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Albert and Dee Dee Pujols Go to Bat for the Trafficked and Enslaved

Baseball icon Albert Pujols teams up with his wife Dee Dee, launching pre/post-game events to help educate and rally communities in the fight against human trafficking. Read Transcript

- [Reporter] Below thehalo top at Angel Stadium

is a Baseball Hall of Famer in waiting.

While Albert Pujols ishitting milestones ascend,

so does his convictionto go to bat for those

trafficked and enslaved.

Albert and his wife, DeeDee, are founding ambassadors

to Strike Out Slavery.

With pre- and post-gameevents, informing those unaware

of the plight and reassuringthose who are affected by it.

- Baseball is our platform.

It's 162 games a year,packing millions of people

in 30 stadiums across our country.

That is an enormous platform.

Being able to bring Strike OutSlavery into these ballparks

brings local organizationsand national organizations

into these cities toallow fans to interact

with getting involved.

- Albert and Dee Dee arewilling to use their voices

to do an event likethis, is so encouraging,

and empowering to allof us who are survivors.

- [Reporter] It's an issue thatpeople don't wanna look at.

They wanna keep it at a distance.

What makes it personal for you?

- It can happen to any of ourkids, so I know people don't

wanna deal with it, butthat is the problem that

there is issues and weneed to deal with it.

I have five kids myself, soI need to educate my kids

as a leader of my house to make sure

I raise them the right way.

A lot of people thinkthat it's just happening

in another country.

It happens in our back yard.

- [Reporter] MajorLeague Baseball, Dee Dee,

is a big, big business.

Easy or difficult getting their support

for events like this?

- Gradual.

I realize that theydidn't know much about it.

Organ trafficking, labortrafficking, sex trafficking,

there's like 27 differenttypes of trafficking.

Nobody likes any of it.

So we came back here to the Angels.

We brought all thoseorganizations, and we just asked

for permission to beable to do this event.

We're givin' you an experience to learn

about human trafficking,help educate the community,

but do it in a verytasteful, palatable way,

but in a powerful way.

- [Reporter] How do we size upthat opponent of trafficking?

- The issue, not justdomestically, but globally,

is so enormous, and very hidden.

So it's almost impossible toactually get the full scope

of this atrocity.

We're in a place with what weknow, to position ourselves

to fight back throughprevention and education.

Whether there's 45 millionor 27 million people caught

in this, if one person's caught in it,

everyone has work to do.

- Baseball players can quicklybe reduced to a statistic

in a uniform, a commodity of sorts.

Victims of trafficking can also become

these faceless numbers.

Tell me about the value of people.

- I know that it's not about me,

it's about more than baseball.

It's about reaching toothers and making the impact

in the community.

It's great that we haveaccomplished what I have

accomplished in the game,but I don't want people

to remember me as one ofthe best baseball players.

I want people to remember asone of the person that walk

in fear of the Lord, and Iwanna be able to help bring

to other that love thatHe gives me every day.

- So, Dee Dee, with themessaging, what is the one thing

that they rally to most?

- People are pumped that theyget to have this experience

here and that they haveprofessional athletes getting

behind the cause and standingwith all of the organizations

and with the survivor advocatesand with the community,

about serious things.

This is something that can be stopped.

This is something that can be helped.

It's going to take educating the masses

to put an end to this.

- There are more people enslavedtoday than any other time

in human history.

- [Reporter] What message doesthis audience need to hear?

- That trafficking and exploitation exists

and it exists right here.

Like, hit people with the truth

because it's gonna break chains.

We can't fix what we don't face,

and we can't face what we don't see.

There's nothing like being free.

- [Reporter] What are you findingthat players are rising to

in this challenge, that wanna participate?

- Players getting educated like myself,

because there's a lot ofplayers that are on the league,

'cause they don't evenknow anything about it.

I think that's themessage that we wanna say.

We wanna be able to educatethe players, but we also

wanna be able to educate the fans.

- But what about the coreof the constant issue?

Unless that's broken, it'sjust gonna keep cycling.

- We live in a fallen world.

You are talking about an issuein the area of perversion,

and I truly believe thatthe devil lives and owns

that space, the really big underbelly,

a deep, deep root, the demand.

When you have a nation thathas exposure to the level of

pornography that we do, thisis a much bigger conversation.

We really are just treating symptoms.

- [Reporter] Shedding lighton this issue, deliverance,

restoration; those termslook different to you now?

- I know there was a day whenI was lost because I did not

know who I was, and Ilived extremely reckless.

But when I found my identity in Christ,

the whole narrative changed.

So I feel like it's our job,that every person I walk

in front of, who has an eternal existence,

to give them what I know.

- [Reporter] Albert, youalready have secured a historic

Hall of Fame career.

How would you adviseothers as to how a legend

should live their life?

- To be a leader, you don'thave to have big numbers.

You don't have to be the best player.

You just need to be ableto use the talent that God

has given you, and to bevocal and be open to talk

and to get involved.

What I have learned overmy 19, 20 years of walking

with Christ is to be able touse the opportunity that He

has given me to impactothers for the kingdom

and the glory of God.

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