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Veteran Journalist Ray Suarez:

Veteran Journalist Ray Suarez: Read Transcript

- Welcome back.

Time now for our panel.

Joining us today, CBNChief Political Analyst,

David Brody, and veteran andaward-winning journalist,

Ray Suarez, former seniorPBS NewsHour correspondent

and current host of WorldAffairs.

Gentlemen, thank you for being here.

- Thank you, John.- Great to be here.

- Let's start off with a new poll showing

front-runner Joe Biden inpotential trouble in Iowa.

Joe Biden has 18%, ElizabethWarren nipping at his heels

at 17%, and South Bend,Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

surging ahead at 13%.

Ray, David, I'd love to getyou both to comment on this,

but what are we to make of these numbers?

Ray, starting with you.

- Well look, it's stillmonths before people

wander through the snowto school gymnasiums

and other places to caucuswith their neighbors.

In a field this big,it's not just politics,

it's mathematics.

It's gonna be fluid.

You can win with 18 to20, 22% of the vote.

You can win the first several primaries

with results that bad.

So it's interesting, themovement, who's up, who's down,

who's shaving points, who's adding them,

but it doesn't tell you anythingdeterminative about Iowa.

- And Biden is down six, andElizabeth Warren's up four

in Iowa overall.

Buttigieg in third place, that'sa nice place for him to be

because he needs to be inthat three or four spot

coming out of Iowa.

- Bernie Sanders justrecovering from a heart attack,

Congressman Ro Khanna,who we had on earlier,

he says his candidate is back.

Ray, what do you think?

Are we seeing the revivalof Bernie Sanders?

- Well, he looked prettysolid when he did his rally

in Queens the other day.

Huge crowd there,

an endorsement fromAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

You know, if he says,unless there's good evidence

to the contrary, if he says he's okay,

we have to take him at face value.

It's hard to run forpresident, I mean physically.

It's hard to be president.

So it's reasonable to ask if he's better.

- A quick 10 seconds onthat, can I just say?

Everybody made a big deal ofthe crowd, 26,000 in New York.

Okay, hold on.

Ray, you're from New York, correct?

It's a liberal town, twoultra-liberals speaking,

and they're giving liberal orthodoxy.

So I mean, we would expect 26,000 people

in liberal New York Cityto hear liberals speak.

I mean, it kinda makes sense.

- Perhaps even more.- Good point.

- Well, the White Housestill playing cleanup

after a rough week last week,

including the acting chief of staff slip,

mounting pressure on Syria,and the G7 reversal on Doral.

David, are we beginning tosee the GOP, some of the GOP

break with the administration?

- I think that's a little overblown.

I know there was a big storyin the Washington Post today.

Look, Lindsey Graham had some tough words,

but Lindsey Graham, youknow, that's significant,

don't get me wrong, butthen if you look deeper

into the article, they'retalking about a House member

or two that might be off the reservation.

I think it bears watching.

I'm not sure if it's actuallythis big deal at this point.

It does bear watching, though.

- So, Beto O'Rourke, he saidthat he would like to see

churches lose their tax-exempt status

if they don't support same-sex marriage.

Today, Housing and UrbanDevelopment Secretary

Ben Carson, he weighed inon church and state matters

during a prayer at a cabinet meeting.

We have sound of that.

Let's listen to that, andwe'll get your reaction.

- [Ben] Help us all torecognize as a nation

that separation of church and state

means that the church doesnot dominate the state,

and it means the state doesnot dominate the church.

It doesn't mean that they cannot--

- Ray, this could become a 2020 issue.

- And it sure could, andmaybe all the other candidates

should mug Beto O'Rourke ontheir way out of a debate

one day, because after 20 years of saying,

"We're not gonna mess withyour interior operations,"

and 20 years of saying, "We'renot coming for your guns,

"and we're not gonna bother the churches,"

O'Rourke is overturningall those orthodoxies.

He's just one candidate pollingat 3%, but it's a problem.

- Yeah, and Beto's gonna takeyour guns, too, by the way,

while you're at church, so there you go.

So yeah, he's been adisaster for the Democrats

having to answer this.

Elizabeth Warren answeredit in Abby's piece,

saying she does not agreewith Beto O'Rourke on this.

Good move if you're gonna run

in the general election, for sure.

- All right, David and Ray,thank you both very much.

- Good to see you.


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