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Christian World News - The Gospel in China

China’s Christians are sharing their faith and overcoming obstacles to bring the Gospel in their country. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [George] This week, a special edition

of Christian World News.

We take you to China,where a popular musician

experienced a miracle

after he was broughtto the brink of death.

- [Interpreter] Am I a monster,or still a human being?

All my dreams and goals were washed away.

- [George] And Chinese Christiansare shaking their nation.

Some are trusting Jesus tohelp find their soulmates.

- [Interpreter] We were ableto grow together in the Lord.

God brought us together.

- We'll introduce you to a man

who almost gave up onfinding his true love.

Then he received a blessing from God.

(dramatic music)

Hello, everyone, welcometo this special edition

of Christian WorldNews, I'm George Thomas.

A popular Chinese musician lost everything

in a horrific house fire accident.

He wanted to end his life after suffering

disfiguring burns andscars to much of his body,

but his mother helped himfind a new purpose in life.

Mengfei Li has the story.

(guitar music)

- [Mengfei] Guang Gao was atalented Chinese musician,

and since college, his passionwas to perform on stage,

playing various instruments.

His musical talent was so impressive

that he was invited to performat many important occasions

and at each one, hereceived astounding praises.

(sirens blare)

In 1991, Guang's lifechanged dramatically.

His house was engulfedin smoke and flames.

His dreams were shattered asthe fire consumed his body.

He passed out and regainedconsciousness in the hospital.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] When Isaw myself in the mirror,

I was very shocked.

I kept on asking the question,

where is my beautiful face?

Where are my fingers?

Am I a monster or still a human being?

All my dreams and goals were washed away.

- [Mengfei] Gao underwent 18 surgeries

do to the fire incident.

Most of his skin had to be replaced.

The surgeon had to graftskin from Gao's head

to cover the wounds.

The emotional pain waseven more unbearable.

- [Interpreter] When myson saw me the first time

he ran away and refused to come back.

My wife was afraid ofcoming home to see me.

Everyone around methought I was a monster,

they all left me.

I didn't know how I was goingto live for another day.

There's only one solution for me, be dead.

- [Mengfei] Feelingdepressed and hopeless,

Gao drove to the ocean one day,

as he saw the waves and smelled the ocean,

he was ready to end his life.

He didn't want to be a burdenon his family or himself.

(dramatic music)

- [Interpreter] I didn'twant to live anymore.

No one was going to accept me.

I was tired of hiding myself in the house.

I used to be the bigshot, today, not anymore.

- [Mengfei] As Gao slowlyslipped into the ocean

all of a sudden he heard a voice.

The voice was telling him don't worry,

outward beauty, it's nothing.

God is looking at our heartsand you are his child.

Gao paused remembered his Christian mom

told him the same thing,he collapsed in the water.

- When I woke up, the firstthing I saw was my mom.

She began to tell me about God.

She shared how God is the God of miracles.

Jesus never cares abouthow we look on the outside.

What matters to him was the inside.

He loves us no matter how we look.

- [Mengfei] Gao laid in bedlistening to his mom's words,

trying to understand what she was saying.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] God is goingto give you a new identity.

He loves you no matter what you look like.

- [Mengfei] He knew it wastime to make a decision.

- [Interpreter] After 18 operations,

I finally understoodwhy God spared my life

because he loves, he wants to use me

to tell others about Jesus.

I am so thankful that mymom introduced me to Jesus.

Despite of my sins mylife still matters to him.

- Gao started to attend tochurch services with his mom.

He was deeply touched bythe love and acceptance

from the church members.

He had new goals, he wrote many books

encouraging others toknow God and his miracles.

- [Interpreter] I have Jesus in my life.

I should be thankful about being alive.

He is not done with me.

I need to follow him and read his word.

I know he still has plans for me.

He loves me.

- [Mengfei] Today, GaoGuang has a new family.

He's very proud of his beautiful wife

and two amazing children.

Now when he looks at the ocean,

he's amazed by it'sbeauty and feels grateful

for what God has given him.

- [Interpreter] Jesus, thesavior and miracle worker.

- [Mengfei] Mengfei Li, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- Powerful testimony.

In Hong Kong, Christianityis a minority religion

but Christians are findingways to reach more people.

One church is taking the gospel to prison

and it is transforming thelives of hardened criminals.

(dramatic music)

- [Mengfei] From sunrise to sunset

gleaming over the riverside,people share stories

about Hong Kong and it's gainingthe attention of the world.

Susan is a church leaderwho says Hong Kong

and it's people are special to her.

- [Interpreter] I try to addvalue to the people around me.

We're all special in some way.

- Besides managing the church,

she's also actively involvedin an important mission.

Giving hope and guidance toHong Kong prison inmates.

Hong Kong has been part of mainland China

for more than 20 years.

Most of us know thatChristianity is spreading rapidly

in China.

Hong Kong has a more openreligious freedom policy

then mainland China andthat's why the prison ministry

is only possible in this part of China.

- [Interpreter] Wedesigned a unique program

called Onesimus.

The program is teaching those people

that God can change usinwardly, also outwardly.

We all made mistakes in life.

The critical part isto realize the mistakes

and get on the path that God has for us.

- [Mengfei] For Susan,leading the ministry

was not easy where manyinmates were teenagers

who are unaware thatbad choices often lead

to severe consequences.

In 1998, Robson Lau wasarrested on drug charges

and imprisoned for 25 years.

- [Interpreter] The 25years in prison was harsh,

I thought my life was done.

The choices that I made broughtpain and trauma unto me.

I thought my life was washed away.

Life didn't mean anything to me back then.

- [Mengfei] During hisdarkest, Lau met a pastor

from Susan's church whointroduced him to Christ.

Lau was deeply moved.

- [Interpreter] I was touched by God.

The time I wasn't a believerand tried to commit suicide

but I heard a voice saying,are you really going

to do stupid things andhurt your family again?

That voice brought meback and it was the voice

of the heavenly father.

- [Mengfei] As Lau studied the Bible,

he understood that Godstill had better plans

for his life.

His circumstances didn'tdetermine his future

only God had the final say.

In 2011, Lau was released,he immediately started

to attend Kumfun Association.

Today, Susan and the churchare making greater efforts

using the gospels in creative ways

to change inmates' lives.

They believe these peoplecould also become the children

of God one day.

- [Interpreter] God doesn'twanna break any relationships

even when those peopledon't seem loveable.

I also see that no matter howbroken or twisted a life is

when God picks it up,he really looks forward

to bringing back thegreatness that was there

when creation began.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Mengfei] Mengfei Li, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- [George] Up next, this Austrian Jew

escaped the Holocaust and fled to China

where he found refuge and much, much more.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- [Pat] People wanna know is there a plan

and how do you find it?

- [Narrator] CBN presents,The Plan, Eight Keys

for Understanding God'sWill for your Life.

- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.

- Is there a plan for everyone's life?

- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's latest teaching

you'll discover the secret to knowing

and living out God'sunique purpose for you.

- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life

in ways you couldn't believe possible.

- [Narrator] In The Plan,Pat reveals the principles

to understanding God's willso that you will be filled

with peace, provision,joy and satisfaction.

Plus, see amazing stories of how others

are living out there individual purpose

intended by God.

- God is faithful and wedid what he told us to do.

- [Narrator] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.

- [Pat] And I hope thatGod works out a plan in you

that will bring blessing,joy, peace and happiness.

- [Narrator] Get ThePlan, call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

(dramatic music)

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every childshould have the opportunity

to dream, the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story every told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

There's is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(dramatic music)

(children laughing)

- And welcome back to the special edition

of Christian World News.

You know in the 1930's and 1940's

were some of the darkesttimes for Europe's Jews.

Millions were executed inHitler's concentration camps.

One country that opened it's doors

to those fleeing the Holocaust was China.

Mengfei Li brings us the amazing story

of one Austrian Jew who literally

found new life in Shanghai.

(bomb explodes)

- It was part of history

that no one can forget.

During the reign of Nazidictator, Adolph Hitler,

Jews lived under daily terror.

Their synagogues were burned and millions

were sent to concentration camps.

Six million perished.

Some nations opened theirdoors to the fleeing Jews.

China was one of them.

Many Jewish families appliedfor VISA's to come to China.

All of a sudden cities like Shanghai

become home of the Jewish refugees.

Many were relieved thatChina was a safe place,

a country that changed their lives.

Elisabeth Linton was born in Austria.

She and her husband recentlyvisited Shanghai China,

not for sightseeing but inmemory of her deceased father,

Michael Weiss who came to Shanghai

after fleeing the Holocaust.

Weiss was born in ViennaAustria after Hitler

overran the country.

As a Jew, he realized thathe couldn't safely remain

in the country.

- After he came to Shanghaihe was working as an engineer.

He had graduated fromthe University in Vienna.

He was about 25 years old at the time.

- When I hear storiesabout how the nations,

many of the nations including America

turned away Jewish people seeking refuge,

it really is heartbreakingwhen you think about it

but look at what the Chinese people did.

They opened their armsto a persecuted people.

Some came without VISA's,some came without passports,

without proper documentation.

- [Mengfei] Upon landing in China,

American missionary coupleThorn and Carol Sternts

embraced Weiss.

- And they introduced him toWatchman Nee in the church

in Shanghai.

- [Mengfei] WatchmanNee was a church leader

and Christian teacher whoworked in China at the time.

Exposed to many Chinese Christians,

Weiss was deeply touched bythe help and love for him.

He learned about the Biblefrom the Chinese Christians.

- I think it was 15th of November 1939

he was baptized by Watchmen Nee.

Watchman Nee gave him the name Johannes

as his Christian name andJohannes stands for John.

- [Mengfei] Just when Weissthought things would get better,

the Japanese military invaded Shanghai

and he was taken prisoner andsent to a concentration camp.

During the imprisonment, hewas threatened numerous times

with death, however,Weiss only did two things,

read the Bible and pray.

At the end of World WarTwo, Johannes Michael Weiss

stayed another eight years in China

before moving back to Vienna.

He immediately started a new life.

- And he prayed, I have manyprayers that he wrote down

for his children that wewould come to know God early

in life and embrace the faithin God with all our hearts.

- [Mengfei] Today as she walks

around the Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum,

she was drawn to all the memories here.

- It made it real that he was here,

and especially the name of John

that was given to himas his Christian name.

- [Mengfei] Johannes MichaelWeiss passed away in 1983

with a degree in theology study,

he never stopped giving praises to Jesus

and thankfulness for the Chinese

who introduced him to the Lord.

- And my father toldme that the word of God

kept him alive.

- [Mengfei] Mengfei Li, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- [George] Coming up, ataste of Ireland in China.

And how one church used some creative ways

to help millennials find their true love.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We used this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,

keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutGoing the Distance.

- I think as a father,it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going theDistance with Shawn Brown

Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN Newschannel.

(dramatic music)

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(inspirational music)

- How can you find God'splan for your life?

- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe Plan, Eight Keys

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you'll discover the steps totake in following God's plan.

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- [Narrator] Get The Plan.

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- And welcome back to the broadcast.

When couples exchange vowsthey commit their lives

to their soulmates.

While in China, manyyoung people are hoping

to tie the knot before the year ends

but some find it difficultto meet their perfect match.

That's why Chinese churchleaders are coming up

with some very creativeways to help singles find

their true love.

Mengfei Li has the story.

(upbeat music)

- [Mengfei] On a beautifulsunny Saturday morning

in Beijing, these young Chinesedo something unusual here,

Irish dancing in the park.

Besides enjoying the fun, the main purpose

is to help single Christiansfind their true love.

Some Christians prayed for years

that Mr. or Mrs. Right will show up.

They passionately sought the right person.

Some even went to church leaders for help.

(speaks in foreign language)

- God called us to be inrelationships with one another.

Our church is like afamily, we wanna help them

find the right ones who are also part

of our Christian network.

We have many unmarriedamazing brothers and sisters.

They deserve to marry the right people.

That's what motivated usto plan such a huge event.

- [Mengfei] These youngpeople get to know each other

by playing group games.

This one requires themto find scripture verses

hidden in bushes.

- [Interpreter] I'm sohappy to see that everybody

is having a great time, praise the Lord.

- [Mengfei] It also broughtmany first timers too.

- [Interpreter] My pastor told me about it

and I am so glad that I came.

- Since 2012, many localchurches in Beijing

have organized similar annual events

through prayer andattending fun activities,

many have found the right personGod has prepared for them.

Lv Tie Yang was single for eight years.

Before attending the church programs

he tried many times on hisown to find his future wife

but that always ended in disappointment.

He started believingthere was no right person

waiting for him.

Church leaders encouragedhim to be patient

and faithful.

They were afraid that he willmiss a blessing from God.

- [Interpreter] When we arevulnerable and disappointed,

we tend to compromise our principles.

We need to remind ourselvesthat God is in control

and he has the perfectsolution for our puzzlement.

Trust in him is very important.

- [Mengfei] Later on,he began to take part

in church fellowship meetings.

Soon he met his futurewife, Xiang Chun Ji.

- [Interpreter] After beingmarried for eight months,

I still can't believethat I found a beautiful

and lovely wife.

We have our own familytoday, most importantly

we were able to grow together in the Lord.

God brought us together.

- [Mengfei] Lv's wife believes her husband

is a gift from the Lord.

- [Interpreter] Myhusband is such a caring

and sweet person.

He loves me so much.

We want to encourage othersingles to trust in Jesus.

He has the perfect timing.

- [Mengfei] Beijingchurch leaders are hoping

more Christians and non-Christians

will join these singlesprogram and come to realize

that God should always be atthe center of any relationship

and if they will waiton him they will find

their perfect match.

(upbeat Irish music)

- And Asian reporter,Mengfei Li joins us here

in the studio with more.

Why is Christian dating soimportant to young Chinese folks?

- Well, George, one thingyou notice that internet

growing rapidly in China

and there are over six millioninternet users in alone.

So a lot more millennials,they're looking for love

through the internet but guess what,

they're not finding anything.

So basically, that's wherethe church start to step in

saying, hey we'll helpyou find the right way

because love can be providedby God and through God.

- I'm curious is the view of Christianity

with this generation differentfrom generation's past.

- Well, George, you'vebeen to China many times

and you countermillennials from every trip

and I do too, it's very different.

I'm gonna have to say today,the younger generation

in China are crazy or passionateabout knowing the Lord

and because they realizeif I wanna be successful,

if I wanna make moremoney, have a great family,

I need to know the truth,I need to do something

and hold us accountable.

- Yeah, coming up in a fewseconds, we're gonna have a story

another unique story about coffee.

I always thought thatChinese love their tea,

coffee is now growing there?

- Well, coffee definitelyis still existing in China

but guess what the younger generations

are replacing the Chinese tradition

with something more western.

So you've been to China many times

and through the bigger countries,

you see Starbucks andcoffee shops everywhere

and guess what, it's one of the way

to show their luxurious lifestyle.

- Okay, terrific, stay withus, we'll have more of that,

as I said, a story about coffee in China.

Well, folks, we'll beback right after this.

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- [Chris] It's a bigdiplomatic tug of war here

in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell

and get the biblicalperspective on the events

shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch JerusalemDateline, Friday night

at 9:30 on the CBN Newschannel.

(dramatic music)

- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving

and serving at risk children,

to helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities for strong

and sustainable communitiesaround the world.

We're working in over 60countries around the world

and with your help, we can do even more.

There's an old Africanproverb I love that says

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but if you wanna run far, run together.

At Orphan's Promise, we want to run far

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change theworld, one child, one family,

one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(upbeat music)

(children laughing)

(upbeat music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

in a fresh, fearless way.

(upbeat music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillojoin me each week

for Next Gen Voices.

(upbeat music)

And watch God transform a generation.

(upbeat music)

- Coffee is one of the mostpopular drinks in China today,

in fact, there are more coffee shops today

rising in the capital city.

One coffee store owneris using a unique way

to invite customers to taste

more than just the popular drinks.

(bell chimes)

- [Mengfei] Hanye Weiis a native Beijinger.

Since 19, he devoted himselfinto the coffee business.

For so long he was fascinatedby the unique smell

and delicious flavor.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] The firsttime I tasted coffee,

I was drawn to the flavor.

It's something I had never tasted before.

Starbucks was stillnew to China back then.

Chinese people didn'tunderstand how to appreciate

this Western drink.

- [Mengfei] Wei was determinedto learn more about coffee.

He learned how to make it and came out

with his own unique recipes.

- [Interpreter] I was soeager to pursue my own passion

but it was not easy.

When I faced setbacks, I was frustrated,

I knew I could do it butsomehow couldn't make it right.

It seemed like something was missing.

- [Mengfei] Wei beganspending more time away

from his family.

His wife felt he was no longer dedicated

to the marriage and their children.

Then one day Wei met a Christian friend

and shared his frustration and concerns.

After a long talk werealized what was missing.

He became interested in going to church

and he made a decision.

- [Interpreter] The sameday before going to bed,

I gave my life to Jesus.

I wanted him to help me tobecome a successful coffee maker.

I couldn't do it alone.

- [Mengfei] Wei took the opportunity

to open his own shop in one

of the most popular areas of Beijing.

His business grew andhe started riding a bike

delivering coffee to his customers.

- [Interpreter] It's likeGod suddenly opened a faucet.

People started to come to my coffee shop.

I was overwhelmed byblessings and provision.

He taught me so much over the years.

- Being the coffee shopowner more than 10 years,

Wei was grateful about whatGod has provided for him.

Gradually, he began toinvite his customers

to listen to his story as well else

encouraging young people in China

to know about Jesus Christ.

- [Interpreter] People always ask me

how I became successful today.

It's important for themto hear my stories.

It's not about me.

God did it for me.

- [Mengfei] Every Fridaynight, Wei holds Bible study

at his coffee shop.

He is not afraid ofpeople asking questions.

He's passionate about sharing the gospel

with everyone who comes in.

- [Interpreter] Wei is a great teacher.

He's very patient whenexplaining different books

of the gospel to us.

His stories about God touched me.

- [Mengfei] Trying to makea living in large cities

like Beijing and Shanghai, it's not easy.

Wei sees more Chinese millennialsare flooding to Beijing

to pursue their dreams.

He's planning to open up more coffee shops

around the nation.

The purpose is to invite morecoffee lovers to his store

and give them a chance toknow how great his God is.

- [Interpreter] Beingsuccessful is not easy.

But everyone has the opportunitiesto achieve their dreams

by knowing God andfollowing his principles.


- [Mengfei] Mengfei Li,CBN News, Beijing China.

- Thank you Mengfei Li, thankyou so much for joining us

on this special editionof Christian World News

as we see what God is doingin the nation of China

Until next week, goodbyeand God bless you.

(dramatic music)


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