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Ukraine Allegations Fuel Democrat Cries for Impeachment, Trump Blasts 'Witch Hunt - Here We Go Again'

Ukraine Allegations Fuel Democrat Cries for Impeachment, Trump Blasts 'Witch Hunt - Here We Go Again' Read Transcript

- Democrats may be buildingmomentum toward impeachment

over allegations PresidentTrump withheld aid

to pressure Ukraine toinvestigate Joe Biden and his son.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi ismeeting with the Caucus today

to discuss their next steps.

Pelosi is demandingthat the administration

release the whistleblower report

and the private phone conversation

between President Trump andthe president of Ukraine.

But Trump's response has beenclear: he did nothing wrong.

- It's just a Democrat witch hunt.

Here we go again.

They failed with Russia,they failed with recession,

they failed with everything.

And now they're bringing this up.

- [Caitlin] In a newWashington Post report,

it's disclosed that Trump ordered aides

to freeze millions ofdollars in aid to Ukraine

days before he spoke withthe country's president.

The report cites anadministration official

who says the freeze was out of concerns

of corruption in Ukraine

and Senate Republicanswho said Trump was trying

to determine if the new president

was pro-West or pro-Russia.

Democrats believe the presidentoffered to release the aid

only if Ukraine launched an investigation

into Vice President JoeBiden and his son Hunter.

- I put no pressure on them whatsoever.

I could have.

I think it would probably,possibly have been okay if I did.

But I didn't, I didn't put anypressure on them whatsoever.

- There's a differencebetween Donald Trump

telling the Ukrainian president: hey,

you might wanna look at Joe Biden.

It's another thing to say:you better look at Joe Biden.

And if not, we got a few hundreds of

millions of dollars in aid.

- [Caitlin] In an opedpublished in the Washington Post

late Monday, sevenfreshman Democrat lawmakers

who served in the militaryand national security

said that, if the allegationsagainst Trump are true,

it's impeachable.

These Democrats hold swaywith House leadership

because many of them are fromRepublican-held districts

where Trump has been popular

and have so far been against impeachment.

Republicans say they don'thave enough information yet

and point to the allegations against

Joe Biden's actions as vice president

when his son workedwith a Ukrainian company

that was under scrutiny bya government prosecutor.

- What's Hunter Biden doingon the board of directors

of a major Ukraine natural gas company?

And did his dad ask to havethe prosecutor called off

in a way that would endure tothe benefit of his company?

I don't know.

I think it just all looks bad, all of it.

- Speaker Pelosi set adeadline for Thursday

to receive the whistleblower report,

promising new investigationsif it's not handed over.

Now there are reports thatshe's quietly discussing

whether it's now time toproceed with impeachment.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.


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