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NE Syria under Turkish Assault: Who Will Help Kurds, Christians? 10/11/19

Thousands flee as Turkey assaults NE Syria after US troops withdraw: who will help Kurds, Christians? And anti-Semitism flares with attempted Yom Kippur synagogue attack in Germany; plus tens of millions of Christians pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Read Transcript

(siren wails)

- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline",

thousands flee as Turkeybegins its assault

on Northeast Syria afterUS troops withdraw.

Who will help the Kurdsand Christians there?

And anti-Semitism flairsas German extremists

murder two in an attemptedsynagogue attack on Yom Kippur.

Plus, tens of millions of Christians

pause to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline".

(intense music)

Hello and welcome to thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline",

I'm Chris Mitchell.

Turkey's President Erdogan

launched an air andground military invasion

against the Syrian Democratic Forces,

the main U.S. ally in thecampaign to defeat ISIS.

After just a few days,

the fighting is forcingthousands of Christians, Kurds,

Yazidis, and others toflee for their lives.

(gun bangs)

- [Reporter] The Turkisharmy and its allies pounded

Syrian Democratic Forces, the SDF,

from the air and the ground.

The SDF lost more than 10,000soldiers fighting ISIS.

Now they're once again fightingfor their lives and homes.

(gun bangs)

The Turkish invasion includesthe Free Syrian Army,

Jihadist troops who fightalongside Turkey, a NATO member.

The Turkish invasion runsall the way across the nearly

300 mile northeast Syrian-Turkish border,

from the town of Derik in the east,

all the way to Kobani in the west.

The White House said Turkeyhad committed to three things,

protect civilians, protectreligious minorities

including Christians,

and ensure no humanitariancrisis takes place.

So far, all three have been violated.

The fighting is forcingthousands to run for their lives.

This woman asks,

"Why did the Americans flee?"(speaks in foreign language)

Many have nowhere to go except the desert,

and some humanitarianaid agencies are warning

up to 250,000 residentsmay flee the fighting.

(woman crying)

Many civilians have been wounded.

This is Maurice Amsih,

bishop of the Orthodox Syriacs,

visiting the wounded fromthe Turkish invasion.

These are some of the otherswounded in the past three days,

including this 10-year-old boy.

(bell rings)

In a rare move, Syriac churchbells in Northeast Syria

rang out for hours to warn local people

to stay in their shelters.

The church cried out

for the indiscriminateTurkish bombing to stop.

President Trump was asked

if he would supportsanctions against Turkey.

- Let's see what happens.

We are going to possibly dosomething very, very tough

with respect to sanctionsand other financial things.

- In the meantime, the fighting goes on.

The East Christian fighters andthe Syrian Democratic Forces

visited this church, kissed the bible,

and headed back to the frontlines to defend their homeland

against the Turkish invasion.

(praying in foreign language)This is a group

of Turkish soldiers praying the Koran

before heading into battle.

In a tweet, President Erdogan said,

he would like to kiss the foreheads

of the heroes of the Mohammadan Army.

Some wonder why Erdoganwould call a NATO army

a Mohammadan Army.

Congressmen and women, military experts,

and evangelicalChristians, continue to ask

why President Trump decidedto withdraw U.S. forces

from the Syrian-Turkish border area.

Here's CBN's Gary Lane

with a look at the initialreaction to Trump's decision

to leave their Kurdishallies in the lurch.

It's followed by analysis

with CBN Middle Eastcorrespondent Julie Stahl,

in our studio.

- A big backlash overPresident Trump's announcement

that US troops would bewithdrawn from Northern Syria.

The outrage came not onlyfrom Trump's allies at home

but also from America's Kurdishallies in the Middle East.

(chanting in foreign language)

These Kurdish womenprotested Trump's decision

to allow a threatened Turkish invasion

near the Turkish borderin Ras al-Ayn, Syria.

It's video like this showingAmerican troops departing

from positions in Northern Syria

that has them so upset.

They fear America is abandoning them.

Some lost husbands, sons, and brothers

in the war against ISIS.

Now they fear withoutAmerican troops as a buffer,

their long-time enemies, the Turks,

will slaughter theirsurviving family members.

The fallout in Washington,

even more troubling for the President.

Even one of Trump's staunchest supporters,

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham,

publicly criticized thepresidential decision.

- [Lindsey] If we abandon them,

good luck getting anybody tohelp America in the future

with radical Islam, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.

- [Gary] Other Trump allies

like Trump's former UNambassador Nikki Haley,

and senate majorityleader Mitch McConnell,

also criticized the move.

Some in the administrationare saying only a small number

of the U.S. troops are being pulled out.

But at the White House Monday afternoon,

the president said he'sfulfilling a campaign promise

to bring American troopshome from foreign wars.

- [Reporter] Why are you sidingwith an authoritarian leader

and not our Kurdish allies?

- Well, I'm not siding with anybody.

We've been in Syria for many years.

You know, Syria was supposedto be a short-term hit.

Just a very short-term hit,

that we were supposed to be in and out.

We want to bring our troops back home.

- [Gary] In response tothe political backlash,

President Trump took toTwitter, insisting, quote,

"If Turkey does anything that I,

"in my great and unmatched wisdom,

"consider to be off limits,

"I will totally destroy and obliterate

"the economy of Turkey."

- I've done it once.

I did it with Pastor Brunson,

you remember the Pastor Brunson,

and they wouldn't givePastor Brunson back,

and they ended up giving PastorBrunson back pretty quickly.

Their currency fell

at record levels

and lots of other things happened.

- [Gary] Also sending awarning to Turkey, Iran.

With Foreign MinisterZarif voicing opposition

to a planned Turkish militaryoperation in Northern Syria.

Zarif is urging Turkey

to respect Syriansovereignty and integrity.

And then there's the issueof 5,000 ISIS prisoners

now guarded by the Kurds whomight end up in Turkish hands.

Many of the Jihadists are from Europe

and could either end up returning

to unleash terror on their home countries

or regroup inside Syria.

Gary Lane, CBN News.

- Julie, this war betweenTurkey and Northeast Syria's

really spread throughout the Middle East

and affected nearly every country.

What's been the reaction here in Israel?

- Well, you know, IsraeliPrime Minister Netanyahu,

he condemned the invasion, of course,

and he also offered aid to the Kurds.

He called them The Gallant Kurdish People.

And, also, some reservists,

dozens of Israeli Reservistofficers in the IDF,

called on the governmentto send humanitarian aid,

food, clothing, militaryaid, intelligence,

probably not soldiers, but, you know,

they could also, theycould send equipment,

they could help in other ways.- Right, yeah.

You know, when I was inKurdistan not too long ago,

you know, they call themselvessometimes the second Israel.

There's really an affinity between

the Kurds and Israelthat's really remarkable.

- There definitely is.

It's not really, probably,

like anywhere else in the Middle East.

They have a closenessto the Jewish people.

And some say that eventhe wise men were Kurds.

- That's right, that's right.

And the Medes in the Bible.

And, you know, I think thefight that the Kurds have had,

not only the Kurds, but theSyrian Democratic Forces,

which is an umbrella organization

that includes Kurds, Yazidis,Arabs, Christians, Muslims,

all fighting against ISIS.

And I wanted to say thatreally the ISIS prisoners

are sort of really akey in this relationship

between President Erdogan

and President Trump and here's why.

On October 6th, whenthey made this agreement,

there was an agreement thatthe Turks would take care

of all the ISIS prisonersthat had been captured

in the last two years, and that includes

more than 70,000 familymembers and ISIS prisoners,

and yet like two days laterthe foreign minister of Turkey

says, well, we're justgonna be able to take

the prisoners that are inthis so-called safe zone

that we want to establish.

So, just the larger percentage,

the majority of the ISIS prisoners

will be outside that security zone.

A lot of people thinkthat President Erdogan

either misled, deceived,or lied to President Trump.

Now, President Trump,

when he realizes this, maymake a change of policy.

A lot of people are lookingforward to a no-fly zone

and that would really help

this SDF, the SyrianDemocratic Forces, remarkably.

- That would be a very good thing.

And, Chris, is this a Jihad?

- I think it is.

I mean, if you look at the evidence,

you know, in a pro-Erdogan paper

it said that this was the army of Mohammad

coming after the unbelievers.

Just a few days after the incursion,

the head of the religiousaffairs in Turkey

was calling for Muslim conquest prayers

from the Koran in allthe mosques in Turkey,

we're talking about over- That seems pretty obvious.

- 80,000, exactly, yeah.

So this, in many people's views

is a Jihad against the unbelievers.

- Well, that's whatTurkey's goal is, isn't it?

To establish theCaliphate with Mr. Erdogan

as head of the Islamic world.

- Exactly, and I think--- And i.e. the whole world.

- Right, and a lot ofpeople look to Ephrem,

is a city in Northwest Syria,

that was conquered by not only Turkey,

but the Syrian Free Army.

These Jihadists, theyethnically cleansed the city

of hundreds of thousands of Kurds,

hunted Christians, and burned churches.

A lot of people see this,

what's happening in Northeast Syria,

along this so-called security zone,

as sort of a model ofwhat Turkey is using,

to what they're doing now,

and we'll see what happens.

Appreciate your insight and expertise

about what's happening in Israel

that's really gonna touchthe whole Middle East

and the world, and we'll see what happens

and we'll be praying for President Trump

and this whole situation.

(intense music)

- [Chris] Coming up,anti-Semitism raises its head

in Europe on the holiestday of the Jewish calendar.

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(intense music)

- Anti-Semitism raised itsugly head on Yom Kippur,

the holiest day of theyear for the Jewish people.

Two people were killedduring a shooting attack

outside a synagogue in Eastern Germany.

Dale Herd has the story.

- [Dale] This video fromGerman public broadcaster, MDR,

showed a man in a helmetand wearing camouflage

getting out of a car and firing.

Authorities say two men inmilitary gear tried to enter

a synagogue in Holla withbetween 70 and 80 people inside

but were stopped by security.

One shooting took placein front of the synagogue.

A suspect also threw a bombinto a nearby Jewish cemetery.

A man was killed in a Turkish kabob shop,

and a woman died on a streetclose to the synagogue.

This eye witness sawa man wearing a helmet

and military clothes throw an explosive

and then raise his gun and start shooting.

One person was arrested but police believe

at least one other may havefled the area in a vehicle.

There was also gunfirereported in a nearby city.

In Germany last year,

violent attacks againstJews almost doubled.

For the first time since the Nazi regime

Jewish leaders have beenwarning that it's too dangerous

to wear the Kippah, orJewish cap, in some areas.

- Me myself, I wouldn't wear a Kippah.

Unfortunately it's not safe.

- [Dale] Jews in Germanyface a deadly threat

from both Neo-Nazis and radical Muslims.

Muslims in Germanyoutnumber Jews 50 to one,

and this German Jewish leadersays the threat to Jews

is far worse than thegovernment will admit.

- They are blaming them, they're lying.

There are no other words,they are lying about it.

So, there are lots of excuses,

and the situation gets worse every day.

- [Dave] Federalprosecutors who handle cases

involving terrorism or national security

have taken over the investigation.

- Sadly, the synagogueattack on Yom Kippur

isn't a one-off incident.

Dale Hurd earlier filedthis report from Brussels,

and how the situationfor Jews across Europe

is becoming more and more dangerous.

And America is following suit.

- [Dale] Adolf Hitler would have loved it.

A float in this year's carnival parade

in the Belgian city of Aalst.

It featured a Nazi-styledepiction of greedy Jews

sitting on a pile of money,

one with a rat on his shoulder.

And when confronted by Jewish groups,

the town mayor defended it.

This is the same carnival that in 2013

featured a Nazi railroad car

carrying Jews to a death camp.

Sometimes the evidence ofanti-Semitism in Europe

is obvious and sometimes it's subtle,

like when Jews quietlyleave a neighborhood

because it isn't safe anymore.

I traveled to Brussels withJewish leader Joel Rubinfeld

to visit his boyhood synagogue,

which had to be sold because the area

became too dangerous for Jews.

- I felt insecure cominghere with my family,

so it's a better thingthat we left this place

and we go to a safer place.

- Jews have been in Brusselssince the first century.

They're still here, but many are leaving

because of anti-Semitismand threats of violence.

- It's not the area, the big area,

but the victim area.

People who are leaving their city,

remaining in the same country,

but leaving their cityto go to a safer city,

or people leaving their neighborhood

because they feel threatened

as Jew there in this neighborhood

and going to another neighborhood

where they feel more secure.

- [Dave] The Jewishneighborhood in Brussels,

where an Islamist terroristkilled four people in 2014

shows the 2,000-year historyof the Jews in Belgium,

but it's the more recent history

that Europeans seem to be forgetting.

- So it's people who sayoh, it's not anti-Semitic,

it's rumor, but you know,

this kind of rumor is killing Jews,

meaning Jews have thepower, Jews have the money,

Jews have the control.

All these very basic anti-Semitic cliche.

- [Dave] In Germany lastyear, violent attacks

against Jews almost doubled.

In Britain, anti-Semitic incidents

have risen for a third year in a row.

Anti-Semitism even began to show itself

in France's Yellow Vest Movement.

In Paris, American writer Nidra Poller

said it showed that revolts against

the wealthy and powerfulinevitably turn against Jews.

- Anti-Semitism issomething like the fumes

and the fire that come upout of the center of society

when the surface is crackling apart.

- [Dave] A new Hudson Institute poll

shows most Americans nowbelieve anti-Semitism

is growing in the United States.

It's already infectedthe Democratic Party,

and Rubinfeld has a warningto Christians: you're next.

- More problems will come, you know.

It's just the beginning.

We know this, we knowthat about anti-Semitism,

that anti-Semitics start with Jews,

but they never finish with Jews.

- [Dale] Dale Hurd, CBN News, Brussels.

- [Reporter] Up next, tensof millions of Christians

pause to pray for the peace in Jerusalem.

(intense music)

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(intense music)

- Millions of Christians worldwide

praying in more than 35 languages,

united for one biblical cause.

CBN Middle East correspondent Julie Stahl

has more on that story.

(people cheering)

- Come on, Jerusalem, liftup a shout in His praise!

Come on, clap your handslike this, come on!

- Hundreds of Christians gathered here

on the promenade overlookingthe old city of Jerusalem

for the event.

Organizers estimate another 90 million

from 172 countries join the day of prayer

for the peace at Jerusalem.

- All around the world on the first Sunday

of every October, Christiansin every language,

in every continent aresetting aside the first Sunday

to (speaking in foreign language),

pray for peace in Jerusalem.

- [Julie] The CBN Middle EastBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell,

among others, shared whythey unite for this cause.

- Why pray for Israel?

Because it is the beginning of the end

of God's story on the earth,

the place of final redemption.

We pray for Israel becauseit is God's plumb line

where the nations are judged.

Now we are in a season where the nations

are in the valley of decision

whether to align with God's purposes

or to divide God's land.

- [Julie] Robert Stearnshelped begin this event,

and told CBN News its goalis to encourage prayer

in local churches.

- All over the world,Christians are discovering

and rediscovering thattheir spiritual home,

their spiritual root systemis here in Jerusalem.

This is the city of the bible.

This is the city of our patriarchs.

This is the city that formed so much

of the foundation of our faithand also our future hope,

so Christians around the worldare taking very seriously now

that strong admonition to prayfor the peace of Jerusalem.

- [Julie] U.S. Ambassadorto Israel David Friedman

explained why he feels thiseffort is so important.

- I believe most people here are praying

for the peace of Jerusalem every day.

It's important, because Jerusalem,you know the name itself

means City of Peace, itshould be a city of peace.

It's been a conflict zone for centuries.

I believe that it willbecome a city of peace.

- We should have thisevent on the Temple Mound,

because that's what Isaiah said.

It should be a house ofprayer for all nations.

And we see it happening,we see it happening.

We know that God inventedinternet for these things,

to connect the world to Jerusalem.

- [Julie] Stearns told usthis specific prayer effort

is more than just about Jerusalem.

- The word of God tellsus that word of the Lord

goes forth from Jerusalem.

The law of God, the kingdom of God

comes out of Jerusalem,

so Jerusalem is theplumb line in the earth.

And so we're praying for Jerusalem.

It's not to the exclusion ofother nations, the opposite.

We're praying that from Jerusalem,

this glory of God, thiskingdom of God would extend,

and His shalom would extend

to the four corners of the earth.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl, CBN News,

the Haas Promenade, Jerusalem.

- [Chris] Still ahead,following an ancient

biblical command to livein a temporary dwelling.

(intense music)

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(intense music)

- This week, Jewishpeople around the world

will follow the biblical injunction

they've kept for thousands of years,

to live in temporary dwellings

during the Feast ofTabernacles, or Sukkot.

Middle East correspondent Julie Stahl

takes us inside one of those sukkahs

and hears how it bringsJewish people closer to God.

Some call him Hashem.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Julie] It's an ancientbiblical commandment

that's still being kept today.

Some call it a Jewish camping trip,

but with the conveniences of home.

- Shalom, welcome.- Hi, shalom, thank you.

- She's living here with us in our sukkah.

- Yes, thank you.

- We're here in our sukkah,

which is really the home awayfrom home for this whole week

of Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot.

- [Julie] Like manyIsraelis and Jewish people

around the world, Seth and Te'ena Ben-Haim

build a sukkah, orbooth, on the back porch

of their Jerusalem apartment every year.

- It helps us remember, first of all.

We're commanded to rememberthe exodus from Egypt

and how we needed towander through the desert

for 40 years without permanent dwellings,

but it also reminds us that even though

we've been brought intothe land of Israel,

we haven't reached our final destination.

- So tell us about the sukkah itself.

How do you make a sukkah?

- The main thing is that it's a roof

that will make us feel thatwe're open to the elements,

and then we need to--- And why is that?

- Well, because otherwise we'd be

in the protection ofour homes in some ways,

and we're supposed to bein this flimsy tabernacle

so that we can remember that ultimately

we're under Hashem's protection.

- [Julie] Most sukkahs are decorated,

at least in part, by the children.

Families eat, sleep,study, and play together

in their temporaryhouses for a whole week.

Despite the camping conditions,

it's considered a joyful time.

- And I can focus on thereal important things,

like relationships and just sitting down,

studying the word andtalking with the children

about God's plan for me.

- [Julie] Jonathan and his sister Rebecca

enjoy the holiday so much,

Jonathan made his treehouse into a sukkah.

(speaking in foreign language)

- And that, too, that's very pretty.

So you decorated your sukkah up here.

- I did.

- Wow.- And me, too.

- [Julie] Another partof the Sukkot celebration

recorded in Leviticus 23is bringing a special fruit

and branches to rejoice before the Lord.

- We offer them toHashem, all four of these,

in our prayer I say every morning.

We wave them in many different directions

and we really look to above,

and that's what this type ofroof helps us remember, too.

Looking to above, becausethat's where our help

is gonna come from.

- [Julie] Julie Stahl,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well that's all for thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."

Thanks for joining us.

Remember you can follow us on Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

And remember to pray for the courage

Christians and others in Northeast Syria

who battled ISIS and are nowfighting for their lives.

And to all our Jewish friends,

(speaking in foreign language).

Have a joyous Feast of Tabernacles.

I'm Chris Mitchell.

We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(intense music)


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