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- Well, it's time for some email,
Pat are you ready?- All right, let's do it,
all right let's see what we got.
- This first one comesfrom Nicole who says,
"Hey Pat, is it a sin for Christians
to buy scratch-off cards?
Isn't it like depending onanother source for money?"
- Look, there's nothing wrong
with depending on another source,
I mean, you can have several sources.
The question is gambling is tempting God
and what's you're sayingis I'll scratch on this
and I'm gonna get rich
and I'm gonna pray thatGod will give me a break
and I'll hit the lottery.
I pray that I'll pull an inside straight,
I pray that I'll get a heartto get a complete flush.
I pray that I'll get anotherace to get a full house
or whatever, that's tempting God
but you buy one of those things
and scratch it off or you think it's fun.
I mean, say to you itdoesn't mean anything,
well, if it's whatever'snot of faith is sin,
if you feel it's wrong don't do it
but if it's kind of fun thenI'm gonna waste five dollars
anyhow so I'm gonna get-
- If you have fivedollars to waste. (laughs)
- If you have fivedollars to waste, I mean,
then it's okay but I don't think you
wanna waste God's money but that's,
it's the attitude ofyour heart, all right.
- This is Diane who says, "I'vebeen in a terrible marriage
for 16 years and I'm wondering
when do you actually say enough is enough.
My husband has cheated on me several times
and has a bad temper.
He's not physically abusivebut verbally abusive.
We have three children andI worry about the example
he sets for them.
I'm scared to leavebecause of all the unknowns
and worried if I did, would it get better
and would anyone ever love me?
With three kids, how do you ever move on
when you're going to be
in each other's lives forever anyway?
Please help."
- Look, first of all, youhave scriptural grounds
for divorce.
He's cheated on you sohe's committed adultery
so that's the ground, okay.
Now what he's doing isdestroying you mentally
and you don't have to continue that.
Now there are courtsset up to help battered
and abused women and alsomentally abused women
and you can call the groundintolerable cruelty or whatever.
And your husband will beforced to pay alimony,
that's the way it works.
And so I think that you don't wanna
get some rapaciousshyster to represent you
but if you can find a Christian lawyer
who understand you're not angry,
you're not trying to hurt somebody
but you just, it's anintolerable situation
and you need some help andI think you can get it.
In addition, trust whateverGod's put into your hands,
you may have moreabilities than you realize
and use those abilities andlet the Lord take care of you
but get out of that deal youshouldn't have to endure that
what you're going through, all right.
- This is Patty whosays, "Where in the Bible
does it state or prove oncewe die we cannot return?"
- Well, the Bible clearlytalks about the rich man
and Lazarus and Lazarussaid let me go from here
and he's in Abraham's bosom,
he wants to go warn his brothers
and Abraham says I'm sorry,
there's a great gulf fixed between us
and you can't go from there to here
and we can't go from here to you.
I tell once you die it's fixed.
It's the point that manwants to die and after that
the judgment, there's no coming back,
there's no second chance, no way.
I'm sorry that's just not whatthe Bible said, all right.
- This is Linda whosays, "I hear often God
has a plan for your life,who is this meant for,
does this include most peoplewho's lived or are living?
Millions have suffered anddied because of famines,
droughts, earthquakes, floods, diseases.
What about the millionsthat are having to live
under cruel rulers or dictators?
Is that the plan for their lives?"
- Look, God speaks toJeremiah and he says,
I know the thought that I had for you,
I have a plan to do you good and not harm.
He's talking to a prophet and the message
is for the prophet andI know a lot of people
take that as for them butI think he has a prayer.
When Jesus was praying he said,I don't pray for the world,
I pray for those fatherthat you've given me
out of the world.
And I think the world,if I can use that term
lies in wickedest and isthere a plan for all of them,
specifically, I don't thinkthe Bible teaches that.
Jeremiah was a prophet,God had a plan for his life
and I think God has a prayerfor if we'll look for the plan,
God will show us the plan
but all these multitudes you talked about,
they don't know God,they don't know any plan
and God doesn't, the Bibledoesn't say he has a plan
for everybody.
I mean, you misquote scriptureon that one, all right.