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POWERFUL: Botham Jean's Brother Forgives, Offers Christ, and Embraces Police Officer Who Killed His Brother

POWERFUL: Botham Jean's Brother Forgives, Offers Christ, and Embraces Police Officer Who Killed His Brother Read Transcript

- [Mark] This panicfilled scene in September

of last year after former

Dallas Police officer Amber Guyger

shot and killed an innocent Mark,

Botham Jean, in his own apartment

resulted in this sentence.

- [Judge] 10 years imprisonment

in the Texas departmentof criminal justice.

- [Mark] Guyger said she thought

she had walked into her own apartment.

CBN reporter Amber Strong reported

on the tragedy

and the response by Jean's church.

- I've interviewed his friends,

his ministers.

I talked to his teachers.

I talked to his employers,

and it was all a consistent message,

that Botham jean was a servant.

That he was kind from theleast to the greatest.

- [Mark] The 10 year sentence

with the possibility of parole

after five is far less

than the 99 years in prison Guyger faced.

Outside the court house

the sentence sparked protests

and intense confrontations.

(crowd yelling)

And Jean's mother spokeout against the police.

- If Amber Guyger was trained

not to shoot in the heart,

my son would be standing here today.

- But inside the courtroom,

Botham Jean's brother,

18 year old Brandt Jean,

showed tremendous forgiveness

toward Guyger after thesentence was imposed.

- I forgive you.

And I know if you go to God and ask him

he will forgive you.

I want the best for you

because I know that's what,

that's exactly what Botham would want too.

And the best would begive your life to Christ.

- [Mark] Then an amazing show

of grace that attorneys,

court employees and reporters said

they've never seen in all their years.

- I don't know if it's possible,

but can I give her a hug please?


- [Judge] Yes.

- [Mark] After Brandt Jean hugged

the sobbing former officer,

another remarkable show of love.

State district judge Tammy Kemp

gave Guyger a Bible

and directed her to read John 3:16,

and even hugged her as well.

- The district attorneysaid Brandt Jean's act

was an amazing act ofhealing and forgiveness

that should guide thecommunity going forward.

Mark Martin, CBN News.


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