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Superbook Taught Daniel the Power of Prayer

Eight-year-old Daniel learned about God from his grandmother—and then begged his mom to take him to church. There he watched Superbook for the first time. Intrigued by the David and Goliath story, Daniel believed God would hear his prayer... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Eight yearold Daniel heard about God

for the first time during avisit to his Grandma's house.

- When my Grandma told meabout God in a storybook,

I really wanted to learn who he was.

I started to ask my Mum everyday

if she would take me to church.

- [Narrator] Daniel'sMom finally took him,

that's where he saw CBNSuperbook for the first time.

- I watched the storyof David and Goliath.

That was where a littleboy defeated a big giant.

I realized that it was God who helped him.

- [Narrator] Daniel decided to talk with

his teacher after the class was over.

- I asked her to teach me to pray.

She helped me to pray toreceive Jesus as my savior.

- [Narrator] At home Daniel's Mom, Ira,

noticed a change in her son.

- He began to pray, to listen to God

and he began to teach me.

- [Narrator] Daniel'sparents often quarreled

and were close to divorce.

- I realized that I need to pray for them.

So I went into the bathroom and prayed

that Mom and Dad would stop fighting.

- I remember one time my husband and I

were fighting over the phone,Daniel heard everything.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye,

I saw him kneeling down and praying.

I was shocked, I couldn't stopthinking about what he did.

- [Narrator] As Daniel continuedto pray, things changed.

Daniel always encouragedus, he said "Mom, you need

to read the Bible, weforgot to pray for the food,

let's pray" and he brought us to church

and we are still there thanks to our son.

- [Narrator] Daniel'sparents have now prayed

to become Christians.

- Our home is peaceful nowand we are all happy about it.

- Thank you for thecartoon, it changed Daniel

and it changed me too.

- Thank you for such agreat cartoon, Superbook.

(uplifting classical music)

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