Read Transcript
- Well we have some of your questions,
and I'd like to share them with Pat,
so he can give you some of his answers.
Pat, the first one comesfrom a viewer who says,
"I have not been baptized,
because I never liked gettingup in front of people.
Can anyone baptize you or doesit have to be a preacher?"
- Well, as far as I cantell from the Old Testament,
there's no requirement thatsomebody had to be a preacher
to baptize somebody, becauseyou're planted with him
in his death and you'reraised in newness of life.
It's something that can be done
in somebody's bathtub, I suppose,
but it's nice to make a public confession
in front of people.
It sort of solidifies it,
but you don't have toas far as I can tell.
I may be wrong but I think that's true.
- I think people do getbaptized in many different,
two of my boys were baptized
in the Founderson's swimming pool.
- Well, we had a bunch of kids baptized
in the bathtub at our house.
- Sure!
- Oh man, incredible.
- This is Joan who says,
"Pat, with all the negativeads, how can a person know
what the candidates are actually doing?
Can you please tell us how tocheck on candidates' records?
Where are these records, andhow can they be verified?
It seems we can't believe what we hear."
- Well I used to be in chargeof the Christian Coalition,
and we had voter guidesthat gave the positions
of each candidate on a number of issues,
and it would check, howdo you vote on this,
how do you stand on that, and the other.
You know, these adsare just driving people
absolutely out of theirminds, it's so negative.
You don't know what to believe.
There must be some party, ifyou're a member of a Democrat
or you're a member of a Republican party,
independent, whatever.
The parties have records,and so all you have to do
is pick up the phone and call and say,
"Would you tell me howthis guy stands on abortion
or how he stands on foreign policy
or how he stands on"this, that, and the other.
You can find out, all right.
- Kay, this is Ann, who says,
"Proverbs 2:16-19, verse 19 says
that none who go to the'immoral woman' come back,
'nor do they regain the paths of life.'
Does this scripture mean no forgiveness,
or that the rest of theirlives, they'll wander lost?
Very scary and sounds permanent.
Could you explain?"
- Well the proverbs are agroup of wisdom sayings.
They weren't intended togive you the (mumbles),
you know of eternal life.
You're talkin' about, to a young man,
stay away from immoral women.
That's what it meant.
- [Woman] Pa dum pum.
- Yeah, bum bum.
And if you get (mumbles),
you'll have a hard time getting over it.
I mean, that's what it says,it doesn't said that you know
you can't regain the path of life.
It means you won't be able toget back in the straight word,
because you'll be so screwed up
from having that affairwith that married woman,
you won't know what to do.
I mean, that's what it amounts to, okay.
- Kay, this is Susan, who says,
"I hear evangelists say,'God loves you so much
that Jesus would have died for you
if you were the only person.'
I don't see God promisingthat He would die
as a sacrifice for thesins of just one person.
What scripture in the Biblesupports this statement?
Perhaps Genesis 18 whereAbraham pleads for Sodom?"
- No, that's not it.
Jesus said, (mumbles).
It'd profit a man if hegained the whole world
and lose his own soul,
what kind of man give inexchange for his soul?
So what he says is ifyou traded your soul,
your individual soul, foreverything in the world,
you'd have made a bad deal.
So he was saying, one soulis absolutely precious.
That's where it comes from.
And your soul is wortheverything in the world, he said.
That's what it is, okay.
- Yeah I always loved that scripture too,
where it says he leaves the 99
to go after the onethat's lost, same thing.
- That's true.
That's not what you'reasking, but okay, go ahead.
- Here's Tara who says,
"Why is it I only feela strong emotional bond
with God in church?
Otherwise, I feel aloneand abandoned all the time
with depression, anxiety,and suicidal thoughts.
I want to feel His presence always,
to have my life back and be happy.
I need to feel close to Godand have my faith back again!"
- All right, look.
Feeling is a totally emotional thing.
You need to ground your faith on facts,
and the facts you find in the word of God,
"How will the young man cleanse his way?
By taking heed, thereto,according to thy word."
And "Thy word have I hid in my heart
that I might not sin against you."
It's not, you don't feel.
You feel all goosebump-allywhen you go to church,
and you don't feel it when you go home,
I mean that's nonsense.
We're not saved by our feelings,
we're saved by the fact
that Jesus Christ died for us on the cross
and he rose again.
That's what salvation'sall about, and period.
Take that and believe it,
and then repeat it overand over again to yourself,
'til it gets in your heart, all right?
- This is Mitchell who says,
"Dear Pat, I feel like I'm theonly Christian in my family,
and every time I tell mydad and mother something,
they keep saying they don't wanna hear it.
What can I do?"
- Don't tell 'em anything,
that's what you oughta do.
Keep your mouth shut.
You know, there's such a thing as
"Don't cast your pearls before swine
or they will turn and rend you."
So if they won't listen,
I would pray that theirhearts might be opened,
and you do the praying,
and let God do the opening, okay?