After enduring years of abuse, Katie tried to leave her husband, and he set her on fire. She went into depression, but eventually found the power to forgive.
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(slow guitar music)
- For a long time, I triedto hide what happened to me,
the scars were far deeper than my skin
and started long before theflames ripped around me,
long before he set me on fire.
When I was a child, I dreamtof having my own home,
a husband and kids.
When all these dreams came true,
I couldn't be happier butthen everything changed.
My husband became violent.
For the first two years, I was very happy.
I loved my husband very much
but one morning he gotvery angry and he hit me
in front of my childrenand I got a blue eye
but I let it pass for mymarriage sake, I forgave him.
I was scared of him butI loved him very much.
There were times that I wanted to leave.
I stayed because he provided for us.
There was so many momentsthat he got angry and hit me.
(dramatic music)
Early one morning, he camehome after being out all night.
He wanted to sleep with me,when I refused he dragged me
out of the bed, opened thefront door and pushed me out.
I fled to a friend's housebut before I got there,
he came after me witha knife and stabbed me.
My friend took me to the hospital
and the doctor asked me ifI'm going to make a case,
I said no, I will be okay.
And he pleaded for forgiveness.
He was so sincere, so I believed him
that he wouldn't do it again.
One day me and my husband had an argument
and he almost hit me with a hammer.
There and then I decidedit's time to leave.
(dramatic music)
He started to threaten me and call me,
I got a restraining orderbut that didn't stop him.
There was a knock at the door,my eldest opened the door.
She didn't come back in, she ran away.
He came in, opened the drawers
and he was looking for a knife.
I ran out to a minivan to get away.
(dramatic music)
Just before the driver tookoff, he threw a paraffin heater
through the window.
It fell on me and it set me on fire.
The driver got out andwrapped me in a blanket
to stop the flames but thedamage had already been done.
(dramatic music)
I was in a coma for more than two weeks.
I remember a voice saying tome that you're not gonna die
until you have to die.
I woke up in hospital, thedoctor say that I fought
for my life and because ofthat they did everything
to save my life.
I had second to third degree burns.
The more my skin healed, the more it hurt.
I got burns on my head, myface, my hands, my stomach
and my thighs.
The pain was unbearable.
(dramatic music)
After three months my daughterseen me for the first time.
They were crying.
Every morning when Iwoke up and I see myself
in the mirror I cried, I cried
and I was angry with my husband
for doing such terrible thing to me.
I lost so much weight I was anorexic.
I didn't have ears, Ididn't feel like a woman.
It's like everythingwas taken away from me.
I felt that no one would ever love me.
When I spoke to God I wasalways asking questions,
why Lord me?
I really felt lost at that time.
I didn't want to see anyone
or I didn't want them to see me.
My turning point was whenI gave everything to God.
It was at a women conference,
and that moment I said Lord here I am,
I realize that God is thereason I am alive today.
So, he was not the person Iwas supposed to be angry with.
In that moment God gaveme the joy and the love
that I always longed for.
I could see myself through God's eyes.
The feeling was overwhelming.
I felt like a new person.
I didn't even expect to feel like that.
I asked my daughters for forgiveness
for what I put them through
because I didn't stand up for myself.
I was supposed to protectthem and I didn't.
I've learned not to be quiet.
After what happened he was sent to prison.
I made a decision to visit him at prison.
When I sat in front ofhim I said I want peace
and I forgive you.
I felt like a burden waslifted off my shoulders.
It's been almost 14years since it happened.
My family stood by me all the time.
There was times that I was down
and they will always giveme word out of the Bible
especially my aunt.
I remember she told methat one day I will be okay
and I can see it now.
In Genesis 50 verse 20,Joseph told his brothers,
you meant evil against mebut God meant it for good
to save many people.
Now I love myself who I am.
My worth is rooted in Christ.
I'm a living testimonythat his love never fails.
(inspirational music)
I almost lost my life becauseI didn't love myself enough
to say no, I was ashamed and worried
about what people would say.
If you are in an abusive relationship,
my prayers that you willrealize you deserve better.
So many women have livedthrough some of the struggles.
Today I stand with you.
We all stand with you.
Do not isolate yourself,there is always a way out.
Reach out for help.
I pray that God will giveyou the courage to do so.
Allow him to show youwhat love looks like.
His name is Jesus and healready paid the price
for your freedom.
His arms are open, ready to receive you.
(tranquil music)