(dramatic music)
- We've told you aboutDrag Queen Story Hour,
the effort by the LGBTQ community
to teach tolerance by reading in drag
to children at public libraries.
Well, we've learned that atleast one story hour presenter
was a convicted sex offender.
That was in Houston.
Then earlier this year
we showed you how Drag Queen Story hour
evolved into Roll Around
and Lay on the Drag Queen in Seattle.
Now this.
Drag Queen strip hourat a King County library
in the state of Washington.
All to a song that says,
if you feel like a girl, do your thing.
♪ Show me what you're made of ♪(crowd cheering)
♪ Crazy sexy cool baby ♪
♪ With or without makeup ♪
♪ Got nothing to prove ♪
♪ But Imma show you how I do ♪
♪ Find me up in Magic City ♪(crowd cheering)
- Folks, how is this educational?
And when Christian taxpayers say, "No more.
"My tax dollars will not be used
"to support this indoctrination
"of our children or grandchildren,"
we're called homophobes and bigots.
We get proposals from democraticpresidential candidates
to pull the tax-exempt status of churches,
or Christian groups and businesses
who stand against this absurdity.
It's all about winning votes folks.
Because although they represent
a small percentage ofthe American population,
members of the LGBTQ community vote.
And they do have influence.
Yes, in America we believe inprotecting minority rights.
The LGBTQ community must beprotected from discrimination.
But we don't allow the minorityto have dominate influence
on our society.
In a democratic republic,
we believe in majority rule.
Jesus told us to love one another.
Yes, we must love oneanother, as he loves us.
But that doesn't mean welove ungodly behavior.
Nor must we accept it.
Remember what Christ said inthe book of John chapter 8?
To the woman about to bestoned for committing adultery?
He said, "He did not condemn her."
But he told her to "Go, and sin no more."
Folks, we have a responsibilityto protect our children
from stripping drag queens.
Jesus also warned us in Matthew 18:6,
"If anyone causes oneof these little ones,
"those who believe in me
"to stumble, it would be better
"for them to have a largemillstone hung around their neck
"and to be drowned inthe depths of the sea."
So, let's tell our taxpayerfunded public libraries,
that we will throw them a lifeline
to save them from drowning.
But like the adulteress in John 8,
they must go and sin no more.
Well that's it from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us onFacebook, iTunes, SoundCloud,
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And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)