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- Ready for some email.
- All right, let's go for it.- Okay.
Pat, this first one comesfrom Kyle, who says:
Dear Pat, I've been trying to lose weight
in a responsible way.
I've incorporated moreproduce, I exercise more often,
and I am trying to cut back on junk food,
but I have only had alittle bit of success.
My dad suggested I try the ketodiet to stave off diabetes.
I tried to do research on the diet,
but found conflicting opinions on it.
What is a good diet totry from a biblical sense?
- All right, I don't knowabout the biblical sense,
but here's one from me personally.
Here's the deal.
Take it down very carefully.
Number one, stop drinking diet drinks.
Any kind of Diet Cokes, Diet Pepsi,
Diet Dr. Pepper diet anything.
Secondly, stop usingartificial sweeteners.
Do not use Sweet 'n Low.
Do not use Splenda.
Do not use any of theseartificial sweeteners
to sweeten your tea.
All right.
You can, if you wish, usestevia, which doesn't hurt you.
And you can buy little jars of stevia.
You can put it intoyour tea or your coffee
and it makes it all the sweet you need.
Secondly, stop drinking orange juice.
Stop drinking grapefruit juice.
Stop drinking anything with sugar.
And you want to stop sugarand you want to load up,
go to the grocery store andget apples and pears and plums.
And then get all kinds of greens.
You want to get frozen spinach
or you can get regularspinach or you can get kale.
You can get all the various greens
and then stuff yourself with them.
I mean, get lettuce and getcabbage and get all that stuff.
And then, get olive oiland use plenty of olive oil
and don't be afraid to use mayonnaise
and also don't be afraid to eat fish
and that kind of thing.
There is water-packed tuna.
You can make tuna fish and put,
don't be afraid to put oliveoil or something on it.
And then, go to the storeand get some probiotics,
the kind that give youabout 40 or 50 million
of those little crittersand put in your stomach.
And the next thing is get some prebiotics,
which has to do with, well,
stuff like yogurt, non-fat yogurt,
and, well, cabbage and thatsort of thing and beans,
well, anything that hassome roughage in it,
and the little critters need prebiotics
so you can get prebioticsalong with the pros.
Change the gut and you will be amazed,
amazed how fast you lose weight.
It'll be remarkable.
But stop the sugar.
Do not eat any sweets.
And then once a week, treat yourself
to a double dip ice cream cone.
(Terry laughs)
I mean, once a week.
- A-ha.
- You got to--- We have found
his weakness.
- Well, that not my weakness.
That's part of the diet.
Because the sugar in ice cream is buffered
and it's not so bad for you.
- Helps to drink a lotof water too, doesn't it?
- Well, yeah, you candrink a lot of water.
That doesn't hurt.
Just stay away from salt.
But read the labels.
And you can get peanut butter, by the way,
at the Price Club and placeslike that, at Whole Foods,
that does not have sugarand does not have salt.
Try to get stuff that doesn't have sugar
and doesn't have salt.
Read the labels and don't beafraid, you know, for example,
of their, some of the stuffthat the Israelis used to eat
without leaven, you can get crackers.
- Flat breads, and that-
- Read the labels, read the labels.
And believe me, beforelong, if you do that,
your stomach and everythingwill start saying
"I don't need anymore food.I don't need anymore sweets"
And the next thing you know,you'll start losing weight
and it will be amazinghow fast you lose weight.
All right?
- Okay, this is Brittany, who says
"Hello 700 club. I am a27-year-old single girl.
I have never been on a date.
I do believe in stayingpure until marriage.
I can't meet anyonebecause I don't have a car
to go anywhere and I don'thave a way to go to church.
Will God bring mesomeone if I keep praying
for a mate despite the setbacks?
I would really like some advice on this?
- The advice is, look dear,
get out, go on a bus, and do something.
You can't sit at home and wait for God
to send somebody over the transom.
I mean you need to gowhere young people are,
and there are youth groups.
And why don't you callsome church and say,
"Look, I'd like very muchif you were to take me
out to the youth meeting".
Most of these churcheshave young people, so nice,
they have youth meetings.
Spend time making yourselfattractive, you know?
Get and education. Getall sorts of interests.
Have all kinds of thingsthat make you attractive,
and don't hesitate, by the way,
to put on a little makeupand put your clothes on
to make you look attractive.
- [Terry] That'd help
- I mean, its a sell job, let's face it.
- You might as well package- Such a romantic
- This, the goods- Can I just say
- What is it? You wanna beugly as you possibly can
and as unattractive and think you
an unattractive mate?
- Oh no
- In the natural world, okay, what else?
- This is John, who says,
"On a previous show, Dr.Hugh Ross and Pat stated
that the universe is13.8 billion years old.
In Mark 10:6 Jesus declared that from
the beginning of creation God made them
male and female-referring to Adam and Eve.
So, are you saying man is13.8 billion years old?
- No, we're not saying any such thing.
From the beginning of creation,
I'm not saying that Jesus is saying it,
but the universe is clearly 13.8 billion.
That's how long it took toget the universe together,
that's how long it tookto get the stars in place,
how long it took to get all of the
necessary elements
that were needed
to create life on earth.
So I think, when Jesus was talking,
He was talking about the time when
God put man on the Earth,
and he created male and female.
But I'm not saying man is 13.9,
I mean 14 billion years old.
It just isn't the truth, okay?
- Okay this is Michael, who says,
"I am a young boy and sometimes
I feel the temptation to sin take over.
I can't help but give in.
Any suggestions on what to do
when I feel tempted?
- How can a young man cleanse his way
by taking heed there to,according to thy word.
And thy word have I hid in my heart
that I might not sin against thee.
Let the word of God, and when you begin,
start you everyday saying,
"Lord let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in thy sight".
And pray it everyday.
And everyday you go to live for the Lord,
you don't worry about what's gonna happen
a year from now, just today.
Today I'm not going to engage in
whatever sin it is that's the problem.
And tomorrow I'm notgonna do it, same thing.
Day after day, after day.
21 days is what it takesto establish a habit.
And that's what you need to do.
But otherwise, if you yield,
you're obviously yieldingto this temptation,
and then it comes back to get you.
So you've gotta say,
"Just one day, one day at time".
One day at a time, one day at a time,
'till 21 days, and watch what happens.