Trump Shines Spotlight on Christians Being Killed, 1st President to Host UN Religious Freedom Meeting
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- President Trump isthe first US president
to host a meeting at UNon religious freedom.
And to put things into perspective,
one in nine Christians worldwideface intense persecution
and that's up 14% from last year,
which is why The White Houseis making this a top priority.
- As president, protectingreligious freedom
is one of my highest priorities.
- [Ben] In his keynote address to the UN,
President Trump pointedto alarming statistics
showing 80% of the world's population
live in countries where religious liberty
is threatened, restricted, or even banned.
- When I heard that number,I said please go back
and check it because itcan't possibly be correct.
And sadly, it was.
- [Ben] To top that, it'sestimated 11 Christians die
each day for their faith.
In response, the president announced
an additional 25 million in funding
to protect religious sites and relics.
There will also be anew business coalition
focused on workers.
- This is the firsttime this has been done.
This initiative willencourage the private sector
to protect people of allfaiths in the workplace.
- Why is the president's call to action
a major step when comparedwith past presidents' focus
on this same issue?
- I think the fact is it's not just words
on the part of this administration.
I believe that as that microcosmic example
of the president's efforts on behalf
of Pastor Brunson made clear.
He used the instruments of American power.
- Frank Gaffney, CEO of Savethe Persecuted Christians,
says it's now up to the restof the world to follow suit.
What message did you wantthe president to send
and did he deliver?
- The most important message
I think he very muchdelivered on, just in fact,
by his presence at this event,
he put the nations of the world on notice.
- Now the president urgedthe UN to repeal laws
that restrict religious freedom
and to increase prosecution towards crimes
against people of faith.
This is only the first ofmany remarks he'll make
at the UN this week.
Ben Kennedy, CBN News, Washington.