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US, Turkey Agree on Ceasefire in NE Syria, Will It Hold? 10/18/19

US, Turkey agree on ceasefire in NE Syria but SDF, Assad & Russians aren’t part; plus CBN's Chuck Holton & George Thomas report from front lines on human cost, humanitarian efforts; and thousands of Christians celebrate biblical Sukkot in ... ... Read Transcript

(horn blaring)

- This week on Jerusalem Dateline,

the U.S. and Turkey agree on a cease-fire

but the Syrian Democratic Forces,

the Assad regime and theRussians are not included.

Will it hold?

Plus, CBN reports from the front lines

about the human cost andthe humanitarian efforts.

And thousands of Christianscome up to Jerusalem

to celebrate the biblicalfeast of Tabernacles.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

(dramatic music)

Hello and welcome to thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline,

I'm Chris Mitchell.

After days of fightingbetween the Turkish Army,

it's jihadist allies and theSyrian Democratic Forces,

U.S. Vice President, MikePence and Secretary of State,

Mike Pompeo met withTurkish President, Erdogan

to broker a cease-fire.

After the cease-fire announcement,

Pompeo traveled here to Jerusalem.

The trip was designed tohelp ease Israeli concerns

about the pullout of U.S.troops from northeast Syria.

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo met

with Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli leaders have said little

about the U.S. troop pullout from Syria

but many believed they're concerned

since the move strengthensIsrael's number one enemy

in the region, Iran.

On Thursday in Turkey's capital,

Vice President, Mike Penceannounced a cease-fire

after meeting with TurkishPresident, Recep Erdogan.

- Today the United States and Turkey

have agreed to a cease-fire in Syria.

The Turkish side will pauseOperation Peace Spring

in order to allow for thewithdrawal of YPG forces

from the safe zone for 120 hours.

- [Chris] But Turkey and the U.S. seemed

to have different views on the agreement.

Turkey's foreign ministersays, it's not a cease-fire.

(speaks in foreign language)

- It's a pause, this is not a cease-fire.

Taking a pause doesn'tmean that our forces there

are going to withdraw.

- [Chris] But fightingcontinues in some parts

along the Turkish-Syrian border.

The Syrian Democratic Forces,the SDF issued a statement

that said they woulddo everything they can

to observe the cease-fire

but rejected any occupationby Turkey of Syria.

According to the SDF, it only applies

to the areas that the Turkishinvasion now controls.

The agreement also does notmention Russia or Syrian regime

who already have troops on the ground.

The Assad regime rejectedany Turkish occupation

and the big question is whichreading the U.S. supports.

The SDF says the Turkish interpretation

would surrender all Kurds and Christians

to Turkish jihadists.

President Trump called it a victory.

- It's really a greatday for civilization,

it's a great day for civilization,

so, I just wanna thank everybody.

In Washington, some Senators were unhappy.

New Mexico DemocraticSenator Martin Heinrich said,

"Under this so called cease-fire,

Kurdish forces and their familiesface the impossible choice

of fleeing their homes orbeing ethnically cleansed."

Utah Republican Senator MittRomney called it a betrayal.

- The decision to abandon the Kurds

violates one of our most sacred duties,

it strikes at American honor.

What we have done to the Kurds will stand

as a blood stain in theannals of American history.

- As Senator Romneysaid many of those Kurds

along with Christians, ArabsYuzidis and other ethnic groups

in northeast Syria feelabandoned by the U.S.

During the cease-fire, CBN's Chuck Holton

joins some of those peopleas they went to recover

and bury their dead.

He described the scene to Mark Martin

on CBN's Newswatch.

(dramatic music)

- Chuck tell us where areyou and what are you seeing?

Can you hear me right now?

- I can hear you Mark, I amcurrently looking at a group

of people digging throughthe rubble of a house

that was hit with a airstrikeand they're digging bodies

out of the rubble.

There's probably about 100 people here

that's civilian convoythat once the cease-fire

was announced last night,

they put this convoytogether and they came up

in civilian vehicles andthey started attempting

to recover some of their dead.

Now they've already dug fourbodies out of the rubble here

in just the last few minutes

and it's, the stench is overwhelming.

It's obvious that this supposed cease-fire

is not really holding.

There have been reportsof artillery strikes

and fire fights goingon but we were allowed

to pass through FSA lines to get

to the spot where I'm standing.

So, it's still veryconfused situation out here.

- Yeah, Chuck how are the Kurds reacting

to the news of that cease-fire?

- [Chuck] Well, theywere jubilant last night

and the whole town of Tell Tamer

where I was was just building up

and they were shootingtheir weapons in the air,

it sounded like War World Three.

But that celebratory mood has cooled

now that they're here andare recovering their dead.

There are bereavedwomen crying all around.

I saw a women retchingin the ditch over there,

just like I say the smellis atrocious right now.

And it looks like they'refinding another body right now

as I speak where I'mstanding in the rubble

of a collapsed house lookingdown at a bunch of people

that are digging through there

trying to recover more of the bodies

that are in this collapsed building.

- What else can youtell us about the people

caught in the middle of the fighting that,

what are they going through.

Talk a little bit more about that.

- [Chuck] Well, everyone we talked to

feels so very betrayedby the United States

and they're very upset,very sad about that.

They're not angry so much,they're just very sad

because they had very highhopes for this project

that they call Rojava here

and that it would bean island of democracy

and diversity and freedomof religion in this area.

We've talked to a lot of Christians,

many of them are veryfearful of Assad's forces

coming into this conflictbecause for some reason

that I have not understood before,

Assad's forces, they sayare prepping into service

in demand of militaryaid that they come across

and these guys don't wannaserve in the Syrian Army.

So, many of them aretrying to escape to Iraq

or wherever they can go to getaway from the Syrian forces

that are also very close by.

- Okay, all right, ChuckHolton thanks so much

for that report, stay safe.

(dramatic music)

- As you can see, the war hascreated a humanitarian crisis.

George Thomas reports from northern Syria

that CBN's OperationBlessing is on the scene

working with the Kurdish relief agency

to help thousands of familieswith essential supplies.

(guns firing)

- [George] This is GeorgeThomas in northern Syria.

Talk of a five day pausein the fighting here

is doing little to calmMohammad Serlimon's nerves.

(speaks in foreign language)

(gun firing)

This was the scene in hishometown of Ras Al-Ayn Wednesday

as Turkish backedjihadists made a new push

to take control of the strategic town.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] I'm soold I don't even remember

how long I've lived there,maybe 30, maybe 40 years.

I cannot believe what'shappening in my hometown.

- [George] Some 300,000 SyrianKurds have been on the move

since Turkey's invasion last Wednesday.

Most escaping with littlemore than the clothes

on their back.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] People inSyria are suffering a lot

because the Americanssold us for half a pound

and the Russians sold us as well.

Why must the Kurds alwaysbe subject to genocide?

- [George] CBN's OperationBlessing is partnering

with Kurdish relief agencyBarzani Charity Foundation

to help thousands of familieswith essential supplies.

- Since yesterday we havedistributed 5,000 food parcels,

20,000 blankets, 5,000 hygiene kits,

100,000 liters of water and baby formula

with baby diapers.

- Within hours of Turkey's invasion,

Barzani Charity Foundationinitially thought about

setting up two positions righton the Syrian-Iraqi border

thinking that all of these Syrian Kurds

would come to thiscenter looking for help.

They didn't so insteadthey decided to come right

into the conflict zoneand right here into Syria.

In Hasakah, close to the conflict zone,

all of the city's 40schools are now shelters

for those escaping the fighting.

This week Operation Blessingand Barzani Charity Foundation

took urgent supplies toseveral of the schools.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] While, the majority

of the international NGO's have left,

you came bringing youraid and that gives me hope

that there are peoplewho still care for us.

- [George] 30 semi trucksfilled with critical supplies

made the dangerous journey close

to northeast Syria's front lines

delivering much needed relief and hope.

Despite the risks,Barzani Charity Foundation

says it will be the first ofmany such trips to the region.

George Thomas, CBN News,Qamishli northeast Syria.

- You can find out moreabout what Operation Blessing

is doing to help these refugees in need

and how you can help.

(dramatic music)

Visit their website at

(dramatic music)

Coming up, U.S. Senator, Lindsey Graham

and CBN founder, PatRobertson discuss the crisis

in northeast Syria.

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(dramatic music)

- One of the most outspoken allies

of the Kurdish people has beenU.S. Senator Lindsey Graham.

Before the cease-fire, he joinedCBN founder, Pat Robertson

to discuss the crisis in northeast Syria.

(dramatic music)

- Pat, you've done agreat job to your viewers,

if you're not praying for the Kurds,

we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

It was the Kurds who workedwith the American military

to destroy ISIS.

If we abandon the Kurds,it will be dishonorable,

it will be a disaster.

So, Erdogan invaded Turkey,he has, excuse me, Syria,

he has created a vacuumfor ISIS to come back.

The Kurds cannot fight Turkey

and control the 10,000 ISIS prisoners.

I am looking to PresidentTrump to change this.

I will do anything I can to help him

but I will also become PresidentTrump's worst nightmare.

I will not sit along the sidelines

and watch a good ally, theKurds be slaughtered by Turkey

and watch Iran move into Syria

and become another nightmare for Israel.

This is a defining momentfor President Trump,

he needs to up his game.

- Well, I have suggested thatthere be a Trump declaration

like the Balfour Declarationto say there's a homeland

for the Kurds, let's give them a country.

Is that too much to hope oram I exceeding my bounds here?

- (laughs) Well, youradmiration for the Kurds

is well justified, that'sprobably not the play right now.

The play right now isto stop the slaughter.

If they move into Kobani,if Turkey moves into Kobani

you're gonna have anatrocity worse than ISIS.

What does the average American care?

ISIS is an enemy to mankind.

They would kill everybodylistening to this broadcast

because you're an infidel,they're not gonna surrender.

If you think you can leavethe Mideast as an American

and we'll be safe, that's crazy.

You think Russia andIran is gonna take care

of U.S. interests, that's insane.

So the reason I like the Kurds so much,

they destroyed the caliphate

but there's 20,000 ISIS fighters,

if they come back they're coming here

and the only way to be safe here

is to have some of our troopspartnering with the Kurds

and finally it would be so dishonorable

for this country to abandon the Kurds.

And the Iranians, Pat areready to move into Syria

to take the oil fieldsand that would undercut

everything President Trump hasdone to contain the Iranians

and a nightmare for Israel.

- Lindsey, you haveunderstood this situation

and I think we bothhave and we both grieve

when you think of forexample, that Kirkut oil,

that is one of the biggestoil deposits in the world

and of course, we're gonna give that up

and say no you can't have it?

- So, here's what, I talkedto Mazloum last night,

he's the leader of the Kurdish military.

I'm gonna try to get him on your show.

You need to hear how desperate he is.

He doesn't wanna partner with Assad,

partnering with Assad islike partnering with Iran

but he has no choice right now.

We have left him high and dry.

And when I hear President Trump say,

let's just get out of theMideast, we'll be fine,

that's Elizabeth Warren politics.

What did we learn from Iraq?

If we leave against sound military advice,

the radical Islamist come back.

You may be tired of fighting radical Islam

but they're not tired of fighting you.

The only way to be safeis to keep them over there

so they don't come here.

I'd rather have partners than do it alone.

This is a defining momentfor President Trump.

We need to stand by theKurds, we need to push Turkey

out of Syria, have a safezone keeping the Kurds

and Turkey apart and we need to partner

with the Kurds regarding the oil field.

I proposed last night a joint venture

between the Syrian Democratic Forces

and the United States controlling the oil

for their benefit and ours, not Iran's.

- That's some pretty hard words.

You think the Presidentis gonna listen to you,

I hope he does.

- Well, I hope so andhere's what will matter,

people like you, youknow you're a rockstar,

you're a 90 year old rockstar.


In my world in South Carolina,

when you speak people listen

and people are inherently fair.

They're tired of the Mideast, I got it

but the Mideast is not tired of you.

Can you imagine what would happen

if we let Iran come into Syria,

that would be another front

that Israel has to defend against.

Iran wants the oil, theywant to destroy Islam as we,

they wanna purify Islam in their image

and they wanna kill all the Jews and us.

So, this can be prevented withless than a thousand troops.

The good news, Presidenthas destroyed ISIS

with 2,000 soldiers because60,000 Kurds and Arabs

did the fighting for us.

It would be a shame to abandon that model

and to throw these peopleover who fought and died

by over 10,000 Kurds died,

we cannot do that, it'llbe a shame on our honor

and as you said the mandatefrom heaven would be lost

and you are right.

- Amen.

(dramatic music)

- [Chris] Up next, Christian pilgrims

from around the world come up to Jerusalem

to join the Jewishpeople in the celebration

of the biblical feast of Tabernacles.

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

- Israel is celebrating thebiblical Feast of Sukkot

and thousands of Christiansfrom around the world

have come to Jerusalemto see prophecy fulfilled

and attend the Feast ofTabernacles celebration.

CBN Middle East Correspondent, Julie Stahl

has that story.


- [Julie] It's a gala event

with deep spiritual significance.

(singing in foreign language)

- We have to come GentileChristians should come

to Jerusalem at the Feast of Sukkot.

- This is the 40th Feastof Tabernacles celebration

of the InternationalChristian Embassy Jerusalem.

Some 5,000 Christians from 100 nations

have come up to Jerusalemthis year to stand with Israel

and celebrate the biblical feast.

- A lot of people from allthese little Pacific Islands,

the Cook Islands andSamoa and Fiji and all,

large, large groups thatare flying for like 18 hours

to get here.

We have a special delegationthis year from Egypt

at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.

- [Julie] ICEJ spokesman, David Parsons

said the work of the ICEJgoes beyond the feast.

- From the founding of theChristian Embassy 40 years ago

we became involved in Eliah work,

helping gather the Jewish people back here

to the land of Israel andas of now, as of today,

we have helped 150,000 Jews to make Eliah,

to help them make the journeyhome to the land of Israel.

- [Julie] This young doctor and his family

from the Ukraine are the150,000th new immigrant helped

by the ICEJ.

- I'm really thankful so much for everyone

and who help for us.

- [Julie] So why do theChristians come to the feast?

- Because I love God and I love Israel

and it's a Feast of Tabernacles

because meaning not only about Israel

but also about the nations.

- I'm so blessed to step on this soil.

I've been praying for Israel.

- [Julie] As part ofthe feast, the pilgrims

join a festive parade inthe streets of Jerusalem.

- The Bible says thatwe should love Israel

because this is wheresalvation comes from.

- Our heart is for youbecause our heart is for God

and we wanna see Israel,all of Israel blessed.

- The Bible says comfort mypeople, comfort my people

it's why I'm here, comfort my people.

- And we believe thatmore and more Christians

are gonna come to understand

that they need to support Israel

and not believe the lies

and so it says you blessIsrael you'll be blessed.

We believe our land, Irelandis being blessed today

because we're blessing Israel.

- [Julie] One Israelisaid the Christian support

is like a big hug.

- Every year we come withour kids and we stand here

for hours seeing everyoneparade down, it's beautiful,

it's colorful, it's happy,

everyone are singing Israelisongs, songs about Jerusalem.

- I think it's very exciting to know

that there's so many people that love us

and are excited to be here in Israel

just as I'm excited to be here

and this is the fantasticway to show the partnership

between us and the rest of the world.


- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.

(dramatic music)

- [Chris] Coming up, tens ofthousands of Jewish people

come to the Western Wall

to receive an ancient biblical blessing

during the Feast of Tabernacles.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] Prophecythousands of years old.

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(dramatic music)

- Also during Sukkot Israelis and Jews

from around the world packedthe Western Wall Plaza

during the Sukkot holiday.

As CBN Correspondent,Julie Stahl shows us,

they came to participate inan ancient biblical tradition.

(singing in foreign language)

- [Julie] Masses of Jewish people stream

through the old city streetsto reach the Western Wall.

(singing in foreign language)

They came for the (speaksin foreign language)

or priestly blessing duringthe biblical holiday of Sukkot.

- We've been coming herefor thousands of years

for this special day.

- The priests from all over the country

come to the Wailing Wallto bless the Jewish people

and we feel it incumbentupon us to come here

and receive those blessings.

- Really, really fabulousfor me and my family

to come here to beinspired by seeing hundreds

of thousands of Jewstogether, it's amazing,

really, really amazing.

- [Julie] In the book of Numbers,

God commands Moses andAaron to bless the children

of Israel.

The Lord bless you and keep you,

the Lord make his face shine upon you

and be gracious unto you, theLord lift up his countenance

upon you and give you peace.

The Aaronic Benediction or blessing

is a daily part of Jewish prayers

and during Sukkot, Jewish people gather

from around the world here to give

and receive this ancient blessing.

Jewish men believe to beapart of the priestly line

come to bless the people of Israel.

- We are gathering hereto, I guess shake our love

in this organ which I havein this case over here

and to specially today's very special,

we have a communal collective(speaks in foreign language)

which is the blessings of the priests,

I happen to be a Kohenmyself so I was just there.

- [Julie] Another part of the prayers

comes from Leviticus 23 whereit says to bring the fruit

of beautiful trees, palm branches,the boughs of leafy trees

and willows of the brookand rejoice before the Lord.

That's why they waived thepalm branch, citron or etrog,

willow and myrtle branches.

(sings in foreign language)

- Well, it's a special day,it reminds us a little bit

of our history, the closest aswe can be to 2,000 years ago

where we had the templeand we could have come.

- [Julie] Some say themore that come to bless

and be blessed the better.

- And this is one of the holiestblessings that we can get

from the priests and atone of the holiest places.

- We wanna just take everyopportunity we can get

in the Holy Land so that's why we're here.

- Is this your first(speaks in foreign language)

- [Woman] Yes it is.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBN News,

the Western Wall, Jerusalem.

- It is a remarkable experienceto be at the Western Wall

for the priestly blessing.

You know today's programis a difficult combination,

first of all the humansuffering not far from here

in Syria and then thecelebration of the biblical Feast

of Tabernacles.

So with our wishes for a happy feast,

come a plea for prayerfor the men and women,

boys and girls caught in the cross fire.

CBN News has met andreported on a number of those

in northeast Syria nowcaught in the cross fire.

They're enduring ahorrific crisis and asking

for both prayer and physical assistance.

As we said earlier, if you'dlike to help those refugees

in need you can visit theOperation Blessing website


Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.

Thanks for joining us.

Remember you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and YouTube.

I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time

on Jerusalem Dateline.

(dramatic music)


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