Impeachment Rebuttal: Ukraine President Reiterates 'No Blackmail' in Trump's Phone Call
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- In other news tonightthe President of Ukraine
is denying President Trump pressured him
during the phone call at the heart
of the impeachment inquiry.
President Zelensky told reporters in Kyiv
that there was no blackmail.
- I think, my opinion,
that I don't know in any cases
but in our case what we had,
I think that this is not corrupt
because it was just call.
- [Female Newscaster]And declaring in a tweet
that the Ukrainian Presidentsdefense exonerated him,
President Trump said quote,
"That should end this Democrat scam,
"but it won't because the Dems
"and media are fixed."
This has more Americans than ever before
supporting impeachment.
More than half, 51% of allvoters in a Fox news poll,
want President Trump impeachedand removed from office.
40% of oppose impeachment altogether
and 43% of Americansthink what the President
said on the call with Zelenskywas an impeachable offense.
- Here now, David Brody,
CBN chief political analyst.
David, let's start withthat Fox news poll,
those numbers have to be
concerning for the White House.
- Yeah, they are andPresident Trump's not happy
with them either.
On Twitter, he said, "they stink."
Well, okay, he didn't say it that way,
but the point is,
he's not happy with them at all.
And if you go deeper inside the numbers,
here's the problem, John, with this poll.
He is up in terms ofsupport from impeachment,
which is not a good thing in this case.
11 point with democrats,
he is three points upamong the republicans,
three percent morerepublicans want him impeached
five percent more whiteEvangelical's want him impeached.
This is a disastrouspoll for President Trump
and if this is gonna be the way forward
then buckle your seatbelt.
- Well, David, today it looks like they
are expanding their legal team.
President Trump announced today,
former South Carolina RepublicanCongressmen Trey Gowdy
is joining his legal team.
This is a very interestingpick because Trey Gowdy,
he was the one leadingthe charge investigating
the Obama administration.
- That's right.
Two years with Benghazi,
he is a tenacious prosecutor with a twang
and he's got the whole thing goin' on.
Look, he doesn't mess around
and he's also very good on television
and I think that is something that
was important to Donald Trump
because you will see him asthe lead guy on television.
Jay Sekulow has been out there,
Rudy has been out there.
I think they're gonna scale Rudy back,
he's got a few other things goin' on,
but Trey Gowdy for sure willbe the guy now on television.
- David, over on the otherside of Capitol Hill,
the Senate is consideringsanctions against Turkey,
including PresidentErdoğan for invading Syria.
Is this a way to use a back door method
to force President Trump's hand?
- I don't even thinkit's a back door method.
I think they're saying to this president,
"What you did was wrong.
"We're gonna go aheadunilaterally as Congress
"go ahead with sanctionsand deal with it."
And so an aide was telling me,
someone close to Lindsey Graham's office,
says that they believe this could get done
maybe in the next week or so
but beyond all of that,
they believe the presidentmay sign this sanctions bill
which most people think he,
President Trump would veto it
and then Congress would havethe votes to override it
but this aide tells me actuallythey think the president
could actually sign thesanctions bill against Turkey,
which would be interestingbecause he has said
for Er to want to do his thing
but he's also been kind of skeptical
of the whole thing as well.
- That's true.
- And David it's rareto see this many people,
this many allies of the president,
speaking out against hisdecision when it comes to Syria.
What is the White House doing to tamp down
on what could be a possible revolt?
- Well, they say, look,
it's only 50 special op forces,
number one, they'll say that.
They'll say we're gonnaobliterate Turkey economically
if they mess up andfinally this Saturday night
as we reported here first,
the President will speak tothe Values Voter Summit crowd.
He will actually speak at a dinner
in honor of Pastor Andrew Brunson,
who of course was in Turkeybeing held there as a prisoner
and so this will be anopportunity for the White House
and President Trump specificallyto do a bit of a reset
or at least explain toa very important crowd,
why this move was necessary.
You'll see some new language,I think, on Saturday night.
- David, real quickly here,
we know that this has to havean affect on President Trump.
How is he handling this?
Is it taking a toll on him?
- I think it's definitely taken a toll.
I mean, I think you can see anecdotally
he looks a little bit more tired.
He looks a little bit more worn
but what I notice isthere was an actual quote
and I wanna just read this to you.
He said this, these words, "Iunderstand the other side."
is what he said and he saidit three or four times.
This was the day after he started getting
bombarded with criticism.
It's very rare for Trump to say,
"I understand the other side."
Let alone say it three or four times.
That, to me, knowing himfor about 10 years or so,
that he understand that he's getting
a lot of incoming damage
and he's gonna have to deal with that.
- Thanks David.
- David, thank you very