Whistleblower Report Released, Dir. of National Intel. Testifies as Dems Try to Build Impeachment Case
Read Transcript
(cinematic thematic music)
- Both sides are divided.
Democrats are banning together
to build their case for impeachment,
while most Republicans
are coming to President Trump's defense.
- I found the allegationsdeeply disturbing.
I also found them very credible.
- [Jenna] This afterRepresentative Adam Schiff
and other members of theHouse Intelligence Committee
read through the whistleblower complaint
and after the release of the transcript
of Trump's phone call withthe president of Ukraine.
Democrats are insistingthere was quid pro quo.
Most Republicans, though,say there's no smoking gun.
- To impeach any president
over a phone call likethis would be insane.
- [Jenna] The transcriptshows President Trump
asking President Zelensky
to look into Democraticpresidential candidate
Joe Biden's actions as vice president
that allegedly might have helped
his son Hunter's businessdealings in Ukraine.
Trump also asks Zelenskyto work with his lawyer,
Rudy Giuliani, andAttorney General Bill Barr.
But Zelensky says he wasn't pressured.
- I think, and you read it,that nobody pushed me, yes.
- In other words, no pressure.
- [Jenna] The JusticeDepartment says President Trump
and the attorney generalnever spoke about the call
and Barr never contacted Ukraine.
- You take a look at thatcall, it was perfect.
I didn't do it.
There was no quid pro quo.
- [Jenna] Still, for the first time,
the majority of the House
now supports the impeachment inquiry.
William Ricciardella withthe Washington Examiner
tells CBN News it's all political.
- Nothing came out here.
Now you have Democrats in a frenzy.
They're doubling down onthe impeachment inquiry.
They really have no choice.
They can't come out and say,"Hey, look, you know what?
"We were wrong about the transcript."
This is all political.
It looks like it waspolitical from the beginning
and seems it's going to continue that way.
- And today, the Acting Directorof National Intelligence
will testify on CapitolHill about his handling
of the whistleblower complaint.
The complaint itself couldalso be declassified today.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Articles of impeachment are initiated
in the House of Representatives,and in order to get that,
there's got to be a majority vote,
so I don't know if NancyPelosi has taken a vote.
She's made a unilateral decision,but that's for starters.
Then it's gotta go to the Senate,
and the Senate has to have atwo-thirds vote to impeach.
Now do you think with aRepublican-controlled Senate
such a thing's gonna happen?
Of course not.
So this is an exercisein absolute futility.
So what are the Democratstrying to do in the House?
Well, what are they gonna do?
Well, they can sort of put ablack mark on the president,
but the American people don't like that,
and Chief Political Analyst David Brody
is going to join us now.
David, the Republicans saythe transcript is nothing
and Democrats said that itcalls for a case of impeachment.
What do you think?
They say it's all politics.
What's your take?
- There's no doubt, Pat,that this is all politics.
I think everybody canpretty much agree on that,
Democrats and Republicans,though the Democrats
might have a beef or twoabout that, but look.
We heard so much about thetranscript, the call transcript,
and it was somewhat of a nothingburger
in the sense that there wasno specific quid pro quo,
no favor done to investigate Biden.
However, we now have thewhistleblower report.
I've got it right here, Pat,
and I can tell you right now,this is gonna make some news
because it's not just about the call,
and I need to read you, if I could, Pat,
a couple of these lines thatDemocrats are gonna latch on to
and I can guarantee youthere'll be some questions
for the White House about this,
and here's what it says.
This is the whistleblower speaking:
"White House officials told me
"that they were directedby White House lawyers
"to remove the electronic transcript"
of that conversation"from the computer system
"in which such transcriptsare typically stored
"for coordination, etc.
"Instead, the transcript was loaded
"into a separate electronic system
"that is otherwise usedto store and handle
"classified information on anespecially sensitive nature."
So, that obviously is gonnaopen up a whole can of worms
and some questions for the White House,
which is why exactly was it moved?
Now, I can tell you, I was speaking
to some White Houseofficials this morning.
They had heard a little bit;
they hadn't seen the whistleblowercomplaint at that point,
but they had heard about thistranscript and the server,
and what they're telling meis that what does it matter
because ultimately, classified material
is classified material nomatter where it's stored.
Still, it begs the question why indeed
was this specific conversation
transferred to a separate system?
Now, one last thing, I know I might feel
like I'm rambling here a little bit,
but as I read through thiswhistleblower complaint, Pat,
it says, and I can tell you,
there's a couple of timeshere where I can guarantee you
the Trump supporters are gonnayell deep state all the way
because, basically, andif I can find it here,
but they talk about multipleWhite House officials
were giving the whistleblower information.
And this is multiple times
throughout the whistleblower complaint,
so in other words, thisisn't just a whistleblower.
The whistleblower cameforward, but he, or she,
is getting informationfrom multiple people
inside the White Houseand also, potentially,
at the State Department and other places.
That screams deep state to folks
that subscribe to that portionof what's going on here.
- David, who are they?
Do you have any idea who isinside the administration
that's leaking this stuff?
- Well, there are allsorts of rumors out there,
and there are all sorts,there's a big guessing game.
I will tell you this, and once again, Pat,
I just received this moments ago,
so I'm kind of going through it.
I know there are a coupleof names mentioned in here
of some folks that wereactually listening to the call.
Now, I can tell you that there was about,
I believe they say a dozen folks,
that were listening to that phone call
between the Ukrainianpresident and Donald Trump,
so if there was about a dozen,
I mean, the guessing game starts there
with those folks that were in the room.
They were in the Situation Room listening.
That is standard procedure, typically,
but when word got out about what was said
about Biden in the call,that's when other situations
or people started to move on this.
- Well, David, I don't seeanything in the world wrong.
There's not an official inquiry.
We're not under anykind of a ban by accord.
To move something froma less-sensitive server
to a super-secret server.
What in the world's wrong with that?
- Yeah, there's no clear indication
that there would be anythingtechnically wrong with that,
I think it just raises the suspicion level
as to why you would do it,
and I think that questionneeds to be answered.
And plus, Pat, at thispoint, a lawyer, obviously,
would have to kind of getinto all of that legality
as to whether or not that matters.
You know, it's above my pay grade,
but I can tell ya thatDemocrats are gonna latch on
to that portion of thewhistleblower complaint,
but once again, I have to tell you, Pat,
I'm reading through this,
and it's a first glanceof reading through it,
but there are multiple times here
where this whistleblower says
I didn't know any of this first hand,
that all of these peoplein the White House
and in the StateDepartment and other places
were telling me all thisinformation, so think about this.
I mean, this is awhistleblower with tentacles,
that are all of these tentacles
kinda coming into thisperson with information
which means there's a lot of folks
that are looking to obviouslyget rid of this president.
I mean, I think that's pretty clear.
I don't think that's asubjective statement at all.
I think it's prettyobjective at this point.
There are a lot of folks thatwant to get this president.
We know about that anonymousWashington Post op-ed
that came out a while back,
so, look, I can guaranteeyou the White House
is going to say deep state,
this has deep state all overit, including the server.
- David, how extensive was thecleanup when Trump took over?
I really believe there'reare many, many jobs
that still haven't been filled,
so has he really cleaned house,
or he talked about draining the swamp;
has the swamp really been drained?
- Well part of the problem, Pat,
is that he hasn't really replaceda lot of folks that were,
in other words, there's a lot of vacancies
all across the US government.
The US government, I thinkthat's part of the problem.
He doesn't have his people in there.
But as you know, Pat, Imean that State Department,
and not just the StateDepartment, the CIA and the FBI,
and even some withinthe Justice Department.
I mean, these are career officials,
many of 'em back to theObama administration
and some even before that,
so this is a town thatis swampy in nature,
it always has been,
and when you have apresident like Donald Trump
who is rattling a few cages,this is what you're gonna get.
- One last thing.
This whole impeachment thingis an exercise in futility.
You know, it can't goanywhere, it can't succeed,
so what do the Democratsthink they're doing?
I mean, how are you gonna go
before the American people in 2020
and say here's our agenda to make America
a nice place to live in.
We have tried to impeachthe president and it failed.
You remember under Clinton,Clinton was the subject
and he got reelected and Newt Gingrich,
who was leading the charge, he lost.
So these guys are gonna losebig time, don't you think?
- Well, let me just saythis: it is very clear
that Nancy Pelosi is doingsomething strategic here.
She never actually usedthe word impeachment
during that addressshe said the other day,
but I will tell you this:
when she said that we're gonnado this impeachment inquiry,
she never said we're gonnatake a vote on impeachment
because they know that that isa political suicide for them
if they take a vote, avote on what exactly?
What crime has been committed?
And, at this point, it seemslike Democrats are, in essence,
impeaching, or they wantto impeach this president,
for being a really badguy and bad behavior
and some unethical stuff,
and that's kind oftheir point of all that.
You know, look, this isvery interesting, Pat.
One last thing to say
because here's what wecould face in the next year.
This president could indeed be impeached
by the House of Representatives;
there is no doubt about that.
No chance of conviction inthe Senate at this point,
however, Donald Trump could actually be
the first president inUnited States history
to win reelection while being impeached.
He'd actually be an impeachedpresident and win reelection.
Wouldn't that be something.
The Democrats think they have
the last laugh on Trump by impeaching him,
and Donald Trump comesback and wins reelection.
It could happen, and, at this point,
I'm done with all thepsychotherapy, I give up, Pat.
I need some serious Tylenol.
(Pat laughing)
- All right, thanks,David, God bless you, okay.