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Bernie Sanders Indicates His Plan to Battle Climate Change Includes Abortion

Bernie Sanders Indicates His Plan to Battle Climate Change Includes Abortion Read Transcript

- Democratic presidentialcandidate Bernie Sanders

sparked outrage for linking abortion

to population control

during a town hall in Vermont last night.

During a discussion on climate change,

Sanders said he would supporttaxpayer-funded programs

to provide abortions and birth control

for women in developing countries

as a measure to combat the climate crisis.

Pro-lifers have calledSanders' response horrifying,

and joining us now to talk about this more

is constitutional lawattorney Jenna Ellis.

Jenna, what is your reactionto Sanders' comments?

- Well, I would agree, and Iactually clarified this as well

as absolutely horrifying.

I mean, this is somethingwhere the Democrats

are prioritizing a political interest

literally over the livesof millions of children,

and to think that BernieSanders and the Democrats

could be so callous toward human life

and especially in other countries

that to say that simplybecause of climate change

then we need to promote abortions

and encourage young mothers

to literally murder their children.

I mean, this is just an atrocity

that is reaching new boundsof just unbelievable response.

And so if this doesn'tshow the American people

how far progressive-left theDemocratic Party has gone,

I don't know what will.

And this should justoutrage the conscience

of every individual who saw that comment

and who's reading the news today

because we all know innately, Martin,

that every human life is sacred

and is made in the image of God,

and that is not just for Americans,

that's for every single country,

that's for every humanbeing that ever lived

and ever could live.

And we need to make sure thatthe people who are in power

in this country not only recognize that,

but they are preserving life

and they are preservingthese types of, just,

I mean, they're just preserving our rights

over anything that would bein political partisan gain.

- Would a program that pays forabortions in other countries

even be plausible?

- Well, you know, Bernie Sanders

mentioned the Mexico Agreement

which essentially statesthat the United States

won't fund abortions in other countries,

and this shouldn't befeasible, and even if,

for some reason, Congressrescinded that agreement

or there were some other way

that the United States facilitated that,

that's not within ourconstitutional framework.

Certainly, we understand thatour rights are pre-political,

they are God-given, andthat first and foremost,

includes the right to life,

and so our government shouldnot at all be promoting

or trying to make legalabortion in our country,

certainly the Roe versus Wade

and its progeny needs to be overturned

just on a constitutional basis,

but our government has no plausible legal

or constitutional or moral argument

to be promoting or paying forabortions in other countries.

- What have you been hearingin the pro-life community?

How are people responding?

- You know, I've read in TheDaily Wire, The Daily Caller,

and other conservative outlets,

even among people who aren'tnecessarily Christians

but understand that thisis just a heinous atrocity.

People are horrified by this comment,

people are reporting on it,

and I think that this isshowing, just blatantly,

how the leftist-extreme Democrats,

how far they're willing to gosimply to promote their agenda

and because they are socallous against human life,

I think this is wakingup even more individuals

beyond just the conservativepro-life communities.

Certainly there are a numberof us, myself included,

that have ardently advocated

for pro-life issues in the past,

but I think that withthis stark of an example

on a main stage, and Bernie Sanders

wasn't even called out for it

among the moderators oramong his fellow candidates,

that this is really waking upmy generation of millennials

and certainly the younger generations

to recognize that this is an issue

that we have to stand for,and so I'm encouraged to see

that there are more peoplewho recognize this issue

and are willing to now stand up

for pro-life as a moral issue

even if they aren'tnecessarily Christians.

- All right, constitutionallaw attorney Jenna Ellis.

Thank you, Jenna, for yourtime and your insights.

- Thank you so much for having me.


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