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Exclusive: CBN News Visits Saudi Arabia as Desert Kingdom Opens to World 10/4/19

Exclusive CBN News report from Saudi Arabia; US Evangelical leaders sit down with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman; and the Desert Kingdom opens up to the world with a new vision; plus young Saudis describe the changes going on inside their country. Read Transcript

(horn blows)

- [Chris Mitchell] This weekon "Jerusalem Dateline,"

an exclusive CBN newsreport from Saudi Arabia.

U.S. evangelical leaders sit down

with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman

and other Muslim leaders.

- It's fascinating, it's historic,

and it's very encouraging.

- [Mitchell] And theKingdom of Saudi Arabia

opens up to the world with a new vision,

and young Saudis describe the changes

going on inside the Desert Kingdom.

All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."

- Hello, and welcometo this special edition

of "Jerusalem Dateline."

I'm Chris Mitchell,coming to you this week

from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

We examine the unprecedented,

some say historic changes going on here

in the Desert Kingdom, thethreats they're facing,

and the opportunities for the future.

We came first to coverthe visit of a delegation

of evangelical leadersfrom the United States.

- [Mitchell] The visit certainly made

the national news here.

- [Johnnie Moore] To see everynewspaper in this country

have evangelicals above the fold,

not hiding our visit, butcelebrating our visit,

this is, to put itmildly, this is historic.

- The delegation met with CrownPrince Muhammad bin Salman

on the eve of the anniversary of 9/11.

The summit may seem like an unlikely time,

but the leader of thedelegation, Joel Rosenberg,

said "there was a purposebehind the timing."

- The Saudi Arabia of 18 years ago,

The Saudi Arabia that, you know,

out of which Osama binLaden came, Al-Qaeda,

and the radical theology of violent jihad.

That Saudi Arabia doesn't exist anymore.

They have made sweepingchanges that most Americans,

most Christians, aren't aware of.

- I was profoundly astoundedof how much freedoms

are being given to women here.

- We talk about veiledwomen, women under the veil,

and the country under the veil,

and I think there's a veilover people's perceptions

in the West.

There's a misunderstanding.

- [Mitchell] Many in theWest see the Crown Prince

and Saudi Arabia through a prism,

including the murder investigation

of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

While not dismissing the crime,

Rosenberg and thedelegation felt it important

to be in the room with a voice.

- [Rosenberg] Theopportunity to be in the room

and build a relationship means

you can also ask hard questions.

You can ask direct questions.

You can engage on human rights issues,

religious freedom issues.

How can you affect it if you don't

have an opportunity totalk to the top leaders?

- Nothing was hidden,nothing was off the table

in terms of discussion.

- [Mitchell] Larry Ross served as

Billy Graham's spokesmanfor more than three decades.

- I think Mr. Graham was a good example

of how speaking truth to power

and getting accomplisheda lot more personally,

privately, than you can making

bold public statements,critical statements.

- To America, I wouldsay that Saudi Arabia

is a strong country very interested in

building stronger andstronger relationships

with the people in the United States,

with the government of the United States.

- [Mitchell] In hisfirst Western interview

since the murder of Khashoggi,

the Crown Prince sat downwith "CBS 60 Minutes"

and denied he ordered the kill.

(Mohammad bin Salman speaking in Arabic)

- [Translator] Absolutely not.

This was a heinous crime, butI take full responsibility

as a leader in Saudi Arabia.

Especially since it was committed by

individuals working forthe Saudi government.

When a crime is committedagainst a Saudi citizen

by officials working forthe Saudi government,

as a leader I must take responsibility.

This was a mistake, andI must take all actions

to avoid such a thing in the future.

- [Mitchell] But the immediatefuture of Saudi Arabia

is how to respond to theSeptember 14th attack by Iran.

- The attack on Saudi Arabia's

largest oil-processing facility,

not far from here in Riyadh,represents a major escalation

in the battle between Iran,

Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

- [Mitchell] The dangerof Iran was a major topic

discussed by the U.S.evangelical delegation

with the Crown Prince andother Saudi Arabian Officials.

We also talked at length about the visit

with the leader of thedelegation, Joel Rosenberg.

- [Mitchell] How wouldyou describe the visit

you've had here in Saudi Arabia?

- This is an historicvisit, I thought last year

was historic, and it was,last year was the first time

the Saudi royal family hadever invited Christians

to come to the palace andengage in a direct dialogue.

For the Crown Prince ofSaudi Arabia to invite us

on the week of theanniversary of September 11th,

for him to have been openand engaging with us, honest,

and candid I would say, itcontinues to be historic.

And we're getting an opportunity, why?

You know, it's why me, why us?

Why is the Saudi royalfamily wanting to engage

with hours and hoursof direct conversation

with followers of Jesus Christ?

At this moment, it's fascinating,

it's historic, and it's very encouraging.

- How would you describethe conversations you had

with the Crown Prince?

- To spend two hours with

arguably the most reviledleader in the world

is an interesting experience.

I think that there are

understandable and appropriate criticisms

of the Saudi kingdom and the Crown Prince

and his government.

There are serious challenges

in the U.S.-Saudi relationship now.

They're very serious, they're very real.

But that's part of the picture.

The question to me is, andthe reason I wanted to come

and talk to him is, I believe,

and I think our delegation believes,

there is so much change thathe is making that is positive.

Not things he says he's gonna do,

but things he's actually already done

and other things that are proposed.

I think it's a Christian responsibility

to praise and honor

when a leader is making positive changes.

"Give honor where honoris due," the Bible says.

That's what we try to do.

Very few people in theworld have that opportunity.

Very few United States senators

who do have the opportunityare making use of it.

And I think it's absolutelythe right thing to do,

to come and give honor where honor's due.

But also, ask the hardand direct questions,

do it respectfully.

But I think it's actually

a dereliction of duty not to engage.

So, I'm glad we came

and I'm glad he gave usthe time that he did.

(rock music)

- [Announcer] Up next,they call it "Vision 2030,"

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- [Female Speaker] Theywent from Jerusalem to Rome,

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(rock music)

- The major challenge facing Saudi Arabia

is implementing Vision 2030.

It's an ambitious planto change Saudi Arabia

from an oil-based economy to one based on

business investment,technology, and tourism.

- [Mitchell] CBN satdown with Saudi Arabia's

Minister of Economy and Planning,

Mohammed Altuwaijri.

- Can you describe forus what Vision 2030 is?

- Vision 2030 is basically unlocking

this potential of Saudi Arabia.

Diversifying away fromoil, having a sustainable

growing economy, engagingthe private sector,

creating sustainable jobs for the locals,

but also having a region of responsibility

and a global responsibility asa good citizen of the world.

- One main focus ofVision 2030 is tourism.

For the first time in its history,

Saudi Arabia is allowingtourists from nearly 50 countries

to apply for visas, beginning this fall.

- Tourism is one pillagewhere it ticks all the boxes.

It ticks the diversification box,

it ticks the jobs box,balance of payments,

meaning people will comeand spend money here.

But also within that sector creating,

we do have a responsibility to make sure

that the experience of touristspotentially is seamless,

from the minute they click on their laptop

to get a visa to theminute they go back home.

- One tourist attraction for people

coming to Saudi Arabiawould be here at Al Ula.

It's the southern capital

of the Nabataean people andthe UNESCO Heritage Site.

It was part of the ancient trade routes

more than 2,000 years ago.

- This is an oasis that civilizations

have gone through it for7,000 years, at least.

It has seen prehistoric, BronzeAge, Nabataean, Lihyanite,

and many, many you know,civilizations into acting

in one oasis, that is themain stop on the Incense Road.

- [Mitchell] Amer Madani is the

CEO of the Al Ula Royal Commission.

- A place that hasn't beenvisited, hasn't been studied,

and we are committedto fully understand it,

preserve it, and share it with the world

through an interpretationstrategy that turns Al Ula

into a one large, engaging living museum.

This is basically thelargest living museum

in the world today.

(garbled noise)


- One major change in Saudi's society

can be seen here at this soccer match.

Just more than a yearago, for the first time,

women were permitted to attend games

of the most popular sport in the country.

The stadium includes this family section,

where husbands with their wives,

mothers with their children,

or single women cancome and enjoy the game.

(band playing)(crowd making noise)

It's another barrier brokenas part of Vision 2030,

and one of its pillars,entertainment for Saudis,

and for the rest of the world.

Amr Ahmed Banaja is the CEO

of the General Entertainment Authority.

- So I had the GeneralEntertainment Authority,

which has a very exciting mission,

which is to basicallybuild entertainment sector

in Saudi Arabia.

- [Mitchell] Banaja works on long term

entertainment projects, like Qiddiya,

a Six Flags amusement park, to be built

just outside of Riyadh.

The Red Sea Project, developingSaudi Arabia's coastline,

and NEOM, build as a city of the future.

NEOM, located here on theshores of the Red Sea,

is the largest mega-projectin the world today,

with an estimated cost of $500 billion,

and it's the centerpiece forSaudi Arabia's Vision 2030.

And all part of what Saudi is now opening

and offering to the world.

- A lot of people may have notknown Saudi for many years,

or have known us for one type of tourism.

We used to be open to theworld for Hajj and Umrah,

but now we're really open to the world

when it comes to entertainment,culture, sporting events.

My message to the world iswelcome to Saudi Arabia.

- I think that there's a lotto uncover about Saudi Arabia,

and the diversity and colorfulness.

I think people think of this Saudi Arabia

as hot, camels, sand.

I think this is very monotonic view.

I encourage everybody tothink about Saudi Arabia

the way you think about the U.S.

California is nothinglike Florida, you know?

Utah is nothing like Kansas.

It's a very diverse and complex country:

cultures, food, culinary,what people wear.

So there is a lot of beauty and details.

I think the world will come to see

the largest living museumin the world being unveiled.

(rock music)

- [Mitchell] Coming up,see how demographics

are driving changes in Saudi Arabia,

where 60% of the countryis under the age of 30.

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- The question for many is,

"are the changes going insideSaudi Arabia for real?"

We sat down with some

young Saudis to see what they had to say.

Take a look.

Sumer, Aseel, and Fadi,

thank you so much for joiningus, it's a real privilege.

- Thank you.- Thank you.

- Tell us what's happening.

I mean, I keep hearing reports about,

you know, things arechanging in Saudi Arabia.

Sumer, how would you describewhat's happening right now?

- To be quite honest,it's a beautiful shift

that we're seeing in the country.

A lot of opportunitieshave opened up for women,

for the youth, in general.

Finding outlets of entertainment

and opportunities forwomen in every field,

so it is really part of the vision

that we're moving towards,and we're seeing it

in a pretty rapid way.

- Would you say this is allpart of 2030, Vision 2030?

- Absolutely, absolutely.

And what's nice about itis you find every sector

in the country kind ofaligned with that vision,

where their aim is to get there.

And they're opening upall those opportunities

for everybody to kind ofmove in that direction

and that, to me, is very exciting.

- You know, what I thinkmakes a lot of the news

is the fact that Saudiwomen can now drive.

But is it much more than that?

- (giggling) Yes.

- The ones that actuallyhappened, it was a big deal.

It is, in the biggerpicture, a small step,

but I really like what it symbolizes.

I mean, we're taking actionand we're moving forward.

It seems like we've been standing still

for such a long time, where we recognized

where things needed to change,

but there weren't any changes.

And this was one of the changes

that was actually a tangible change

that affected almost everyone.

- How would you describe some of

the other changes going on,and what are those changes?

- So, other changes,like someone mentioned

other than driving, thereis a lot more outlets

for entertainment.

It's not the entertainment itself,

it's the shift towardsbeing more understanding

and open to different ideas.

We have been such a sheltered community

for such a long time.

- I can tell you, it'snot just entertainment.

Saudi has opened to theworld, and that's amazing.

We have amazing opportunitiesto offer to the world

and things that we want to share.

The whole change now withSaudi is telling the world

that Saudi is a global citizen

and a Saudi citizenare part of this world.

So, I want to see usbe able to do commerce,

have trade relationshipswith other nations,

and welcome tourists to our country

and show them what we have.

The change we have rightnow is literally showing

because with this openness, we're open.

We have our arms open andwe are asking everybody

to come and see what we have because

judging Saudi beforewas only through media.

And just getting yournews or your perspective

through media is not fair.

So sometimes you need to go and see,

and what you're doing is a great job

because you're tellingpeople what we have here.

We have a lot of open-minded people

who are welcoming for the world to come

and enjoy what we have andlearn more about our culture.

We have something unique wewant to share, we want to offer.

And we want to learn from the world, too.

So it's not just us tryingto share what we have,

we want us to learn from the world.

And the whole changeright now, women driving

and entertainment, theseare the most visible things.

But when you look atit, it's not just that.

It's more of economical,geopolitical change

that is very important for the region.

- Do you see yourselfas a sort of a bridge,

a generational bridge betweenwhat was and what will be?

- (laughing) yeah.

I think we call ourselvesthe good people generation.

(all laugh)

It's a joke.- The generation of good


- Yeah, the generation of good people,

because we went through twochanges, and that's like,

we understand both sides,so when we go to our parents

we tell them don't worry,it's gonna be all right.

And when we look at theyounger, just like, you know,

10 years old, 12 years old, wesay like, "oh you're lucky."

So like, we have this,we're in the middle,

and we're trying tomake the best out of it

and lead the way for theyounger generation too.

- Those simple things thatactually make a difference,

to be able to have the choiceof wearing a headscarf or not,

covering your face ornot, these are all stuff

that you know, in some people'seyes, wasn't there before,

but today it's more of an opportunity

of freedom of how you wannawear it, how you wanna look.

And so I think that aspect,

it's a completely different shift.

- We did mention driving,but we also should mention

being able to travel withouta guardian's permission.

That's a huge step, havingthat choice to travel.

- Fadi, do you think in some ways,

this is demystifyingthe Saudi young people

and population to a world that might have

their own perception ofwhat Saudi Arabia is like?

- Saudi is a lot of things,

and I don't know how I can describe it,

but it's an evolving nation,it's a nation that's growing.

- Sumer, say you're in Kansas City,

in the middle of the United States,

and you meet some youngAmericans there at a Starbucks.

What would you tell them?

- Come visit us, you cannow get your visiting visa,

as opposed to before,

you'd had to get invited to come to Saudi.

Today, you can get your visa

and come see what we really have.

We have beautiful oceans,we have beautiful deserts,

we have amazing landscapesthat one should come and see.

Now, instead of goingto a concert in Kansas,

you can come see thatartist here in Saudi.

So, I would invite Americansto come and see for themselves

what Saudi Arabia isand who we really are.

- Well, Fadi, Aseel, and Sumer,

it's been a real joy tobe with you and hear about

these historic changesgoing on in your country.

- We appreciate your time.- Thank you for being here.

(rock music)

- [Mitchell] Coming up,

what does the Bible haveto say about Arabia?

Find out when we come back.

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- You may not realize it, but the Bible

contains nearly 150 references to Arabia,

from the Queen of Shebain the Old Covenant,

to the Apostle Paul in the New.

In the book of FirstKings, the Bible records,

"Now when the Queen of Shebaheard of the fame of Solomon

"concerning the name of the Lord,

"she came to test him with hard questions.

"She came to Jerusalem witha very great entourage,

"with camels that borespices, very much gold,

"and precious stones; andwhen she came to Solomon,

"she spoke with him aboutall that was in her heart.

"So Solomon answered all her questions;

"there was nothing sodifficult for the king

"that he could not explain it to her."

- This woman from the Arabian region,

at the wisdom of Solomon,the reputation of Solomon,

and the peace and the kingdom,the temple and his wisdom,

she left on a long journey

with a whole caravan of camelsto offer gifts to Solomon.

And when she got there,she said, you know,

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing

"until I saw it with my own eyes."

And then she said, "Thehalf was not told to me."

And she was overcome, and she said,

"Oh, how blessed arethe men who serve you,

"oh, how blessed are your servants

"who are among you andcan hear the wisdom."

And then she added that itmust be the God of Israel

who has put you in this position of power.

- [Mitchell] After Paul'sDamascus Road experience,

he wrote in the book of Galatians,

"Neither went I up to Jerusalem

"to them which were apostles before me;

"but I went into Arabia, andreturned again unto Damascus."

- Maybe, overlooked bigexample of the significance

of Arabia in the Bible,is the apostle Paul.

The apostle Pauldramatically comes to Christ,

as we all know, on the road to Damascus.

But almost immediately, the Holy Spirit

tells the apostle Paulnot to go to Jerusalem,

but to go to Arabia for three years.

This is where the apostlePaul grows in his faith,

processes all that Jesus is teaching him,

against all that he thought that he knew

from the Scriptures.

And after three years in Arabia,

he becomes the greatest apostlethe world had ever seen.

- During our visit here to Saudi Arabia,

we joined evangelical leadersfrom the United States.

We met with young Saudis, wesaw the ruins of the past,

and heard the promise of the future.

One senior U.S. officialin the region said

that if half of the reforms of Vision 2030

are implemented, it couldtransform the Middle East.

Well, that's all for this special edition

of "Jerusalem Dateline."

I'm Chris Mitchell, reporting from Riyadh,

the capital of Saudi Arabia.

We'll see you next timeon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(rock music)


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