(dramatic music)
- Welcome to The 700 Club.
A huge triumph for President Trump!
He's crushed it with the appointment
of his 150th federal judge.
What does this historic milestone mean,
and how will it havelasting impact on our nation
long after the President leaves office?
CBN's White Housecorrespondent, Ben Kennedy,
gives us the explanation.
- President Trump calledthis a historic milestone.
Just about one in four appeals judges
is now a Trump appointee.
- Truly momentous achievement.
- [Ben] President Trumpextolling the judicial mindset
of his federal appellate court picks.
- They will uphold ourConstitution as written.
These distinguished menand women are some of the
most gifted scholars, respected jurists
and finest legal minds everplaced on the federal bench.
Of the 179 positions on the Circuit Court,
43 are occupied by thePresident's nominees.
Four seats are currently open,
with five more expectedto become vacant due soon.
In comparison, President Obamanominated 55 Circuit judges
during his entire eight years in office.
- Percentage-wise, you'llnever beat one man,
and we know who that is.
George Washington, 100%.
(audience laughing)
But in terms of, I'd liketo say quality and quantity,
we are going to be, Ithink, just about number one
by the time we finish.
- And Carrie, what are someof the big issues facing
this country these judgescould have a direct hand in?
- Oh gosh, I mean it'severy issue that comes
before the courts.
Right now the SupremeCourt already is dealing
with a lot of cases havingto do with abortion,
having to do with religious freedom,
having to do with immigrationand the limits on government.
- [Ben] But confirming these nominees
hasn't always been easy.
Democrats and liberalgroups were ramping up
their opposition against conservatives.
Like Amy Coney Barrett,
who was criticized for her Catholic faith.
- The dogma lives loudly within you.
- [Ben] And most recently,Lawrence VanDyke,
who was accused by the ABAof bias against LGBTQ people.
- No, I did not say that.
I do not believe that.
It is a fundamental beliefof mine that all people
are created in the image of God.
- He's done work for groupslike Alliance Defending Freedom
and that flags him as,
"Oh, you must be someonewho is gonna now be unfair,
"for example, to LGBTlitigants before him."
Which he said they unfairly said
he wouldn't say he wouldbe fair to all litigants.
He said that's not true.
- [Ben] Severino was inthe East Room during what
she calls an excitingmilestone for the President.
Pointing out that it'snot just the Supreme Court
that makes historic rulings.
- People don't realize,more than 99% of cases
end at the appellate courts.
They don't ever get to the Supreme Court.
- [Ben] Trump placed twoof the nine seats on the
U.S. Supreme Court, a moveRepublic lawmakers say
will define his time in office.
- The defining moment ofyour presidency for me
was the Kavanaugh hearing.
This room would be empty ifwe had failed Brett Kavanaugh.
- Now President Trump said,"Look, it is not over."
Within the next two months,he expects to have 182
federal judges to have been approved.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.
- Fantastic!
We've been seeing the courts,
and I dare say that there'sgonna be at least one opening
on the Supreme Court beforethe President leaves office,
maybe two.
I understand Sotomayerhas got health issues
and of course the reigningqueen of the court
seems to be
like immortal.
But nevertheless, she's hada number of health issues
that may leave for a vacancy.
So he might have as many astwo before he leaves office.
Well, in other news,more impeachment mayhem.
The Democrats are touting three witnesses
to make their case against the President.
Here's Efrem Grahamwith that story and more
from our CBN Newsroom.
- Pat, the impeachmentinquiry goes public next week.
It begins as President Trump beefs up
his communications team andthe Vice President's office
knocks down a shocking allegation.
CBN's Jenna Browder is following the story
for us in Washington.
- The public hearings kick off Wednesday,
and while all threewitnesses have already talked
to investigators, thiswill be the first time
the American public gets tohear from them firsthand.
- Bill Taylor, the actingU.S. Ambassador to Ukraine,
will be the first to testify.
He told investigatorsPresident Trump withheld
millions of dollars inmilitary aid to Ukraine.
Taylor's transcriptreveals he sent a cable
to Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo,
but received no response.
- Most important factsare largely not contested.
- [Jenna] President Trump last night
in Monroe, Louisiana, shot back.
- Democrats must beaccountable for their hoaxes
and for their crimes.
Really, I mean, do youbelieve what's going on
in Washington with thesedo-nothing, somewhat evil,
and in some cases very evil people?
- [Jenna] Also testifying next week,
former Ukrainian Ambassador,Marie Yovanovitch
and George Kent, a topState Department official.
The President's defenderssay none of this rises
to the level of impeachment.
- There are perfectlyappropriate quid pro quos,
and there are inappropriate quid pro quos.
- [Jenna] This all comes as a new book,
written by an anonymous White House aide,
is set to come out.
The Huffington Postreports the book claims
White House officials made alist of cabinet secretaries
who would support using the 25th Amendment
to remove the Presidentin the days after he fired
FBI Director, James Comey,and that the officials
believed Vice PresidentPence would back it up.
The VP's office refuted theclaim, calling it fake news.
And the White House isdismissing the hearings,
while at the same timebeefing up its defense.
It's brought on two longtime Trump allies
to help with strategy.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Most say impeachment is not likely.
- Well I agree.
They're not gonna impeach.
The Democrats in the House do not have
the intestinal fortitude,you might say the guts,
to go forward and actually go on record.
So they're not gonna do it.
This is just a lot of smoke and mirrors.
But the truth is,
it is perfectlyappropriate for a President
to withhold a large amount of foreign aid
until he ensures himselfthat there's no corruption
in the country receiving the aid.
And they won't just waste it.
I think that's an appropriatething and they talk about,
well he withheld.
Well the aid finally went forward.
It wasn't that he kept it off forever.
He just held it offuntil he could find out
what was going on.
There's nothing wrong about that.
There's certainly no impeachable offense.
But the Democrats are just playing this
for all they're worth, and it'sgonna blow up in their face.
And they don't dare,
I mean they do not dare to do anything.
Now President Trump's strongestsupporter in the Congress,
when he was just a candidate,
was an Alabama Senatornamed Jeff Sessions.
Well, you know what happenedto him when he recused himself
and had left Rod Rosensteinin charge and then you have
a special prosecutor and thenyou have all that trouble.
And it made the Presidentmad and well it should have.
Well, former AttorneyGeneral, Jeff Sessions,
is going to try againand it looks like he will
be successful in Alabama.
Here's Efrem with that news.
- Pat, as you said, formerAttorney General, Jeff Sessions,
is expected to announcetoday he is running
for his old senate seat in Alabama.
He'll return to the politicalstage a year to the day
he resigned as PresidentTrump's first Attorney General.
That resignation came atthe President's request.
Sessions had been one of the President's
earliest supporters, buttheir relationship soured
after he recused himselffrom Special Counsel,
Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
Sessions was a longtime senator.
His entry upends an alreadycrowded GOP primary race.
YouTube pulled a videoof a prominent doctor
questioning modern medicalviews on transgender lifestyles,
calling it hate speech.
In 2017, the video, Dr. Michelle Cretella,
Executive Director of theAmerican College of Pediatricians,
discussed transgenderismas a mental health issue.
- They told us that it wasactually a form of hate speech,
because of a specific line that she said,
that if a person wants tochop off an arm or a leg
it would be considered a mental illness.
If they wanna chop off their genitals,
that would be considered a transgenderism.
- That was the HeritageFoundation's Jarrett Stepman,
who also says that YouTubewould only reinstate the video
if that line was removed,adding the video was supposed to
spark debate over sciencebehind transgenderism.
He noted Facebook did put the video back
after Heritage appealed.
In Europe, a Christianpolitician is under investigation
for hate speech.
The reason?
She posted a Biblepassage on social media.
CBN's Senior InternationalCorrespondent, Dale Hurd,
has the story now from Finland.
- [Dale] Paivi Rasanen, amember of Finland's Parliament,
is under investigation forcommitting a hate crime,
after she posted a Bibleverse on social media
aimed at Finland's state church,
for its promotion of homosexuality.
- In my tweet, I directlycited Romans, first chapter,
and verses 24 to 27and posted the picture.
- [Dale] A passage whichcondemns homosexual relations.
She said her purpose was towake up the church in Finland.
- And when praying,
I got convinced
that it is not my time now tojump out of the sinking boat,
as a parable of the church.
But to try to wake up thesleeping ones in the church.
- [Dale] Leif Nummela, editorof a Christian newspaper
and a TV host in Finland,told us he was very surprised
to hear Rasanen was under investigation.
- It was unbelievable.
It was a real surprise.
And the first thought was,
are they really going this far?
- If convicted, Paivi couldface a fine or even jail time.
But it's the precedent fromthis case that could affect
every believer in Finland.
- I'm afraid and I'mworried that this case,
the criminal investigation,might frighten some Christians
to hide and
to keep silent.
- [Dale] Finland's AttorneyGeneral has now opened
a second investigationconcerning a pamphlet that Paivi
wrote 15 years ago aboutBiblical Christian marriage,
called "Man and Woman, He Created Them".
A bishop in Finland'sState Church tweeted that,
while he found this new chargeagainst Rasanen worrying,
he said "I regard the writingsof Paivi Rasanen wrong,
"harmful, and contraryto Christian charity."
Dale Hurd, CBN News, Helsinki.
- Posting Scripture a criminal offense.
Hard to believe.
- Ladies and gentlemen, theBible is not hate speech,
but the Bible is very clearand Jesus spoke clearly.
He talked about peoplebeing whitewashed walls.
He said, "How can you escapethe damnation of hell?"
He talked about hell,he talked about heaven,
he talked about righteousness,
he talked about God's standards.
And we have clear statements by Jesus
that he said, "For thiscause a man shall leave
"his mother and fatherand cleave to his wife
"and the twain shall become one flesh,
"and what God has joined weoughta let not man put asunder."
And there's no room inthere for homosexuality,
when you get the Apostle Paul,he said it's the last phase
of human turning away from God.
When women leave the necessary
function and begin to burnin passion toward another
of the same gender, same with man.
Now for some reason, the Biblehas now become hate speech,
but that is God's standard,and if we reject that standard,
God is going to judgeus by those standards.
You know, he brought downjudgment on Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the whole concept,what is called sodomy,
is where they got that from.
And God sent angels downand warned the people,
took Lot and his familyout of Sodom and then
rained fire and brimstone andkilled everybody in the area.
So this is a pretty serious thing.
And if we're not allowedto speak out boldly
about these things, especially a doctor,
a leader of pediatricians saying,
look, you can't dismember yourself
and say it's not a pathology.
It really is!
We cannot close our eyes to the truth.
But there are people whowant to shut off any speech
that disagrees with their lifestyle.
And Christians need to stand up about that
in the strongest possible way
and say we believe the Bible.
The Bible is the Word ofGod and this is the standard
whereby Christians should live.
And if you don't like it,
well you go ahead and do your thing.
But it's not hatefulfor us to say we believe
this is the standard that God has set up
for Christians in this world.
Well it's shocking, butisn't that amazing that
40, 50 years ago thislifestyle was condemned
as abhorrent and now it's reversed,
so if you don't embrace this lifestyle,
you are there a hatemonger.
It's just terrible to even contemplate.
- Well, and then theKoran can easily be read
with any offense that'sin it and no one should
say anything, because thatalso is hate mongering.
- (laughs) Yeah, that's right.
- There's no sense to it.
- Well you can't speakill against anybody,
even if they wanna kill you.
But anyhow, we've got to befree, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what the FirstAmendment's all about.
Freedom of speech andfreedom of speech means
if you don't like what's being said,
well I don't agree withthe judge who said it
because he was kind ofan atheist, but he said,
"The best test of truthis in the marketplace."
So let the people talk.
Well, baby it's cold outside.
They wanna ban that song, by the way.
- Can't control that much.
- That's sexist, but anyhow,Efrem has more on the winter.
- Pat, a winter storm is movinginto the northeast today.
It snowed yesterday inWisconsin and Minnesota,
causing accidents on the freeways.
Well now parts of that system will meet up
with cold air coming down from Canada,
bringing up to six inchesof snow to the northeast,
tonight and tomorrow.
After that, super low temperatures
up and down the east coast.
Weatherbell meteorologist,Joe Bastardi tells CBN News
it could set a recordfor this time of year.
- The fact of the matter is this.
We do have major major coldair on the weather charts
for the month of November.
November may turn out tobe a top five cold November
for the United States as awhole, since 50 years ago.
That's how much cold air is coming.
- And brace yourself formore cold into the weekend.
- I'm happy to tell you folks,
here in Tidewater it's benign,
it's the garden spot of the world.
- It is supposed to get colder tomorrow.
Let me just be honest.
- Well I've tried to advertise our home.
(laughing) Okay.