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Mass Shooting Survivor Sustained by Faith

Jennifer Bennett is a survivor of the DC Navy Yard shooting that killed 12 people. She shares how her faith in God sustained her. Read Transcript

- Almost six years ago,Jennifer Bennett's world

nearly came to a dead stop in a stairwell.

What she did in thatinstant saved her life

and it could save your life, too.

- On the 16th of September,2013, I went to work,

normal day and about 8:10, started hearing

pop, pop, pop.

- [Reporter] JenniferBennett got out of her seat

at the Navy yard inWashington, DC, and prepared

to go down the stairs.

- When I hit the topstair of that mid-level,

there was the shooter.

He was standing on the stairs looking up

and when I came to a halt I was shot.

- [Reporter] She wasshot at point blank range

and suffered extensive wounds.

Emergency physicians calledher survival a miracle.

In her book," StandingStill", Jennifer recounts

the details of that day,her long road to recovery

and how her faith preparedher for that fateful moment.

- Please welcome to The700 Club, Jennifer Bennett.

It's great to have you here.

- It's great to be here, thank you.

- Great to be anywhere, right,isn't that the old saying?

Walk us back, Jennifer, if you will,

to that morning in September.

You were sitting at your desk.

You heard the pop, pop, pop.

Did you realize it was gunshots?

- Did not.

So, we have a buildingthat is a block long,

it's five stories high, hastwo atriums, which are open

and so, noise floats through our building,

so you learn to deafen your ears to noise.

So, it became just more noise.

But, the second round, I said to myself,

gosh, that's different.

- Something's wrong.

- Something else is going on.

And so, I got out of my cubicle and walked

along the atrium to see if I could see

what was making the noise.

At that moment a young woman yelled

across the atrium and said, Jen,

it sounds like someone's shooting.

And sure enough, right belowus, on the floor below,

was where the shooterwas running and shooting.

- Oh my.

- And so, she went out of the building.

- So, you headed for a stairwell.

There were two options youhad, but one took you down

to a locked in littlecourtyard area, so you took

the one that gave you anopportunity to get out.

You're on the stairwell,you reach a landing

and tell me what you see.

- So, when I reached thatlanding, because I'm not

really afraid of anythingand I don't get excited

about fire drills, 'causethat's what I was responding to,

because when you go to work you don't know

that there's gonna be a shooter.

- You're not expecting this.

- No, you're not expecting it.

So, when I, I was humminga hymn, I was at a place

of complete peace.

I was talking with Godand I got to that landing

and as my hand went aroundthe curve of the stairwell,

because it's an openatrium as well, there was

the shooter standing onthe steps with a gun up.

- You talk in the book aboutthe fact that you really,

I mean, you didn't just standstill, you were still inside.

What was God doing insideof you at that moment?

- I was walking the 23rd Psalm.

I can tell you what itfeels like to be in awe.

The presence of God was there.

My very being knew he was there.

I could feel him and Iwas at peace, so that hymn

he gave me was, It is Well With Your Soul.

And, he was present and hewanted me to stand still

and he needed me to stand still.

- That's the name of yourbook, "Standing Still",

in a culture of mass shooting,but what, did that feel

weird to you at the time?

I mean, most peoplewould've turned and run

as fast as they could.

- Well, God makes useach very specifically

and he's made me a warrior.

I'm afraid of no one or anything.

I drive conflict to fix things.

And so, I've always been this way.

This is who I am.

- Tell me what you sawin the eyes of this man

as he looked at you, becauseyou were that close to him.

- I was, 10 steps.

- Wow.

- What God wanted me to see was what a man

or person looks like when they're broken

and he was broken.

My heart broke for him.

What I saw was a man whohad no value for himself.

He was valueless.

He didn't feel valuable.

And then, he had no value for others.

He was truly what it lookslike when a person is hopeless.

No faith, nothing toground into, and that's

when evil can use a person.

- Yeah, so as you stoodstill in this spot,

suddenly he fires at you.

I mean, in such close rangefrom a sawed off shotgun.

Tell me about that.

- So, after a few moments Ifinally shrugged my shoulder.

He had to make a decision.

We all have decisions to make.

And his decision, as I watchedthis shadow cross his face,

he became very angry.

Up until then his face was at peace.

And then, he pulled the trigger.

I watched the blast andthen I watched it hit me.

I took a couple stepsback, closed my eyes,

took a couple steps back and he ran down

the steps, 'cause he thought I was done.

- Wow, wow.

After you were shot you wound up,

in order to move from that place, I mean,

a lot of people wouldn't havesurvived that to begin with,

but you had to go upseveral more stairs to find,

you couldn't go down, he wentdown, so you had to go up.

It was quite a miraclewhen you and a couple men

who were behind you got to the top, a door

that should've been lockedonto the roof was unlocked.

- And, it was the onlystairwell that actually had

a door to the roof.

- Wow.

- So, God prepares the way and he knew

that day was coming.

He prepared me for that day

and he gave me the men I neededto have in the stairwell.

He gave me the peace that I needed to have

and he gave me the skills

and capabilities and understanding.

- You shouldn't have survived that shot.

I mean, you were severely damaged by it.

As I read in the book, youcould actually see through

your shoulder, the holewent from the front

all the way out the back.

What was the miracle of your survival?

- Well, that miracle, accordingto the medical community

and law enforcement, is I was shot

with a sawed off shotgun,

It's called a low blast forced impact

at a short range with a double ought shot.

Double ought shot is what hunters use

to take down full grown deer.

- Wow.

- So, to go through myarm and not completely

blow it off, although itwas pretty much blown,

for me to still be ableto walk up the stairs.

I sat on the roof foran hour and 20 minutes.

- Good grief.

- So, the miracle there is, God put it

in the inch and a half

that you could be shotor wounded in your arm

and allow me to have theuse of my arm and not die.

- So, had you not stood still.

- I'd be dead.

- You'd be dead.

- He needed me to standstill and he put the shooter

where he needed him to beso that he could shoot me

and have me shot so thatI could do the purpose

that he's got me doing.

- How has this changed you?

- The folks around me,I'm a pretty tough cookie.

- I can see that.

- I'm a force to be reckoned with.

Sometimes the warrior gets in your way,

but he softened my heart.

I have always cared deeplyfor the people around me.

I know all the people.

I know about them.

I know their lives and their families

and I care for themvery, but that tough part

was in the way.

So, he's taken the tough part away.

I'm still strong and tough, but I allow

my heart to be seen,

and that's the Christ in it.

- And it's what changes the lives

of the people around you that you know.

- Indeed, it does.

- Wow, well, we've onlytouched the surface.

Jennifer's book is fascinating.

I wanna encourage you to get a hold of it.

It's called, "Standing Still",

in a culture of mass shooting,

the Navy yard shooting survivor.

It is available wherever books are sold,

a compelling read.

Thank you so much, wonderfulto have you here, Jennifer.

- You're very welcome.

May I add that Guiding Light Books is

a good place to go or Amazon?

- Okay, great, thank you.

- Thank you.

- Good to know that.

- Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.


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