- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.
Catapults, Molotovcocktails, fire and arrows.
The pro-Democracy protests in Hong Kong
have exploded into frenzied violence.
Protestors are now cornered on campus
and communist Chinesetroops from the mainland
have arrived on the scene.
Will they strike backwith a crushing crackdown?
Dale Hurd reports onthis escalating crisis.
- Hong Kong police areengaged in running battles
with hundreds of protesters
trapped at the city'sPolytechnic University today.
As a ring of police tightens around them,
protestors are fightingwith everything they have.
They used catapults againstriot police in armored vehicles,
setting at least one armored car on fire.
One police official was hitin the leg with an arrow
in some of the worst fightingsince the protests began.
For days, protesters hadbarricaded the campus
to keep police from getting in.
Now, cornered by authorities,they're trying to get out.
Hong Kong police are calling on protesters
to surrender and face justice.
But protesters were washing wounds
and preparing more Molotovcocktails early today,
getting ready for more combat.
This protestor said, "We are exhausted
"because we were up since 5 AM yesterday.
"We're desperate because oursupplies are running low."
Now, after the arrival ofmainland Communist Chinese troops
to Hong Kong's streets for the first time,
China's Global Times newspaper says
police should use sniperswith live ammunition
at violent protestors.
In this press briefing,the choice of words
sounded like police werepreparing the public
for a much more violent crackdown.
- The development so violent,has reached a critical level.
Rioters are so intent to murderour officer at all costs.
- Hong Kong Polytechnic'spresident said in a statement
students would be allowed to surrender
without further violence,but must also be arrested.
The protests startedpeacefully in early June,
sparked by a proposed law
that would have allowed criminal suspects
to be extradited to the mainland.
Now, after six months,
the protestors are temptingBeijing to crush an insurrection
that would never beallowed in mainland China.
Recently discovered Chinese documents show
that Chinese leader Xi became a hardliner
after seeing the collapseof the Soviet Union,
which he blamed on weakleadership and lack of resolve.
Not a good sign for protestors.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- It's so sad.
Hong Kong was such a glorious place.
Wonderful hotels, wonderfulfood, wonderful everything.
I mean, the ambiance was fabulous,
and I can't imagine themainland wants to shut it down.
I mean, this protest, Ican't understand, again,
why it's going as long as it is.
They were against extraditingHong Kong citizens
to the mainland and that hasbeen taken off the table,
so I think it's timefor those guys to chill.
I think they're going over the top
and they're bringing down aterrible, terrible consequence.
Well, when you turnover to the Middle East,
you find Iran, where the people despise
the Mullahs who run the country.
The main people in Iran cannot stand
the theocracy that's been put in place,
and they want to do away with it.
A long time ago, they had a revolution
and the Obama administrationrefused to help.
Now, I understand MikePompeo has indicated
we'll stand with you,but protestors in Iran
have risen throughout the country
over a drastic heist in the price of gas.
Is a crushing crackdown in store for them?
We'll have to see.
Efram Graham has that story.
- Pat, Iranian protestorshave been rising up
in 100 cities againstthe government's decision
to raise gas prices by 50%.
Iran's Supreme Leader
cautiously supported that decision Sunday,
calling those who attack public property
during demonstrations "thugs"
and signaling a potentialcrackdown was coming.
The protests have put new pressure on Iran
as it tries to overcome US sanctions
that have strangled theeconomy since President Trump
withdrew from the IranNuclear Deal over a year ago.
Iranians have seen their savings evaporate
amid scarce jobs and thecollapse of their currency.
A San Francisco jury hasruled against David Daleiden
and other undercover investigators
with the Center for Medical Progress.
The guilty verdict came in a civil suit
filed against them by Planned Parenthood
for their undercover videos.
The jury found them guilty for their part
in getting the undercover video
which show Planned Parenthood employees
discussing the buying and selling
of aborted body parts from babies,
harvested for third parties to resell.
Their attorneys say the casewas simply Planned Parenthood
trying to get back at themfor exposing their, quote,
"dirty business."
They do plan to appeal; Pat.
- You know, this is oneof the most shocking
miscarriages of justiceI've ever run into.
The judge's wife is a memberof the board, I believe,
of Planned Parenthood.
He should have recused himself;
he was asked to recuseand he refused to do it.
He ruled consistently against these people
who had done nothing butexercise freedom of the press.
It was a affront on freedom ofthe press, freedom of speech,
all of the things that wehold dear in our society,
and it was because Planned Parenthood
can't stand for the truth
to be brought out up against who they are.
They are a terrible organization
started by a woman named Margaret Sanger
who wrote one monograph that I read
called "Breeding the Thoroughbred."
And her thoughts about genetic breeding
were actually the foundationof some of the stuff
that Hitler brought out.
That's Planned Parenthood,ladies and gentlemen,
and it has been like an open secret
that what they're doingwith these body parts,
they're actually asking and setting up
certain types of abortions
that they can get theappropriate body parts,
and this was exposed, andinstead of letting it be exposed,
the people who did theexposing have been convicted,
and they did so because the judge's wife
was a member of the boardof one of the organizations
of Planned Parenthood.
He should have recused himself; he didn't.
He put a gag order onthe whole proceedings.
It was a shocking miscarriage of justice.
And, of course, it's going on to appeal,
and hopefully, it'll be,something will be reversed,
but it probably will goup to the Ninth Circuit,
which, more and more, has,well, up to this point,
has been one of the mostreverse circuits in America.
Now, a number of new judges are going on,
being appointed by President Trump,
and the Ninth Circuitmight change its way,
but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Efrem?- Pat,
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
invited President Trump to testify
in front of the congressionalimpeachment panels
as the Democrats' public hearings
move into their second week.
On CBS' Face the Nation Sunday,
Pelosi pushed back againstthe president's complaints
the process has been stacked against him.
- The president could comeright before the committee
and talk, speak all thetruth that he wants to.
- [Announcer] You don'texpect him to do that.
- If he wants to take the Oath of Office,
or he could do it in writing.
He has every opportunityto present his case.
- And Republican CongressmanJohn Ratcliffe of Texas
told Fox News the upcoming report
from the InspectorGeneral Michael Horowitz
on how the Russia collusioninvestigation got started
could be bad news for many in Washington.
- Democrats are racing toget through this impeachment
as quickly as possible.
That's why we have eight witnesses
and five hearings this week
and we're not doing any of the work
is because they know thatInspector General report
is likely to be damning about the origins
of the 2016 investigationinto the Trump campaign,
the role that the Obama-Bidenadministration officials
played in that.
- And, Pat, that report is expected soon.
- You know, it's amazing that Adam Schiff
supposedly is having a balanced hearing.
There's no such thing.
He refuses to allow any witnesses to come
to talk about any of that.
Talk about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok
and what went on at the FBI,and the plot to destroy Trump.
I mean, it's incredible, but he said,
"No, we can't have any evidenceabout that whatsoever."
And then he, the listof witnesses is stacked,
then what can be asked of those witnesses
is limited by the head of the committee.
It's, again, a shockingmiscarriage of justice,
and I don't believe it'sgonna set anybody up
for any kind of a vote,
but the interesting thing is:
If there is an impeachmentproceeding in the Senate,
then all the senators whoare running for president
will have to be there onthe floor of the Senate,
and they will not be able to campaign.
That means Iowa, New Hampshire,
these other states, they will miss.
And so a number of the senators
who are running for president
will have to be having serious thoughts
about what's being donein this impeachment,
but the whole thing isa sham, it's an outrage,
and it just shouldn't happen.
I mean, you know, youjust get so discouraged
about what goes on in our country.
You say, "Oh, God, there'sgot to be an answer."
- Pat, Democrats have a new front-runner
among their presidentialcandidates in Iowa.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has 25%
in the latest Des MoinesRegister-CNN poll.
Elizabeth Warren is close behind at 22%.
Former Vice-President Joe Bidenhas slipped, falling to 15%.
Bernie Sanders also has 15%,
but there's still two-and-a-half months
'til the Iowa Caucusesthat will take place
on February 3rd; Pat?
- The Iowa Caucuses are interesting
because, as I found out some years ago,
more people attend the highschool basketball playoffs
than attend the caucuses.
Maybe you have 100,000 peopleor so attending the caucuses.
I understand the turnout thisyear's gonna be much greater,
but I thought that somehow,as I've said in this program,
the campaign for the Democrats
is gonna feature twoBs: Biden and Buttigieg,
and Buttigieg is no way isgoing to be the front-runner,
so if he teams up with Biden,
he's playing for vice president on there,
and then, next time around,he'll make another push,
but that's the game, andI said it on this program,
and low-and-behold, it's taking place.
But, if he has 25% of that poll,
you can figure that the ultimate result
will be closer to 40 to 45%,
so he's gonna sweep the field in Iowa,
and it'll be a major triumphand it will position him
just exactly to becomea member of the team
along with Joe Biden.
Now, again, I'm not urginganybody to vote for anybody,
I'm not supporting anybody,
we're just trying to give you an analysis
of what the news is, andI think that's what it is,
but, you know, it's too latefor the general election,
and this is a primary,so it'll take place,
but once they begin, they'll keep going.
It'll be Iowa, then New Hampshire,
and then on down the line,
and California's trying to move up
a lot quicker in the proceedings
so it'll have more influence,
and Buttigieg mightjust surprise everybody,
but it's highly unlikelyhe'll be the candidate,
but certainly, I could seea Biden-Buttigieg ticket,
and that's what I said allalong, and lo and behold.
But he'll come out of Iowa with maybe,
well, if he's got 25% now,
he'll come up with40-45% in the total vote
which will be stunning; Efrem?
- Pat, turning now to the Trump campaign.
It's making a major pushto win women voters in 2020
after Republicans lost significant ground
with them in the 2018 midterms.
CBN's Jenna Browder shows uswhat the campaign is doing
to try to get them to the polls.
- The Trump campaign knows it needs
to win over women in 2020,
especially in key battleground states,
and it's on the groundto get out the vote.
- First of all, I love him.
- [Jenna] Women for Trump.
That's the motto here at thisnorthern Virginia gathering.
- He is a breath of fresh air.
- Personally, I like thatChina has been taken on.
- African Americans areincreasingly getting off welfare.
- [Jenna] This gathering,
one of 13 happening across the country
on this particular evening,all in battleground states
the Trump campaign knows it needs to win.
This coast-to-coast pushmeant to mobilize women
and promote the president's agenda.
- They're doing a lot behind the scenes.
- [Jenna] Gabby Orr, WhiteHouse reporter for Politico,
was the first to report the story.
- Where their main goalis to bring females
who are supportive of thispresident to campaign events
where they can interact withspokespeople for the campaign
like Kayleigh McEnany, surrogateswho are very pro-Trump,
Kellyanne Conway is another one of them,
and encourage them to goback to their communities
and talk about all the accomplishments
of this administration,
and communicate to theirneighbors, to fellow women,
why they think it's worthsupporting the president
for a second term.
- [Jenna] KayleighMcEnany, Press Secretary
for the Trump campaignon CBN's Faith Nation:
- You know, we have a president,
the first Republican president in history,
first president of either party, actually,
to put in his budget aplan for paid family leave.
- [Jenna] McEnany also pointsto women's unemployment
which is at a 65-year lowunder President Trump.
- The numbers and facts tell the story,
so we're trying to blowpast the media narrative
and get the facts out thereto females across the country.
- [Jenna] Many of the stateseyed by the Trump campaign
were won by Democrats in 2018,
in large part due to suburban women.
Exit polls from CNN found women
backed Democrats over Republicans by 19%,
the largest gap in morethan three decades.
- I think women are incrediblycrucial to this campaign,
and I do believe we'll be aforce to be reckoned with.
- [Jenna] Fast-forward to 2020,
where a recent NBC News-WallStreet Journal poll
found a generic Democrat beating Trump
by six points amongnon-college-educated white women.
That's a demographic hecarried by 27% in 2016.
In that same poll, Trump falls 33% behind
with college-educated white women.
Still McEnany says she thinks
there are quite a few womencloset voters out there.
- There's still that contingencyof hidden Trump voters
who happen, many happen to be women,
who might not talk to apollster or talk to the media,
but nevertheless know thepresident's right for their family
and will vote for him.
- Closet voters or not,the Trump campaign says
another purpose of these events
is to encourage women whomight otherwise be reluctant
to publicly voice their support.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Critical voting bloc, Pat.
- Well, it's critical thepresident stay off the tweet game
and not call women horse-facedand things like that.
I mean, you just can't insult people,
and so, he's got to watch those tweets.
And if he'd just stay off the tweets,
I mean, he can sweep;
he's got the statisticscoming in his favor,
but he hurts himself, so that's,
it's whether the leopard
can change his spots remains to be seen.
- We will see, we will see, yeah.
Well, you know, I think part of it is that
the poor man is up againstso much unfair criticism--
- Yeah, but a lot of it--- And negative,
that it's frustrating.- You bring it on yourself.
He just, you know, like in that woman
who was coming up for that hearing.
He didn't need to tweet andinsult her during that thing.
It just backfired.
And, you know, I remember some time ago,
when he was still a candidate,
and it was some Hispanic womanwho said something unkind,
she was an unknown woman,
and all of a sudden, he's blasting her,
and I said to him, I said,"Donald, no more women!"
and he said, "Well, I'vejust got to answer!"
I said, "Donald, no morewomen, don't do it!"
But he wouldn't listen,and one of his aides said,
"I hope he listens to you;he won't listen to us."
But there's something in his nature,
he just has to fight, and you know--
- Especially if he thinksit's unfair criticism,
then he really feels theneed to be telling it.
- Nah, but you don't call awoman horse face, unfair or not.
- I agree.
- Okay, well, what if somebody
insulted your daughter or something.
I mean, you don't do that.- That's true.