needs to be
a cooling-off period, and Ithink we need to hear from
the President of the United States.
We've heard very vociferouslyfrom Secretary Pompeo
and Vice President Pence who have been
consistent in their positions,but we've yet to hear from
the President of theUnited States who needs to
firmly speak out in defenseof democracy, in my opinion,
and firmly speak out insupport of Hong Kong's rights
under the joint resolution.
- Producer Andrew Duncan,thank you for joining us
to provide those insights.
- Thank you for having me.
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- Conservative podcasterAllie Stuckey appeared
before the U.S. House Committeeon Oversight in Government
Reform recently giving testimonyabout her pro-life views
and explaining why she believes
abortion is the greatesthorror of our time.
Faithwire's Dan Androsspoke with our Efrem Graham
about this trending story.
(logo whooshing)
- So Dan, what did Stuckeytell members of Congress?
- Yeah, well she cameright out of the gate,
all cylinders firing.
She said that she believesabortion is the greatest horror
of our time, and she said she'shorrified by the violence,
the oppression, themarginalization of a defenseless
people group based solelyon where they reside
in the womb, and so from there,
she attacked a lot of thecommon pro-choice talking points
including one that seemsto have gone by the wayside
which is the safe,legal, and rare argument
that used to be used andat least kinda gave us
some common ground that we could agree
that perhaps maybe we shouldn't be
having that many abortions,
but that argument seemsto have been abandoned,
and we've seen the recentextreme abortion bills
proposed in New York andVirginia which allow abortions
all the way up till theend of the pregnancy,
and so she kind of wentafter those one by one.
- And in doing that, how was the response?
She was sort of dismissed, if you will.
- Yeah, it really was interesting to watch
because she was, you couldsee people in the background
including I believe a representative from
Planned Parenthood who was there,
and they were almost chucklingand smirking and laughing
in the background as shewent through these points,
but yet, none of these pointswere addressed directly
after she brought them up,
and including one of theCongresswomen Rep. Robin Kelly
who accused Stuckeyand other conservatives
of not caring about life beyond the womb,
and so when Stuckey triedto respond and said,
"Hey, I don't think these twothings are mutually exclusive.
"I can care about life in the womb,
"and we do care aboutpeople once they're born.
"We just have different policy ideas,"
and when she startedlaunching into that response,
the Congresswoman just said,"I'm gonna reclaim my time,"
and just turned off the microphone
and sorta shut down the conversation.
- Stuckey also challengedmodern feminist views, correct?
- She did, she said that,this was a great quote,
one of the ones that'sresonating with people a lot,
and she said, "I'm hereas a woman who believes
"that female empowerment,equality, and freedom
"are not defined by theability to terminate
"the life of her child."
- What's ahead for us on the next edition
of Faith Vs. Culture?
- Yeah, we've got aseries of kinda shocking
sex education videos thatwe found that were targeted
at nine to 12-year-old children,
and so it's really kindastunning to see the sorts of
explicit material thatthey're kinda pushing
on these young kids, and itranges from issues of gender
to homosexuality to dragqueens, the whole gamut,
and so on the show, we coverthese things and talk about
how we as Christians and Christian parents
should be handling the educationof our child on that front.
- All right, thank you Dan so much.
We wanna remind you thatyou can catch "Faithwire"
right here on the CBN News Channel.
It begins at 9:30 Eastern Standard Time.
Thank you again.- All right, thanks.
(paper rustling)(plastic crinkling)
(buttons beeping)(machine whirring)
(paper tearing)(machine whirring)
- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.
Get your free DVD or bookletof "Protect Your Sleep" today.
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Coogler
was gonna be directing the film,
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment and explorethe connection between
popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, Isaid well does that mean
I'm supposed to be a preacher?
He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."
- [Narrator] Watch "Studio5" Wednesday night at 9:30.
- [Narrator] Remember fora moment what it was like
to be a child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells the only story
truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(gentle music)
(logo tinkling)(child laughing)
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ That the Lord has made ♪
♪ That the Lord has made ♪
♪ I will rejoice ♪
♪ I will rejoice ♪
♪ And be glad in it ♪
♪ And be glad in it ♪
♪ This is the day that the Lord has made ♪
♪ I will rejoice and be glad in it ♪
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ God it is ♪
♪ This is the day that the Lord has made ♪
♪ I will rejoice and be glad in it ♪
♪ This is the day ♪
♪ This is the day that the Lord has made ♪
- That was Kanye West andhis Sunday Service Choir
singing the popular praisesong "This is the Day."
Wow, it was a full-blown worship service
at Lakewood Church Sunday night.
West was in the backgroundfor much of the service,
but he did rap and singat different times.
Earlier Sunday, Westjoined megachurch pastor
Joel Osteen for LakewoodChurch's Sunday morning
11:00 a.m. service.
He told Osteen how Jesus changed his life.
- I know that God's beencalling me for a long time,
and the devil's beendistracting me for a long time.
(people cheering)
You know, in my lowestpoints, God was there with me
and sending me visions and inspiring me,
and I remember sittingin the hospital at UCLA
after having a mental breakdown,
and there's documentationsof me drawing a church
and saying, writing start a church
in the middle of Calabasas,and even after that,
I went and made the "Life of Pablo" album.
I said this is a gospel album,
and I didn't know how tototally make a gospel album,
and the Christians thatwere around were too,
I would say beaten intosubmission by society
to not speak up andprofess the gospel to me
because I was a superstar,
but the only superstar in Jesus.
(audience cheering)
All of that arrogance andconfidence and cockiness
that y'all seen me use before,God is now using for Him.
(audience cheering)
- West also praised Osteenfor his message of hope
and pointing people to God's love,
despite how some inChristianity criticize him.
Well folks, that is it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."
We hope you will join us again next time.
From all of us here,goodbye and God bless.