'Blessed': How the Holy Spirit Told Anne Graham Lotz She Had Cancer and Then Turned It into a Ministry Journey
Read Transcript
(triumphant music)
- In just the matter of a few years,
Anne Graham Lotz sufferedthree major traumas.
Throughout her ordeal,she relied on a friend
who never left her side.
And today, she's not justsurviving, she's thriving.
- [Narrator] Best-sellingauthor Anne Graham Lotz
exudes the same passionto lead people to Christ
as her legendary father, theReverend Dr. Billy Graham.
- Listen to me, the HolySpirit's priority is Jesus.
It's Jesus.
It's Jesus.
What is your priority?
- [Narrator] Through thesorrows of recent years,
Anne has come to relyeven more on the comfort
of the Holy Spirit.
In 2015, her beloved husband, Danny, died.
A few years later, the fathershe adored went to heaven.
And just six months after that,
Anne was diagnosed with cancer.
In her latest book, "Jesus inMe", Anne explains in depth
who the Holy Spirit is and how we can know
and lean on Him for our every need.
- Please welcome back to the700 Club Anne Graham Lotz.
It's great to have you back again.
- So glad to be here, thank you.
- What a wonderful book, "Jesus in Me".
I know everyone who's justwatched that video is saying,
"How is she now?"
You look wonderful.
How is your health today?
- I think it's good.
I finished my lastinfusion just a week ago.
- [Terry] Good grief.
- So then they'll check me, you know,
every few months they'll checkyour blood work and all that.
But I'm just trying to getmy strength and stamina back.
But God has been so good, Terry.
When I look back on the last four years,
that you just sort of went over,
what stands out is notthe mourning and the grief
and the pain and the suffering.
What stands out are the blessings of God.
He has blessed me, pouredout blessings through family,
friends, the prayers ofpeople, people that you meet
in the hospital, the doctors and nurses,
and it's been like a ministry assignment.
Because I've had so manydivine appointments.
- And that's what you outline in the book.
It is so well done, in that,
It isn't that you didn't go through
those things you just mentioned.
I mean, you did grieve, you did mourn,
you did feel overwhelmed,but it's how God met you
in that place andinserted spiritual input.
- You know, Jesus saidin John, Chapter 14,
that He would ask the Fatherto give us another counselor.
So in other words, He's thecounselor and the Father
would give us another one.
And the word "another"means exactly the same as.
So the Holy Spirit isexactly the same as Jesus.
He's his own distinct separate person,
but He has the mind,the will, the emotions,
He's exactly like Jesus,but He lives in us.
So in John 16, Jesus said,"It's better if I go away,
"because if I go away, thenI'll send down the Holy Spirit."
And that just stopped me.
What could be betterthan having Jesus sitting
right there, physically present,
but then if I leavehere, then I leave Him.
But he said the HolySpirit would be better
because He would be Jesus in me,
never to leave me, never toforsake me, to be with me 24/7.
And Terry, He has comforted,He has guarded, He has guided,
He has given me wisdomand strength and help
and He loves me.
He is committed to my wellbeing.
He wants the best for me,wants to see me through
to the end of my life sothat I'm pleasing to God.
- I mentioned the threeback-to-back traumas and losses
that you went through,
and it started with the death of Danny,
and he'd been sick for a while,
you had been his caregiverfor several years,
but you weren't expectingwhat happened that day
when you found him in the family pool.
That must have beenunbelievably traumatic.
- It was horrific.
It was a horror.
And the horror set it,and there was the sheriff,
the overhead helicopters, theymust have heard my 911 call,
but very soon, there was a chaplain
with the sheriff's people that came
and put his arms around me.
My son-in-law showed up very quickly
to just put his arms around me.
My family just surroundedme, and then the Holy Spirit
just picked me up and just told me,
because I hadn't made any plans,
which is, you know, I don'tknow why I hadn't done that
with my husband, becausehe had been declining
for three years, seriously, soI was his full-time caregiver
for three years, butanyway, the Holy Spirit
just took me through all ofthat and then got me through,
my father at 99, you wouldthink we would be expecting him
to go to heaven, but not that morning.
So both my husband and myfather left with saying goodbye.
So there was no closure.
Not that they meant to,just that's the way it was.
- [Terry] Life happens that way.
- [Anne] But the Holy Spirit just made up,
just took up the slack.
I have never lost mypeace, never lost my joy,
never lost the awareness of blessing.
And I know that's not natural.
I know that's supernatural.
I know it's evidence ofthe Holy Spirit within me.
And the neat thing, Terry,
anybody who receives Jesus by faith,
so when I was a little girl,
I asked Jesus to come into my heart.
And I didn't know about the Holy Sprit,
he was called the Holy Ghost,and I didn't know about Him.
- It's a little off-putting.
- But I learned as a young adult,
when I studied the Scripture
that the Holy Spirit is Jesus in me.
When I asked Jesus to come into my heart,
He came in in the personof the Holy Spirit.
So that anybody who comesto the cross by faith,
confesses your sin,asks God to forgive you
and you're willing toturn away from your sin
and you ask Him to come into your heart,
He will come in in theperson of the Holy Spirit.
And then the differencethe Holy Spirit makes,
we don't get Him in pieces,
so I don't get a piece of Him here
and a piece of Him tomorrow.
He comes in as a whole person,
but when I get more of Him is
when I give Him more of myself.
So if I give Him all of my life,
all the deep little dark recesses
and crooks and cranniesand He fills my life,
then the Holy Spirit justbubbles up and overflows.
The back of this book, actually,
I write an appendix on how to be filled
with the Holy Spirit.
It's just moment by moment surrender
to His moment by moment control.
- With the death of Dannyand the death of your father,
anyone would go through a mourning period.
But then, in the process,even while that's happening,
life goes on.
But then, months after you lost your dad,
you're diagnosed with cancer
and I think the hard part about that is,
not only does it stopyou dead in your tracks,
but you don't feel yourself anymore.
You've got medicationbeing put into your body.
How did the Holy Spiritminister to you in that moment?
- The day before I was diagnosed,
the day I went in for mymammogram, the day before that,
the Holy Spirit let me know,I don't know how He does that,
but I knew when I had my mammogram
that I would be diagnosed.
So when I went in, I told him that.
I said, "You're gonna find something."
And then I went to the radiologist
and he was so concerned,
he's showing me the cancer on the screen,
and they were so concerned for me.
And they said, "Mrs. Lotz, are you okay?"
And I said, "I'm fine,I knew this would be,"
and the little technician took my hands
and she prayed blessingand healing over me,
it was just dear.
And then the hard thing thenwas how to tell my family,
but three days later, Ifelt like the Lord showed me
exactly how to tell my family.
And they were fabulous,
I've never been so proud of them
because they immediatelyjust surrounded me
with prayer and loveand carried me through.
My daughters, when I wouldhave chemo, the big bad stuff,
they would come sleep in the bed
with me for a couple of nights,
just to make sure Ididn't have a reaction.
My son would come down once a month
to do all the honey-dothings, so they just,
and friends, people around the world,
I felt like the Lord said, from James 5,
that, "Pray for one anotherthat you would be healed."
And I felt that in answerto prayers of other people
that God would heal me.
So I put it out on social media
and just let people knowwhat I was going through.
And people around the world,
they're still praying for me,
and I encourage people,"Don't drop me in prayer
"because I want to get through this."
But they have prayed for me.
You know how you can feelpeople praying for you?
And I have been carried inthe prayers of other people,
because I have not,sometimes, after the chemo,
there were some hard things.
But normally, I just sensed thepresence of the Holy Spirit,
had the joy, feel like I had been,
so it was different, I gotto stay home for a year,
didn't have to pack, unpack,travel, which I loved.
- There had to be a littlejoy in that. (laughs)
- A lot of joy, so it's, itwas like a ministry assignment.
I felt like this was mynext ministry assignment,
to show people who think whenthey're diagnosed with cancer,
or some disease, or death, or divorce,
that God doesn't love them,that He's not blessing them.
When actually, I felt like Hewas letting me go through this
to show people and to tellpeople, "God loves you."
And sometimes He lets badthings happen to good people,
or traumas happen becausethat's when we look up,
and that's when we go deeper in our faith
and we draw closer to His heart.
And looking back, it'sbeen a blessed experience.
- We find out who He really is,
and as proficient and togetheras we like to think we are,
it's in those broken placesthat God meets us the most.
- That's right.
- It's an amazing book and we have,
when I tell you, skimmed the surface,
you know she's a wonderfulteacher, you need to get this.
Anne's book is called "Jesus in Me",
experiencing the Holy Spiritas a constant companion.
It's available wherever books are sold.
It's wonderful to see you, wonderful
to see you looking so good.- Thank you, Terry.
Thank you, God bless.