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Former LGBTQ Members Say Their Changed Lives Prove Homosexuality Isn't Permanent

Former LGBTQ Members Say Their Changed Lives Prove Homosexuality Isn't Permanent Read Transcript

- These days when there's so much talk

about gay rights and transgender rights

and laws being passedto protect those rights,

a whole other minority is getting ignored,

those who've come outof the gay community.

18 former gays, lesbians and transgenders

stood before the U.S. Capitolto proclaim they're real,

despite a culture that denies

such transformation is possible.

- We've experienced a changein our sexual orientation,

some small, some great, I mean,

some of us don't experiencesame sex attraction anymore.

And yet, everywhere you go,

you hear that's utterly impossible.

- [Paul] Not for this former homosexual,

now father of four.

- I don't ever sexuallyaroused by looking at a man.

That hasn't happened in years.

- [Paul] But, House bill3570 says therapy similar

to what helped KenWilliams and many of these

leave the lifestyle can't do that.

It proclaims there is no evidence

that conversion therapy is effective

or that an individual's sexual orientation

or gender identity can bechanged by conversion therapy.

Williams worries such a billwould forbid the counseling

he insists saved his life,

by calling all of it conversion therapy.

- At 17 years old, I was suicidal.

I started seeing a Christian counselor,

who I saw weekly for five years.

And that was the last day I felt suicidal.

- [Paul] Pastor Jim Domensays similar counseling

helped him go from gay guy

to heterosexual husband and dad.

But, HR 3570 brands such therapy toxic,

saying it is substantially dangerous

to an individual's mentaland physical health.

Domen, of course, disagrees.

- These bills would not only prohibit it.

It's almost like we'd have togo underground to seek help.

And it breaks my heartwhen you hear the stories

of people who have been sexually abused,

people who were suicidal,people going through depression

and seeking help or they wannago in a different direction.

That would not be, it wouldbe very very difficult,

if not impossible to do.

- [Paul] Many here are Christians

who also give God the creditfor their radical change.

Elizabeth Woning broughta warning for a culture

that would reject thatpower and instead embrace

what the Bible says is toxic.

- We are denying our own biology.

We are hating ourselves.

We have higher rates ofmental illness and suicide.

The farther Christianitygets out of the mainstream,

the more broken we're becoming in America.

- These folks are saying,while laws are being passed

to protect people like those

in the gay and transgender communities,

other people who wanna swimagainst the cultural mainstream

will be hurt by those very laws.

Paul Strand, CBN News,reporting from Capitol Hill.


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