Get your first look at the new animated adventure Abominable. And sit down with Patricia Heaton as she begins her new comedy Carol’s Second Act. We also take a ride with Dan Abrams and police in the number one cable program Live PD.
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(upbeat music)
- And welcome to Studio 5.
We've got lots to get totoday including a sit down
with actress Patricia Heaton
as we talk about her newshow as well as Abominable,
DreamWorks Animations latest adventure
but first let's begin with the count down
of the top five headlines inthe world of entertainment.
Here is number five.
- [Narrator] At number five.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
I saved the Emmy's, mamahelp me get your purse.
- I can take another one gimme--
- [Narrator] The 71stPrimetime Emmy Awards
are handed out and among the highlights.
- Jharrel Jerome.
- [Narrator] Taking home the honor,
outstanding lead actor in a limited series
for his role in the Netflixproject, When They See Us.
- Most importantly,
this is for the men that weknow as the exonerated five.
(crowd applauds)
Thank you so much, it'sa honor, it's a blessing.
- [Narrator] At number four.
- My three year old didn't get
me a birthday present this year, yeah.
And I've known them for a couple of years.
- {narrator] Is comedianJim Gaffigan featured
in the newest issue of Relevant magazine.
Opening up along side hiswife about a trying year
for their family sharing,
I lived in this very likely reality
that I was going to be asingle father of five children.
That came following hiswife being diagnosed
with a brain tumor but he also shares,
there was something about her deep faith
and the comfort and the peace
that she encountered that reassured him.
Being there for his comedy writing wife,
Gaffigan says he learned
to say God was going towork this out in his will.
- Hey everybody!
- Hi.
- And those are just the first two stories
in this weeks count downof uplifting entertainment.
We'll pick things back up
at number three in just a little bit.
Right now we are turning our attention
to the big screen andDreamWorks Animations
taking its audiences on anepic adventure with Abominable.
We've shared a littlebit of the film with you,
today though, we havethe film and the stars.
- Ah, Nai Nai.
- You need to spend moretime here with your family.
- Ow!
- Where are you going?
- Be back before dinner.
- Be careful out there.
- No boy.
- Got it covered, bye.
I just wanna escape.
- Abominable is the storyof a teenage girl named Yi,
who lives in a big metropolis in China
and one night while she's onthe rooftop playing her violin,
she discovers a 2000pound yeti and embarks
on a journey with two
of the other kids inher apartment building
to get this yeti all the wayback to his Himalayan home.
- No, no, no get back now.
Do you hear me?
Let go!
- That does not make sense
why would they take it to the roof?
- Guys, what are you doing up here?
- Hey! Get away from her,okay I'm calling the police.
- He's not dangerous.
- Look at him, he's a yeti.
- Cool.
- What?
No, yeti's don't exist.
- The real journey is kindof the idea of what home is,
what does home mean to people,
what does home mean after loss,
what does home mean when youare a young person trying
to figure yourself out.
- Is that your home?
No way.
- I really wanted her characterto be kind of that tomboy,
that strong willed girlthat could take this journey
all the way from, you know,
the big city all the wayacross China to the Himalayas.
(violin music)
- She's the anti-princess,
she's the character for the girls
who like watch princessmovies and they're like
that's cool I respect that
but that's not enough forme I don't see myself in
that and that's what we have with Yi.
- Go faster!
- I'm trying.
- Everest do something.
- It's very different from live action
which I think both of us are used to.
It's a lot of imagination.
- It's working.
- Oh no, guys, guys!
- Turn, turn!
- Turn, turn!
- Just taking what they've made and trying
to imagine a giant canolawave field in my head.
- Whoo! Woohoo!
- It was a really interesting practice
of imagination and it wasincredibly exhausting.
- Come on Everest, make it go bigger!
- I just want people to seethat there can be a story
that stars a young woman who is Chinese
that is set in China and it can
be a completely universal story
for every single type of person to love.
- I wish dad were here to see this.
(upbeat music)
- Yeah, Ma, Beijing is great.
- Yi's theme really is aboutwhen the journey gets tough,
never give up.
- My dad used to play for me every night
like he was telling me that no matter
how hard the journey gets, never give up.
- Life is hard and youhave to find something
within you that gives youthe strength to keep going.
- When Yi sets her mind onsomething nothing is impossible.
- When things get tough,
you need to surround yourself with family,
your friends, those around you,those who are close to you,
anyone who can support you.
- Ah, what's going on?
Yi, let go of that it's dangerous.
- Everest, are you sure about this?
- No! Hey, get down from there right now!
Hey, hey!
- Jin, jump!
- Gotcha!
Meet me at that village by the river.
- We'll be there.
- And take care of Peng.
- Abominable is in Americantheaters this Friday,
that is September 27th.
- [Narrator] Still ahead.
- Why do you think its theseplanes have last so long?
- They were very well over-built.
- I'm climbing aboard a flight
with the renowned worldwar two air show team.
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(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Young people,
millennials are flocking to church.
- [Female announcer]It's not an exaggeration
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- Woo-hoo!
Hi Superbook fans, here'ssomething else you'll love.
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oh no!
There's trivia,
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You can even create yourown Superbook character,
Pardon me, sorry, excuse me, ouch.
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- [Announcer] CBN Israel,
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- Internal medicine? I hope I'm not late.
- Nope, still waitingon the chief resident.
- Hello everyone,
you must be the internalmedicine residents.
- Yes ma'am.
- I'm Carol Kenny and I waiteda long time for this day.
- To be chief resident?
- Me?
No, no, no, I'm a intern just like you.
- But you're--
- Older, yes I know.
- So why med school?
- My marriage fell apart.
My husband went off to find himself
and now he's sleeping on his sisters futon
and I'm a doctor so life is good.
- And that's a quick look
at the new series staring Patricia Heaton,
Carol's Second Act.
It premiers this week on CBS
so we thought it only fittingto go back and share some
of the great work Heaton isdoing when she is not on camera,
we caught up with her inRwanda earlier this year.
- Away from the bright lights
of the big and small screen,
Patricia Heaton is makingher mark on the world.
Like visiting these woman in Rwanda
in this village working
with humanitarianorganization World Vision.
- How many World Vision tripswould you say you've taken?
- Rwanda is my forth, I'm beenin Zambia, Jordan and Uganda.
- What keeps you coming back?
- Well what I've alwaysloved about World Vision
is the long term impact that it makes,
the transparency that the organization has
and every time I come back I see more
and more people lifted out of poverty.
Woman getting educated,
there's just all kindsof work that goes on
and every time I comeback I see the progress.
- What have you been able
to witness since being here in Rwanda?
- We got to see a loteconomic development today
and as you know Rwandahad the terrible genocide
in 94 and not only werethe people decimated
but the infrastructure,
the whole country was decimated
and they were reallystarting from the ground up
and it's amazing to see first of all,
how beautiful Rwanda is,
how green and lush and to see what
through the Rwandansgovernments partnership
with World Vision what has been achieved
here especially economically and
with woman starting businesses,starting savings clubs,
being able to make enoughmoney as a community
to pay the fees to sendtheir children to school,
to buy medical insurance,to improve their homes,
starting businesses likemaking baskets and sewing,
buying livestock and selling them.
So it's really been amazing
to see the economic development starting
from the ground up with the help
of World Vision andthe Rwandan government.
- How would you say visitslike these change you?
- I think when you comeon these visits you see
how much wonderful stuffis happening in the world
and how a small donationfrom you can change,
not just one persons life,but many peoples lives,
a whole country can changebecause of your donation.
- And again you can catch Patricia Heaton
this week in Carols's Second Act,
it is on CBS.
Right now, the count down
of the best headlines
of uplifting entertainmentcontinues, here's number three.
At number three.
- On behalf of the eightgenerations of my family
who have been in this country,
we're gonna put a little fuel in your bus
and my family is making a grant
to eliminate their student loans.
(crowd applause)
- Who could forget billionaireRobert Smiths pledge
to erase college loan debt
for Morehouse's 2019 graduating class.
- I know my class will makesure they pay this forward.
- The technology investorand philanthropist
is making headlines again.
Now extending his goodwillgift and paying off
the loan debt amassed bythose students parents.
- Let's make sure every class
has the same opportunity going forward.
- At number two.
- We call it the precisionformation flying so--
- Special thanks to the leadingvintage airshow squadron,
the Geico Skytypers.
What sets this flight apart
from any other flight I'll experience?
- [Narrator] Pilots withthe renowned airshow team
allowed me to fly aboard just
before their airshowhere in Virginia Beach.
- This flight you're going
to experience a formation flight
using world war two aircraft,
the navy T6 SMJ which thegreatest generation used
to win world war two andwe are gonna demonstrate
to you the tactics,formations and maneuvers
that allowed the greatest generation
to win and these tacticsare still used today,
even in today's navy and air force.
- In the words of my pilot Mark Gannucci,
it's all the action withouthaving to dodge an attack.
Why do you fly?
- I love freedom.
- And from up here, freedom is beautiful.
Still to come, it's cable TVsnumber one live weekend show.
- Before we dig in hereand get an opportunity
to do something wedon't often on the show.
- Live PD host, an attorneyDan Abrams joins us.
- [Radio Controller] Justcrashed out into a unit.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Are yousuffering from feeling tired
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(peaceful upbeat music)
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- And welcome back to Studio 5,
we have made it to the final headline
in this weeks countdown ofuplifting entertainment,
here is number one.
- [Narrator] At number one.
- Reaching for me like a life line--
- Rapper Lecrae shares a personal journey
visiting holy sites with hismusic making friends in Israel.
- Lecrae, because of your confession
of Jesus Christ as lord and savior.
- [Narrator] He posted thisvideo on Instagram noting,
today we got baptized in the Jordan river,
the one that John baptized Jesus in.
In another post he sharesthese photos and writes,
sitting in the spot whereChrist fed thousands
of people physical foodwhile also telling them those
who hunger for righteousness are blessed
and will be satisfied.
(upbeat rap music)
- That's a wrap for this weeks countdown,
it is now time to say it in pictures.
Here's this weeks Studio 5 snapshot.
- To release a person fromthe feelings of anger.
- [Narrator] That's Tom Hanks as Mr Rogers
and as we wait for the films release,
you could say the accomplished actor
is getting a late Christmas present.
He'll be honored in Januaryat the Golden Globes
with the Cecil B. DeMillelifetime achievement award
and with that honor, he'sthis weeks Studio 5 snapshot.
With that snapshot we turn from pictures
to television and attorney Dan Abrams
and the new season of hisnumber one cable series Live PD.
The series follows police in real time
as they patrol theircommunities, take a look.
(sirens blaring)
- [Radio Operator]Crashed out into a unit.
- That scene, a policechasing a stolen school bus
comes straight from Live PD
and the host of the show joinsus right now, Dan Abrams,
so good to have you.
This is the number one live show
on cable Friday and Saturday
why do you think it's so successful?
- Well I think that peoplehave been fascinated
by seeing what policeofficers do everyday.
It is the uncertainty,
it is the work and I think that it's that,
it's the fact that this isnot just a highlight reel
of amazing moments thathappened with police officers.
This is watching as the story unfolds,
watching as they approach the vehicle,
watching as they approach a home and
so I think that is whatmakes the show so compelling.
- What is it for you, what is it like
for you watching this stuff unfold
because I imagine you, like us,
have no idea what's gonna happen.
- Exactly, it can beincredibly nerve wracking
at times watching it unfold,
at times it can be frightening and scary,
at times it can be funny,
at times it can be slower,
I mean this is what it islike to be a police officer
and I think that partof what makes the show
so special is that it allows you
to then see this all throughthe eyes of those officers.
- We are about four seasons in now do you
have a favorite story
that you've seen unfold before your eyes?
- You know, I don't knowif I have a favorite story.
I have certainly, therehave been incidents
which have stuck with me,
there have been pursuitswhere I was afraid
of what the outcome was gonna be,
there had been situationsobviously where people have died,
which you never forget and
then there have been light hearted moments
as well with characters
that we end up seeingrepeatedly on the show
in a much more light hearted kind of way.
So it is a mix in termsof the show and in terms
of our thinking about it
but it's important always that as the host
of the show that I recognize and remember
that no matter how lighthearted something is
and I'll make jokes sometimesduring the show et cetera,
that this is stills serious stuff.
That most of what we'recovering is police officers
very often puttingtheir lives on the line,
people who are probablynot having the best day
of their lives, interacting with police
and I have to make sure
and my analyst TomMorris Jr and Sean Larkin
as well have to make sure
that we're always keeping
that in mind as we'refollowing this and covering it.
- Great job, we lookforward to the new season
Live PD you can catch itFriday and Saturday on A&E.
Dan Abrams thank you so much.
- [Narrator] And coming up.
- You got this, just drawfrom your own experience.
- [Narrator] The starof Carol's Second Act,
Patricia Heaton has a few words
from the heart to sharefrom the heart of Rwanda.
(ominous music)
(bright uplifting music)
♪ Where there's joy there's passion ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ It starts a train reaction ♪
♪ Bubbling more satisfaction ♪
♪ I know the way this joy makes me move ♪
♪ Yeah I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because of joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joys in my heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because of joy ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joys in my heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joys in my heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
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- And welcome back to Studio 5
this show wouldn't bepossible without good music
and this weeks soundtrack comes courtesy
of Hillsong Young and Free along
with Andy Mineo take a listen and hear
why every little thingis playing in my ear.
♪ Every little thing ♪
♪ Everything will be all right ♪
♪ Hey God I know you don'tneed no one to advise you ♪
♪ You probably do a better jobrunning the world than I do ♪
♪ I just thought I'd remind you ♪
♪ I've been trying to find you ♪
♪ It feel like satan workingover time times two ♪
♪ They say if it doesn't killyou that would find you ♪
♪ But I'm trying to live andthat's bigger than survival ♪
♪ It's been a long night ♪
♪ It's been a long fight ♪
♪ So just remind me now ♪
♪ Everything will be all right. ♪
- Every little thingwill indeed be all right.
On that musical note weare almost out of time
for this episode of Studio 5.
So here's a quick look
at something we're workingto bring you come next week.
- [Narrator] Johnny's album had souls
in prison was incrediblypowerful, he had a message.
- [Announcer] It's aStudio 5 look at the film
by the country music legendsprison recording and--
(guitar vocal music)
- [Announcer] We're also going
inside Zach Williams recording.
- The album is Survivor live
from Harding Prison and yousaid you dreamt about this
for six years, so even
before you were singing Christian music,
you dreamt about going?
- Well, so about six years ago,
when we gave our lives to the lord,
prison ministry was one
of the first things we got involved in.
- See the faces
and hear the voices livefrom Harding Prison.
(upbeat guitar music)
- Again, we'll have that story
for you next week and certainlywe hope you will join us
for that.
As for the final word for this show,
let's give that to PatricaHeaton from the fields of Rwanda.
- It's easy to feel kind of despair
with some of theatmosphere in our country,
politically and I lovecoming to places like Africa
where I see that there's actually a lot
of wonderful good thingshappening in the world
and a very little bit of money means
so much and can really savea life and change a life.
- Patricia Heaton thank you,
that is a great final wordfor this edition of Studio 5.
Remember, you can catch ournew series Carol's Second Act
on CBS this week.
Now until next time,
we encourage you to make time
to uplift someone aroundyou and then come on back
and see where Studio5 takes you next week,
bye bye everybody.