It’s difficult to have a prodigal child but how do you cope when you have three prodigals? International speaker, author and TV host, Lori Hartshorn shares her journey with her three young adult prodigal children.
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- There were drugs, and alcohol
and some very dark, heavy metal music.
- [Gordon] A mom struggles withher three prodigal children.
See how the co-host of The 700Club Canada, Lorie Hartshorn,
survived one of the hardestseasons of her life.
Plus, a woman is sidelinedby agonizing pain.
- For over a month, I hadto wear both knee braces
in order to do anything.
And I wouldn't say I was getting depressed
but I was really getting frustrated.
- [Gordon] See how shewas healed in an instant
all on today's 700 Club Interactive.
Well, welcome to the show.
Today we're gonna kickoff with some controversy.
John MacArthur has caused quite a stir
with his recent comments about Beth Moore.
John was speaking at anevent that was honoring
his 50 years of ministrywhen the male panelists
were asked to play aword association game.
Well, the word given toJohn were Beth Moore,
and he answered withjust two words, go home.
- [Terry] Sounds of laughterand applause were heard
in response during arecording of the conference
which is now trending online.
The panel of men went onto say things like, quote,
"The words that come tomy mind is narcissistic,"
or here's another, "There'sno case for a woman preacher,
"period, end of discussion,"
and "Just because you have the skills
"to sell jewelry on the TV sales channel
"doesn't mean you should be preaching."
- [Gordon] Well, here'spart of the response.
Current SBC, SouthernBaptist Convention President,
J.D. Greear tweeted, Beth Moore is welcome
in our home anytime.
Many others offered supportof Beth on social media.
Author and speaker, Annie Downs tweeted,
when I hear the words Beth Moore,
I think Jesus-loving trailblazer.
Ben Higgins from theBachelor franchise tweeted,
my walk with Jesus has been
immeasurably shaped by Beth Moore.
Thank you Beth for thework and efforts you put
into sharing the love of Jesus.
I will listen to you and learn from you
for as long as you continue teaching.
And singer-songwriterNicole Nordeman said,
Man, that John MacArthur clip,
dragging Beth Moore intomisogyny at its finest.
What a disappointing witness for a man
whose influence has been so broad.
- [Terry] Well Beth hasresponded in a pair of tweets
saying she didn't surrenderto a calling of man
when she was 18 years old.
Rather, she surrenderedto a calling of God.
Adding, it never occurs to me
for a second to not fulfill it.
I will follow Jesus, andJesus alone, all the way home.
And in another tweet she says,
you don't have to let me serve you.
That gets to be your choice.
Whether or not I serveJesus is not up to you.
- Wow.
(laughing)Good story.
- So there you have it.
- Let me weigh in to this,
and I fully recognizeI'm an old white man, so.
You can take my comments with that.
But here's what's goingon with Beth Moore.
She is part of the SouthernBaptist Convention.
She has voluntarilyagreed not to be a pastor
based on the doctrine of that convention.
And in the church she goes to,
it is headed, the leadpastor is her son-in-law.
She says specifically in her ministry
that she is a teacher of women.
She doesn't try to haveauthority over men.
And so she is trying her bestto live within the guidelines
of the scripture that JohnMacArthur quoted from Timothy.
And so, to have him say,well, you need to go home,
I'm sorry, just doctrinallythat doesn't make any sense
to me given how Beth Moore hasvoluntarily limited herself
to the theological positionof the Southern Baptist.
It just doesn't make any sense.
- Is this the same groupthat invited Anne Graham Lotz
to speak to their group,
and then they all stoodup and turned their chairs
and their backs to her?(laughs)
- Well not all of 'em.
- Well not all of 'em, many.
- A group.
And just, I've gotta weighin on just the subject
of women being involved in ministry,
and you can slice anddice the semantics of it,
but there are three womenin the New Testament
that I think we all needto pay attention to.
One is Mary Magdalene.- Yeah.
- Who does Jesus appear to first?
He appears to a woman,
and then he gives hera specific instruction.
Go and tell my disciples.
So he instructs her to go tell men
that he is raised from the dead.
He had the full abilityto do that on his own,
and clearly demonstrated that he did,
but the first one he gavethe good news to was a woman,
and then the commandment, go and tell.
So, that's why the church calls her
the apostle to the apostles.
Then you get into Priscilla and Aquila.
Their ministry, the number of women
who sponsored churches in their own homes.
But for me, the clincher is Phoebe.
So the same apostle whowrote that verse in Timothy
also wrote a verse in Romans
talking about Phoebe beinga deacon of the church,
and then commending herto the church in Rome
and saying she was the onewho delivered the letter,
which presumably meant she's the one
who read the letter to the church.
And then the commandment,not only should you
pay attention to her,
but you should providefor her financially.
So, it's asking thechurch to give donations
to Phoebe's ministry andhow effective she has been.
So there's plenty of NewTestament evidence of
women actively involved in ministry.
And I just don't get this, go home.
No, that's not what Jesustold Mary Magdalene.
- And the other element of this
that I think was so disturbing
was others on the panelsaying things like,
the word that came to mindfor them was narcissistic.
And I mean, it was just so unkind.
That becomes a personal attack.
That has nothing to dowith scripture at all.
So keep teaching.(laughing)
It's just, she's a great teacher,
and many have learned from her.
Well another video that's gone viral
is a clip from this year's CMT's
country music star ThomasRhett turned to his faith
during his acceptance speech at the
2019 CMT Artist of the Year event
after Kane Brown spoke about
the sudden death of hisdrummer, Kenny Dixon.
- [Gordon] Kenny passed away recently
after a tragic car accident.
Uncertain what to saywhen receiving his award,
Thomas quickly turned to prayer.
Here's the clip.
- Thank you so much everybody.
Thank you so much CMT forsuch an amazing honor.
I don't know about you, butsitting in that seat over there
watching the whole night,
I was telling Ashley that Icried once during her bit,
and Kane's speech, man.
I don't even know if Kane's here anymore,
but I just wanna liftup Kane and his family,
and I wanna lift up his drummer
(applauding)and their family.
I don't know if this is very conventional,
but can I just pray really fast?
Is that okay with everybody?
Father God, we love you so much.
Loss is something thatwe can't comprehend.
And so right now I pray that you would
be with Kane and his family,
and his drummer Kenny and his family,
and bring them peace that only you
know how to bring somebody.
And thank you for this night.
God bless country music.
We love you Jesus.
And in your name we pray, amen.
Thank y'all so much.
Appreciate it.(applauding)
- Well, amen.
In other news, on October fifth,
Tyler Perry became thefirst African American man
to own a major film studio.
The 330 acre studio islocated in Atlanta, Georgia,
and the word Tyler Perry Studios
recently added to a highway sign there.
- [Terry] When Tyler saw the sign
he posted on Instagram howit brought him to tears
and immediately gave thanksto God for blessing him
saying he was homelessand starving at one point
but never stopped praying or believing.
Sharing a scripture thathelped him, Mark 9:23-25,
a simple prayer by a man who had faith,
a man who believed, but still had doubts.
He said, Lord, I believebut help my unbelief.
- Tyler went on to encourage his followers
by saying, just know that
it is possible to believe in your dream
and still wonder how orwhen it's going to happen.
Stay the course, pray,work, believe, and repeat.
You'll get there.
Just believe for as much as you can
and ask God to help youbelieve for the rest.
And that is--- Yeah.
- Pray, and work, believe, and repeat,
that is good advice for anyone.
And let me underline the turnaround here.
And the land that that studio is on,
it used to be a confederate army barracks.
So to have it turn aroundand now be a wonderful studio
for the first African Americanstudio head in our history,
that is, yeah, you go Tyler.
- Trust God.(laughs)
Well, and since we're talkingabout movie producers,
Wonder Woman actress GalGadot will produce and star
in a new film based on thetrue story of a Christian woman
who risked her life tohelp save Jewish children
during World War II.
- The actress will pay Irena Sendler,
a social worker who smuggledover 2,500 Jewish children
out of the war to get out safety.
Gal and her husband formeda new production company,
and this will be their first movie.
The couple says, we wantto help bring stories
that have inspired us to life.
And Terry, I know this isa story that inspired you.
- I am beyond excited tosee this when it comes out.
I have followed IrenaSendler's story for a long time
because it's inspiring to me as well.
You need to see thismovie when it comes out.
But I think it might surprisepeople to know that in 2007,
she was actually nominatedto win the Nobel Peace Prize,
and it was Al Gore who wonthat year for global warming.
And so, it just kind of shows you,
we have an opportunityto impact the world.
It doesn't matter whatwe're being recognized for
or what awards we're being given.
2500 children lived becausethis woman took a chance
and did what was right.- Yeah.
And did more than take a chance.
- Yeah.
- She put her life on the line.
And you hear the stories of how
she smuggled the children out.
- Amazing.
- And the just sheer intelligenceshe brought to that task
to make sure that theywere disguised, concealed,
and she, let's save asmany as we possibly can,
and she did so at therisk of her own life.
It is an incredibly inspiring story.
I'm glad somebody's finallydoing a movie about it
'cause it's worth it.
- It really is, and itwill be worth seeing.
Well coming up, she's anaccomplished television cohost.
She's an author and a speaker.
Yet her happy home was nearly destroyed
when her three childrenturned their backs on God.
- There were drugs, and alcohol,
and some very dark, heavy metal music.
- [Terry] The 700 ClubCanada's Lorie Hartshorn
shares how she learnedto fight for her family.
She's here live right after this.
(inspirational music)
Well Lorie Hartshorn's life was good
until her kids hit their teen years.
We can all relate to thatif we've got children.
What was once a happy homebegan to be turned inside out,
upside down, and shook Lorie to her core.
Take a look.
(inspirational music)
- [Narrator] Lorie Hartshorn is the cohost
of The 700 Club Canadian edition.
She's also an author and Bible teacher.
She and her husband Deanbrought their children up
to know and love God.
So they were blindsidedwhen all three of them
decided to reject him.
- There were drugs, and alcohol,
and some very dark, heavy metal music.
And just dealing with the reality of
at times not knowing where they were.
- [Narrator] Today,Lorie shares her journey
from devastation to victory
and recounts what causedthe dramatic reversal
in the lives of her children.
- Well joining me now is Lorie Hartshorn,
and it's wonderful to have you with us.
- Thank you, Terry, thank you.
- For Christian parents, Ithink we are kind of set up
within our own hearts and minds
that if we just teach ourchildren about the Lord,
talk about what we believe,get 'em to church on Sunday--
- Right.
- Pray before every meal,and get 'em into the word
that everything's going to be well.
- Well, we think perhapsunderneath all of that,
which we felt like we tried todo the best we could, right?
- [Terry] Yes, you did do all of that.
- And the desire is good,
but I think we have thisallusion that it's all about us.
And it's funny, as parents,we like to take credit
when our kids do well,but why do we take credit
for when they're not doing so well?
Like underneath that, it'sreally not all about us.
- [Terry] Yes.
- Our need to be in control,
even for our own reputation, right?
- Yes, mostly for our own reputation.
- Pride could be an big issue.
- But talk about that you had seven years.
What did you have, threebabies in three years.
- Three babies in three years.
My dad did say, yourealize you're gonna have
three teenagers every year.- Exactly.
- So I'm like, what's the big deal?
- Too late.- Yeah, yeah.
- So seven dark years whereyour kids really wondered away
from the faith they've been raised with
and that were difficult years for you.
Talk about that time andwhat you went through
in that seven year period.
- Well, I think the angst when you see
your kids not doing well.
And whether we follow Jesus or not,
we all want our kids to do well.
So a parent's broken heartis a very common thing
because you just love your kids so much.
And seeing drugs, andalcohol, and the party scene.
And my oldest son would say,
he wasn't sober for over sixyears, that he every day used.
This was this good Christian boy.
And you're disappointed, you're angry,
you're a bit ticked off,you feel a bit ripped off.
- What are you thinking?
- Right?
And just like, how have I failed?
How have we failed?
I talked to so many parents, Terry,
and the reason I know thatreally it's not our story.
It is God's story.
But I can relate to how difficult
and how it really put me on the couch.
It just about took meright out of the game,
and that's the goal of the enemy.
- Well, it's the goal of the enemy,
and I think one of thereasons that that happens
is we keep thinking that wehave to find the magic button
to push that's gonnajust bring it all back
and make this kid realize.
You with your eldestfinally came to the place
where you actually had toboot him out of the house.
- I know.
- What was that like?
- Oh, well my husband wouldof done it sooner than me,
to be honest.
- [Terry] That's pretty common, I think.
- Right, and I'm like, no,no, no, we need to help him,
and then I realized,
we actually need torelease him to his choices.
That's a scary thing for a parent.
But it was very, very clear to me
that we had to, in asense, back out of the way,
right, so that really Godhad a direct line of fire.
- In some ways, it's kindof like both the child
and the parent have to cometo the end of themselves.
I pray that for my children that are
not in the circle at the moment.
- Right.
- But I don't know that Ipray that as much for myself
as a parent, and we need to.
- You know what, thisis a humbling journey.
- Yeah.
- And actually, I'm sograteful for it, Terry.
I'm a different person,
and I don't know that person before.
Like bye bye.
- Where'd she go?(laughs)
- Honestly, the Lord has used us
and we'll use it in our life
if we're willing to surrender to him.
The key is surrender.
We love control.
He loves surrender.
And when you allow God, nomatter what you're paying,
right, whether it's with your kids,
your prodigals, your marriage.
Maybe you're a young person,
and you're strugglingwith your own addictions,
or those same struggles mykids were going through.
God just loves a surrendered heart.
He can do anything witha surrendered heart.
And he restored our family.
It wasn't overnight.
- How did that begin to happen?
- Well, I think it began on our knees.
I really do.
I think--
- [Terry] As most things do.(laughs)
- Oh, right?
And we really fell toour knees, as you said,
even in our own selves.
Just Lord, whatever you want with us,
we're gonna serve youeven if our kids don't.
- Yes.
- But I was just like,but I believe they will.
It was a step of faith and trust,
and I started to pray in a way that
I really hadn't prayed before,
and I would say my husbandand I prayed together,
which is a real, I'm telling you,
that's where powerreally starts to happen.
And I talked to many families.
We encouraged manyfamilies with our story.
And one of the number one things we say,
we're not counselors,
but we can tell you, if you have a spouse
who is willing to praywith you, pray together
and fight other people too.
- But you are running ahousehold together together,
and what you're wanting is thischild's heart to come home.
- Right.
But we often, we just kindof can treat prayer lightly.
- All I could do was pray.(laughs)
- Yeah, right.
Well, and sometimes my prayers were, help.
- Yes.
- So really, to be real, my husband and I
were at a time when you're so deep in pain
we didn't know what to pray.
- [Terry] Yeah.
- And honestly, Stormie Omartian's book,
'The Power of a Praying Parent.'
There's one, 'The Power ofPraying for Your Adult Children',
we literally, we would take turns.
Your turn.
And we would read these prayers.
- Get to it today, yes.
- Because sometimes it's like,
you just need someoneto tell you how to pray.
And the disciple said,Jesus teaches how to pray.
So sometimes, just lookingtowards those written prayers.
- So where are your kids at today?
- Well, it's truly a miracle that they,
Jesus went after them, theyhad an encounter with Jesus.
- [Terry] Amen.
- The living Christ who is so powerful,
overcome addiction, freed my son like that
of drugs and alcohol whenhe surrendered to Jesus.
My next son who wasreally a worship leader
for the other side, heavy metal music,
demonic oppression, he wasdelivered and set free.
So my one son serving worship music.
My other son is anEvangelist in Church Planter.
- Wow.
- Involved in a movement across Canada.
- Take that, Satan.
- Right, right?
And this momma bear is not backing off.
And daughter returned to Jesus.
And now she's not actuallytoo far from here.
She's got a degree fromMoody Bible Institute.
She's a worship leader.
And now she's doing this program called
the 18 Inch Journey with Bethel,
and I don't know, God'sstill writing these stories,
but they love Jesus.
They wanna serve him.
And it's not about us,can I just say that?
It's not all about you.
It's about what God wantsto do in your family
if you will let him.
- [Terry] Yes.- Right?
And you just persevere in prayer,
and keep being the personGod called you to be
in the middle of that mess.
- And having done all, stand.
- [Lorie] Yes.- Right?
- [Lorie] Amen.
- Well, I mean, you havesuch a message to share.
You can see why she'shosting the 700 club Canada,
can't you?(laughs)
But I wanna tell that ifyou want to learn more
about Lorie's journeyand wisdom for your own,
she has a five part Bible study.
It's called Finding Freedom
to help teach and encourage you.
You can get the DVD and the guidebook,
and we'll tell you how to do that.
Just go to
Thank you so much.- Thank you, Terry.
- How wonderful to haveyou on this campus.
- Thank you, and thank you for,
you're a great example to me.
We have the best job, don't we?
- We have the best job.
- Yeah.
- I love having you here.
Thank you.- Thank you.
- Gordon.
- Still to come, a womanin excruciating pain
with an even bigger fear of needles.
- I knew how long the needle was.
It's pretty long.
And when I had it done that one time,
I said, Jesus, I don't neverwant to have this done again.
- [Gordon] See how she'shealed in an instant
without ever seeing a doctor.
Plus, we'll be prayingfor you and your needs.
So stay with us.
(dramatic music)
A super long needle.
Now that's what Juliathought the doctor would use
to draw fluid from her swollen knee.
So she refused to see him,
and then the pain became agonizing
until Julia found a remedywithout leaving her living room.
- [Narrator] At 72years old, Julia Bracher
is still going strong.
She works in a hospitalcafeteria and loves to cook.
- I make all their salads,parfait cups, fruit cups.
I do bake, and I do muffins.
I do danishes.
I have to go in the freezerand get all those products out.
I'm on my feet from the timeI go to work in the morning
until I walk out.
And I like interacting with the people
that come in the cafeteria.
It's just a fun place to be.
We all work together as a family.
- [Narrator] But in early April of 2019,
her left knee started bothering her.
- I had to go buy one knee brace,
and I put that on, and it still got worse.
So I went and bought anotherknee brace and put it on.
And for over a month, I hadto wear both knee braces
in order to do anything.
I could only do my job, come home,
take a shower, lay down,
and recoup to go back towork for the next day.
That's all I could do.
- [Narrator] Julia's new insurance
didn't start for three more months.
So she wanted to waituntil then to see a doctor,
but there was anotherreason she put it off.
A few years back, Julia hadfluid drawn from her other knee,
and she wanted to avoid repeatingthat painful experience.
- I knew how long the needle was.
It's pretty long.
And when I had it donethat one time I said,
Jesus, I don't never wantto have this done again.
- [Narrator] Julia usedover the counter remedies
to deal with the swelling and pain.
- I wouldn't say I was getting depressed,
but I was really getting frustrated.
I talked to a girl at work, Lisa.
I would say, Lisa, I'mgonna just trust God on this
because I really don't want to go
and have this fluid drawn off.
I'm just gonna trust God.
- [Narrator] On Memorial Day that year,
Julia worked a fullshift that left her knee
exceptionally painful and swollen.
As always, when she got home,
she turned on The 700Club to lift her spirits.
- I was just watching it like I always do,
and Gordon said--
- Someone else with problemswith your left knee,
and just incredible fluid build up,
and the knee justliterally doubles in size,
and you've gotta get drained.
God is healing you.
He's just making restorationof that entire joint.
In Jesus' name, receive it now.
- And I said, that's for me.
And I laid my hands on my left knee,
and I said, oh Jesus, Jesus,Jesus, thank you, thank you.
- [Narrator] The pain left
and soon the swelling was gone as well.
Julia says she hasn't needed pain meds
or a knee brace ever since.
- This has been a goodopportunity to let people know
that Jesus is alive and real today.
After this healing of my left knee,
all I know to say to anybody,
go to the Father and askhim for what you want,
believe it, and just trust,and it will come to pass.
- That is the way you do it.
Go to the Father, ask himwhat you want, believe it,
and it will come to pass.
Because Jesus wants to demonstrate
that he is the sameyesterday, today, and forever.
He is our savior.
He is our healer.
He is our baptizer and the Holy Spirit.
He wants to give goodgifts to his children.
All we have to do is trust him.
And his wonderful prayer that God's will
would be done earth as it is in heaven.
In heaven, no one has a swollen knee.
It's just, it's illegal in heaven.
You don't get to haveswollen knees in heaven.
And so we look at heaven,
and we say, well that's God's will.
And so we're going to do what Jesus said.
We're gonna pray the way he told us
that God's will will be done on earth.
God's will will be done inyour body as it is in heaven.
So if you have the faith to believe
that all your sins are forgiven,
that you'll be raised from the dead,
that you will be in heavenwith him for all eternity,
then you have all the faith you need
to believe right now for your healing.
Let's pray.
Lord, we just lift those who have needs,
and we speak over them, behealed now in Jesus' name.
By the power of therisen savior, be healed,
be made whole, and be set free.
Terry, God's just given you.
- Someone, you have chronic migraines,
and they start at the back of your neck,
and you can hardly twistyour neck actually.
Everything is just so tight.
God is healing you from that right now,
not only from the one thatyou're currently having,
but they'll not be repeating.
In Jesus' name.
- For anyone with a chronicdisease just reach up
and realize you can touch a living savior.
In Jesus' name, amen, and amen.
If you need prayer, we're here for you.
All you have to do is call us.
Here's the word from Jeremiah.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall besaved, for you are my praise.