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Virginia Public School Teacher: Don't Be Afraid to Donate a Bible to Your Local School

Virginia Public School Teacher: Don't Be Afraid to Donate a Bible to Your Local School Read Transcript

- But God did a miracle.

He protected Daniel'sfriends form the fire.

Not one of them was burned.

So that was like worsethan being in a fireplace.

- [Mark] Brianna Jimenez is reading

The Action Storybook Bible to students

at this after-school programin Richmond, Virginia.

It contains Bible stories and is designed

like a graphic novel.

The creation story is the favorite

of fourth grader Kimberly Rodriguez.

- Because it shows how God made things

by just like, he just spoke,and then they appeared.

- [Mark] Even as a youngthird grader, Didier Madrid

believes reading theBible has changed his life

for the good.

- I used to say a lotof bad words and stuff

with my friends.

We used to do bad stuff like breaking

into people's houses and stuff.

And then after I startedreading the Bible,

I didn't do that no more.

- Hi, my name is Hannah Sailsbury,

and I'm an elementary teacher in Virginia

in a public school.

- [Mark] Public schoolteacher Hannah Sailsbury

says God put it on her heart to donate

The Action StorybookBible to school libraries.

Her mission also includesgetting the Bible

in classrooms and after-school programs.

- I started to prayerwalk around our school.

And as I would pass everywindow in our school,

I would pray for my coworkers by name.

And I would pray for the studentsthat entered the building.

And there was oneparticular day that I prayed

that Jesus's name would be mentioned

in the classrooms andhallways of our school.

And little did I know that that prayer

got answered in bigger waysthan I could've imagined.

- [Mark] One bigger way came in April

when Sailsbury launchedthe nonprofit organization

Bibles in Schools.

- God really opened my eyes to realize

if we have this old Bible in our school,

how come we don't havea more engaging Bible

that's fun, that has pictures in it.

- The movement has now spread

to 18 counties inVirginia and seven states.

Since people started donating the Bibles,

Sailsbury says around 125students have checked them out

from their libraries.

You might be asking yourself,

is a Bible even allowed on the shelves

of a public school library?

Or am I even allowed to donatea Bible to a public school?

On her website, Sailsburyurges you to know your rights

and then to use them.

- Anybody can donate anythingto their library at school.

If they take otherdonations, then they have to

accept the Bible donation,

but the librarian does nothave to put it on their shelf.

So that's where prayer really comes in.

As teachers, if you have other literature

on your school shelves,you can have the Bible

on your shelf.

- [Mark] Art teacher Chelsea Joyner

believes God woke her up early one morning

and planted the idea to puta Bible in her classroom.

- At just 3:00 a.m. Ican't even explain it.

It just, you need to put oneof these on your bookshelf.

And I was like, "okay, let's do it."

- [Mark] The ActionBible is also available

in versions for middle and high school,

which means Levi will beable to stay in the Word

through graduation.

Why do you like this Bible?

- Just 'cause I like to learn about God.

- [Mark] Why do youlike to learn about God?

- 'Cause he's the best and good.

I like the part where he died on the cross

and take our sin and come back alive.

- [Mark] Mark Martin, CBNNews, Richmond, Virginia.

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