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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - October 16, 2019


- So, we've got some questions.

- And the first one is about Halloween.

You know it's coming up, Pat.

- [Pat] I didn't know it's coming up.

- And Amy wants to know

should Christians celebrate Halloween?

What do we need to know about Halloween

to protect ourselves and our families?

- Okay, Amy, Halloween was actually

is the devil's holiday.

You've got witches and ghouls and goblins.

That's all witches.

You know in the Druids had Halloween.

It was All Saint's Day,

the Catholic Church Sanctified it,

but it was a face for the devil,

what it amounted to, okay.

- What about kids going trick or treating?

Is that okay?

- Trick or treat stuff, I mean,

if people didn't give something,

then they'd kill one of their animals.

I mean it was serious.

It wasn't just give me some candy

and I'll put, you know,

but anyhow, would the Christians do it?

I think, okay,

rather than weighing in against

the evils of Halloween,

I think churches should have parties.

There's no reason not to have stuff like

apple bobbing and pinthe tail on the donkey,

and all that stuff.

And you've got something you can hit

with a stick and you have

all those games you can play.

By all means, open the church

and bring in all the neighborhood kids.

And then don't go out with all the witches

and goblins and all ofthe other foolishness

that is Pagan in origin, all right.

- Dress up like Bible,

your favorite Bible character, maybe.

- Amen, okay, you dress up,

all right, dress up like Abraham.

- Okay, here's one for you, Pat.

Marylou wants to, she says,

"I admit that I needto read the Bible more

"thoroughly, but wasalways taught that sex

"was only for reproduction, not pleasure.

"Is this true?"

- Well, of course it's not true.

You know, sex is important.

I mean, is eating for pleasure

or for keeping you alive?

Well, we've got an awfullot of restaurants,

and food shows and Emiril's,

and the Food Channel because eating

is kind of pleasant.

And food and drink together are part

of the social life.

But we have an appetite

and that's one of them is food.

The same appetite we have

of sexual reproduction.

And if it wasn't pleasurable,

people wouldn't wanna do it,

and it's necessary to produce the race.

But it certainly is notjust for reproduction.

The Biblical thing is he knew his wife.

It didn't mean that they,

he said she'll be one flesh.

That hadn't to do with just reproduction.

It is a pleasurable activity that God

has given us, where a man and a wife

are together in life and this is a joy

that they can share together.

So it's not dirty, it's not evil,

it's just a wonderfulgift of God, alright?

- Amen.

Alright, Michelle says,

"Hi, I have a question about Matthew 7:6,

"where it talks aboutnot giving what is holy

"to the dogs, or throwingyour pearls before

"swine, lest they tramplethem under their feet

"and turn around and attack you.

"Is that referring toknowing when to share

"the Word of God with others,

"or does it mean something else?"

- Well, it means that(mumbles) the same thing.

You know if you take a precious pearl,

which is worth a lot of money.

In the old days they were very precious.

And you got a bunch of pigs at the pig pen

and you throw 'em the pearls,

they will think, oh boy, they're getting

seed corn and they go over to it,

and the crunch down on those pearls,

and they don't like itand then they'll turn

around and go after you with their tusks

because you've made 'em mad.

Now, the Bible says,

don't take the pearls,the great things of God,

and just pass them (mumbles)

to the unbelievers,

because they will turnand make fun of you,

they will wrenge you, and hurt you.

So be careful about how you share

the intimate details of God's blessing.

That's what it means and it certainly

is borne out over and over and over again.

The unbelievers will make fun of believers

over and over and over again.

They'll take the pearls of God,

and turn and wrenge you, alright.

- All right, here's onefrom Shanna, she says,

"Hi Pat, I've been marriedfor going on 11 years.

"I have two beautiful girls,

"and my husband is an alcoholic.

"Through the years, I have suffered

"mental and emotional abuse,

"and my husband does not respect me.

"I'm so love-starvedand lead a lonely life.

"My children are affected emotionally,

"especially my oldest daughter.

"There's no accountability with him.

"I only work three daysa week and can't afford

"to be on my own.

"Should I leave or wait on God

"for my prayers to be answered?"

- You have to make your own decision.

So I can't tell you what to do.

But what you're dealing

with is constructed desertion.

Your husband, says he's an alcoholic?

- He's an alcoholic andhe's emotionally abusive.

- Emotionally, and he's hurting you

and the children.

You don't have to livein that environment.

I would recommend, and I,

God hates divorce, but in this case,

I would get an attorney

and get a degree of separate maintenance,

where your husband has to look after you,

and then it might shape him up.

It might do something.

So always be open to love,

always be open to reconciliation,

and at the same time puta little hurt on him,

and he'll maybe wake up to the fact

that he's doing wrong.

But alcoholism and abuse is not cool.

You don't have to put up with it.


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