- Well, welcome to thisedition of "The 700 Club."
We've got a shocking story for you.
The United States government is breeding
mouse humans with your tax payer money.
You will not believe it
but that's coming up on this program.
Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu strikes out.
No new government for Israel
and how will his rival,Benny Gantz, respond
and what will happen inthe fight against terrorism
if Gantz draws support from Arab parties?
Our Chris Mitchell brings us
the critical details from Jerusalem.
- Netanyahu returned themandate to form a government
shortly after sundown at the end
of the Jewish High Holy Days.
- Since I received the mandate,
I've worked tirelessly both inpublic and behind the scenes
to establish a broad,national unity government.
That's what the people want.
It's also what Israel needs in response
to the security challenges
that increase by day and by the hour.
- [Chris] Netanyahureleased a video explaining
that he had repeatedly approached
Blue and White leader, Benny Gantz,
his partner, Yair Lapid,
and Yisrael Beiteinuleader, Avigdor Lieberman.
- Gantz, Lapid and Liebermanonly talk about unity.
In practice they do the complete opposite.
They encourage division and boycott.
They reject the religious.
- Israelis went to the poll
for the second time insix months in September
after Netanyahu failed topull together a government
of a majority of Knesset members.
According to the law, President Rivlin,
has three days to decide ifhe'll give the mandate to Gantz,
who would then have 28 days
to try to form a unity government.
It's the first time sinceNetanyahu was elected in 2009,
that another leader could beasked to form a government,
though Gantz' chances ofsucceeding are slimmer.
Blue and White releaseda statement saying,
"Blue and White is determined to create
"the Liberal unity government led by Gantz
"that the people elected a month ago."
Gantz has less backers than Netanyahu
but could also try tobuild a minority government
that would be supported from the outside
by the Arab parties, whodeny Israel's right to exist.
Netanyahu warned against this.
If Gantz takes up the challengeto form a new government
and fails after 28 days,there's another option.
If any Knesset member can bring together
a majority of Knesset members,
they could become the next Prime Minister.
If that fails, Israeliswill head to new elections,
probably next March.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well in other news,
the President says he mightleave some troops in Syria
to protect, guess what,the Kirkuk oil fields
that we've been talkingabout on this program
on and on and on.
But some members of Congresswhat him to do more.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Pat.
The Turkish and RussianPresidents met today
in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi.
Their talks are crucialin extending a ceasefire
set to expire today andas Syrian Kurds fear
the Turkish slaughter may resume.
Gary Lane has the story.
- With the ceasefireset to end later today,
there's concern that Turks
will restart theironslaught against the Kurds.
As U.S. troops continue their pullout,
there's word that asmall force might remain.
When Vladimir Putin met
with Turkey President Erdogan Tuesday,
the Russian President said Turkey
had violated Syrian sovereignty.
The U.S. troops were seenleaving Northeastern Syria
and heading to Iraq on Monday.
They were bid farewell by angry Kurds,
who threw potatoes at them.
Some held signs thankingthe American people
but saying that, quote,"Trump betrayed us."
They might not be welcome in Iraq either
as that government says
there's no agreementfor them to stay there.
Appearing on the Fox News show, "Hannity,"
the President said a ceasefire agreement
would not have been reached
without two and a half days of fighting.
- It's like two kids on a playground.
They fight, you letthem fight for a minute
and then you pull them apart.
It was much easier to make a deal.
- [Gary] President Trump suggests
he does not regret his decision
to withdraw American troops from Syria.
- We have a goodrelationship with the Kurds
but we never agreed to, youknow, protect the Kurds.
We fought with them for threeand a half to four years.
We never agreed to protect the Kurds
for the rest of their lives.
- [Gary] And at the start ofhis cabinet meeting Monday,
Mr. Trump said someresidual American troops,
maybe 200 or so, would remain inside Syria
to protect Israel andJordan in Southern Syria,
and oil fields in the east.
But Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says,
the U.S. is ready to use
military action in theregion if necessary.
Some fighting continueddespite the ceasefire.
CBN News ContributingCorrespondent, Chuck Holton,
came under fire inside Syria,
as he and medics of the Free Burma Rangers
rescued wounded Kurds.
- [Chuck] We've been moving down the road
into territory that's heldby the Free Syrian Army.
Right now, an hour ago, they shot at us
with three machine guns so we had to flee
and then now we're,we're going right back.
- [Gary] Under terms of the ceasefire,
the Kurds have agreed to leave a safe zone
south of the Turkish border.
President Erdogan saysonly 800 Kurdish fighters
have left the area, 1300 remain.
Turkey has warned Kurdishmilitias must honor the agreement.
- If they don't withdraw,our operation will restart.
- [Gary] The challenge nowis reaching a permanent deal.
Since the Turkish military offensive,
Operation Peace Spring,began on October 9th,
more than 150,000 people
have fled the fighting in Northern Syria.
Hundreds if not thousandshave been killed or injured.
CBN's Operation Blessing is helping many
of the internally displacedinside Northeast Syria
and more than 10,000 refugees
have now crossed into Iraqi Kurdistan.
O.B. is partnering with
the Barzani Charitable Trust Foundation
to provide hot meals topeople in two camps there.
And the German DefenseMinister today suggested
the security zone in Northern Syria
be controlled by theInternational community,
including Russia and Turkey.
Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Thanks Gary. Pat?
- Well, we're giving back
what has taken yearsand years to build up.
We had control of that area.
Now the Russians are comingin, the Turks are coming in.
We've lost control of it andit's a humanitarian disaster.
And that's just the way it is.
But given that reality, we at CBN
are working the BarzaniCharitable Foundation
to provide meals and necessary help
to these Kurdish and Christian refugees
who are being forced to fleebecause of this bitter fighting
and we're giving, well,we have clean water,
we have blankets, we have hot meals,
we have the things thatthey need so badly.
And we need much more help.
If you wanna be participating in that,
it's CBN Operation Blessing,
the Disaster Relief Fund, CBN Center,
and that's the numberto call, 1-800-700-7000.
We want to do everything we can
to stand with those brave people,
even though they may have wellbeen betrayed by our Nation.
- Pat, pro-life advocates decry
the hundreds of thousands of abortions
performed in America every year,
but the tragedy doesn't stop there.
Intact parts of the child's body
are in high demand among scientists
and as Jennifer Wishon explainsin this alarming report,
you may need to sit down when you hear
who's paying for their experiments.
- Organs, bones and otherbody parts of aborted babies
are being sold andtransplanted into lab animals.
No, this is not a passageout of Frankenstein.
These are real experiments happening now
that tax payers are funding.
- It's abhorrent on so many levels.
- [Jennifer] Anthony Bellottiis president and founder
of White Coat Waste Project,
a group exposing experiments like this.
Here, the reproductive tracts
from aborted 13 week old twin girls,
were stripped out and implanted into mice.
Last year, the NationalInstitutes of Health
funded 200 similar studiesacross 50 institutions,
mostly universities in 33 states.
This year, the NIH estimatesit will 120 million tax dollars
on research using aborted baby parts.
- This is a crisis now.
This problem is growing inspite of Republicans, Democrats,
pro-lifers, animaladvocates, nobody wants this.
- [Jennifer] Terrisa Bukovinac
runs "Pro-Life San Francisco."
The bulk of the researchhappens in her back yard,
at the University ofCalifornia San Francisco.
- One of the most infamous projects
that was recently canceledby the Trump Administration
was a project thatinvolved humanizing mice,
and that project requiredtwo pristine healthy fetuses
between the ages of 18and 24 weeks per month.
- Nearly 70 members ofCongress from both parties
are working to exposethese gruesome experiments.
They've issued a letterdemanding information
from Secretary of Health andHuman Services, Alex Azar.
Your asking him to indicatehow many different babies
were used in each project andthe gestational ages of each.
Can you believe that you're even
having to write a letter like this?
- It is deeply saddening tome that our own government
would be a part ofcreating this marketplace,
for the buying and selling of baby parts.
- [Jennifer] In June,the Trump Administration
took steps to end human fetal research
but loopholes allowmost of it to continue.
In response, more than90 research institutions
wrote Secretary Azar to say fetal tissue
remains an essential resource,
crediting it for vaccinesand potential treatments
for ALS, spinal cord injuriesand Parkinson's disease.
Opponents agree this is important research
but argue there are alternativesto human fetal tissue.
Using it, they say, encourageslate term abortions,
which produce more developed babies
that are more lucrativewhen sold for research.
That means abortiondoctors receive incentives
to use techniques that preservebabies and all their parts
for science experiments.
- So the only two waysthey can do these abortions
is through a live dismembermentor a medical induction
which according to theSociety of Family Planning,
is very likely to produceborn alive infants.
- To our core, to our founding,
the recognition of theimportant of life is who we are
and we can never get away from that.
- Legislation has been introduced
here on Capitol Hill that would prohibit
the Secretary of Health and Human Services
from authorizing any researchthat uses aborted baby parts.
Research on still birthor miscarriage tissue
would still be allowed.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Capitol Hill.
- Thank you, Jennifer.
Pat, I'm sure a lot ofpeople will be shocked
when they learn about these experiments.
- They're no more shocked than I am.
Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine
our government funding ahuman mouse experiment?
Baby parts, aborted,
$120 million being spent with your money.
I mean, this is monstrous.
This is something out of a nightmare.
I mean, even Adolph Hitler
didn't do anything as bad as this.
This is horrible.
- Even having had that vote
come from the White Houseagainst it, it still exists.
Like, you know, it's like
something that will not lay down and die.
- It's just an absolutenightmare, ladies and gentlemen.
And you can write yourcongressman and say look,
"I just don't think, as theUnited States government,
"we shouldn't be spending taxpayer money."
It isn't just that it's,
they're encouraging late term abortions
and paying doctors for baby parts,
but they're trying to make a mouse human?
A human mouse?
I mean this is horrible.
I mean, I don't know what to say except,
whatever you do, write your congressman,
call your congressman,
say you can't stand something like this.