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Thankful After a Past of Parties, Drugs, and Abortion

Dustin learned how to party at a young age, but his world spun out of control when, at 15, he got a girl pregnant and paid for her abortion. Read Transcript

- Having a family thatyou know like to party,

that like to spend time doing that,

I didn't have to reach out very far,

I didn't have to look very hardto find substances to abuse.

- [Narrator] Dustin Garrettgrew up with parents

who liked to party.

With little supervision he hadeasy access to drugs, alcohol

and time alone with girls.

- I was really young when I began to

engage in all sorts of sexual activity.

- [Narrator] When he was 15,

he found out his girlfriend was pregnant.

- And I remember justbeing absolutely terrified,

I was 15 years old and I justgot a call from my girlfriend

that she was pregnantand her mom heard it.

- [Narrator] Both sets ofparents met with the teens

and tensions were high.

- Everything we heard was,

if you have a child it'sgonna ruin your life.

Your life is over.

When we got out of that meeting there

it had been decided thatshe would have an abortion

and that I would help pay for it.

I can be honest and say,

there was like this reliefthat came over me because,

I was like, okay, thisproblem is now gonna be gone.

- [Narrator] Unfortunately for Dustin

the problem had only changed.

After the abortion hisrelief turned to heartache.

- I can literally still hearthe phone call that happened

after she had the abortion.

She was a really tough girl

but she was sobbing, likeweeping over the phone,

like something traumatic had just happened

and she described kind of

the cold instruments that were used,

and like the room that she was in

and how terrible that it was.

And I didn't know what to say.

Instead of it being a problemthat needed to go away,

that's when it sunk into me that like,

was this a boy or a girlor what it looked like?

Or, like what happened to it.

We couldn't bear to talk about it,

and it plunged us into thisspiral of drug addiction,

it was just awful

and that ultimately tookmy girlfriend's life.

I began to just get worse and worse,

you know shooting up heroin every day

and stealing money and robbing houses

and I began to get arrestedand actually then go to jail.

It was one of those times

that I got arrested and went to jail

that they ended up putting me

on the suicide floor of the jail.

In my heart I knew that if I died

I didn't know what would happened to me.

I was scared of whatwould happen if I died.

- [Narrator] Suffering fromheroin withdrawals in jail,

Dustin remembered from his youth

what his grandmother told him about Jesus.

- But she communicatedto us that there is a God

and Jesus is a saviorand He is who you need.

And in that moment in thejail cell I cried out,

Jesus, please save me.

If you're there, please save me.

And something changed in my heart,

like something changed to where

I just had my spirit just testified

that this Jesus is what I needed.

- [Narrator] He was released from jail

but didn't know how to follow Jesus

and fell back into oldhabits and ended up homeless.

- I still tried to dothings in my own strength

and the Lord allowed this timeframe

of me just failing and failing.

And it wasn't until I endedup in the homeless shelter

and some men came alongside of me,

actually opened up theBible and begin to go,

this is who you are, this is who Jesus is,

this is what Jesus said,this is the God of the Bible.

And I begin to say,

no to the things that were destroying me

by the grace of God, by the Spirit of God,

with the Word of God,

and my life has neverbeen the same since then.

- [Narrator] Dustin's faith grew

through serving andteaching others about Jesus.

Today he works for Samaritan Ministries,

a pro-life medical sharing ministry.

He still thinks about his past,

thankful for God's forgiveness and grace.

- What's really difficult about

I think abortion in particular,

there's a lot of parts aboutit that there's no resolve.

Meaning, like I sit before you today

and with the drugs, there'sno more drugs in my life,

whereas with the abortion

I still don't know ifit was a boy or girl.

I still

wonder what it's like to be a father,

and in light of a sovereign God I can rest

and know that even thosethings that we've done

that we just are so ashamed about,

He's gracious enough to still love us.

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