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Franklin Graham Won't Surrender to LGBTQ Threats: 'They'll Take Our Tax Exempt Status... Unless We Bow Down'

Franklin Graham Won't Surrender to LGBTQ Threats: 'They'll Take Our Tax Exempt Status... Unless We Bow Down' Read Transcript

- Beto O'Rourke, he wants topull the tax exempt status

of churches that don'tsupport gay marriage.

Reverend, you say you willnot bow to that altar.

How do you see balancing theprotection of religious rights

against what many in the LGBTQcommunity call civil rights?

- First of all, I thinkthe left, the socialists,

have made it very clear thatthey stand against the church.

Unless we bow down andaccept their agenda,

as it relates to the LGBTQ agenda,

then they'll take our tax exempt status.

Everybody in the room cheered and clapped

when he said that.

Of course, the other candidatesclapped and cheered as well.

That just shows you where their heart is

and where they're gonna go.

I'm not anti-gay.

I'm not going out speakingagainst gay people,

fighting gay people or anything like that.

But I certainly don't want them

to force their agenda on me,

to where I have to acceptwhat they say is truth.

It's not.

It's a sin.

I care for gay people, lovethem enough to warn them

that if they don't repentand turn from their sin,

God will judge them.

God will judge all sin whetherwe're liars or thieves.

All of us are sinnersand we have to repent

and turn from our sin.

I want the gay, lesbian people to know

that if they repent andturn from those sins,

God will forgive themand heal their hearts.

I'm not going to accept it

and say what they're doing is fine.

It's not fine.

It's not fine with God.

They'll stand before him one day.

I'm just as shocked athow far the left has gone

in this country.

The socialists are gonna start pushing

their socialist agenda.

They're going to start withthe gay, lesbian movement.

If we don't salute and dowhat they want us to do,

they'll take our tax exempt status.

They'll be a lot ofChristians who, unfortunately,

will bow down and givein and many have already.

I'm just not going to do that.

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